@@ -83,7 +82,13 @@ error, check your firewall and be sure there are no LEVERSC specific rules, and
are enabled.
2. Examine any errors or warnings from the LEVERSC visualization tool. From the View menu, choose 'toggle developer tools'. Select console. Any debug output here can be submitted as part of a bug report.
### Bug Reporting
## Linux MATLAB over X issues with app launch
On some Linux distros, launching from MATLAB while running via X windows may not work. As a workaround, launch the app separately from the command line:
leverjs --port=3001 --title="alt figure 1"
After the app is launched, use regularly from within MATLAB.
# Bug Reporting
Please submit any bugs or issues via email to andrew.r.cohen 'at' drexel.edu. Mark the subject line as 'leversc bug report'. Include your operating system and version, what client you are using (e.g. MATLAB, Python, ImageJ), and any