CellHulls contains the data on the hulls which results of the segmentation and resegmentation. Hulls are the lowest level of the Tracking Hierachy[1] and describe the location of each cell on the image on a given frame.
Field Values
Field | Description |
time | The frame number associated with the image from which the hull was taken |
points | The xy coordinates vertex points of the convex hull |
centerOfMass | The xy location of the centroid of the indexed pixels |
indexPixels | The xy locations of the BW connected component used to make the hull |
deleted | boolean indicating if the hull has been deleted by Reseg |
userEdits | boolean indicating if the hull was made manually in Reseg |
FlourVal | 1 by N array, where N is the number of channels denoting the value(s) associated with the fluorescence channel |