CellTracks contains the data on the Tracks which are the second level of the Tracking Heirachy. They are comprised of multiple hulls which have been associated through tracking
### Field Values
| Field | Description |
| -------- |--------- |
|FamilyID | Id of the family that contains all of the tracks associated through mitosis |
|ParentTrack | if exists, list of tracks that produced this one through mitosis |
|SiblingTrack | if exists, single track id also produced from the mitosis starting this track|
|ChildrenTrack| if exists, List of the two tracks produced from mitosis ending this track|
|Hulls |Array of the Hull Ids that make up each hull|
|startTime | Time value of the first hull in the track |
|endTime |Time value of the last hull in the track |
|color | Color value assigned to the track used by [UI.DrawCells][1] and [UI.DrawTree][2]|