% Opener - This kernel will erode follow by a dilation.
% arrayOut = HIP.Opener(arrayIn,kernel,[numIterations],[device])
% imageIn = This is a one to five dimensional array. The first three dimensions are treated as spatial.
% The spatial dimensions will have the kernel applied. The last two dimensions will determine
% how to stride or jump to the next spatial block.
% kernel = This is a one to three dimensional array that will be used to determine neighborhood operations.
% In this case, the positions in the kernel that do not equal zeros will be evaluated.
% In other words, this can be viewed as a structuring element for the max neighborhood.
% numIterations (optional) = This is the number of iterations to run the max filter for a given position.
% This is useful for growing regions by the shape of the structuring element or for very large neighborhoods.
% Can be empty an array [].
% device (optional) = Use this if you have multiple devices and want to select one explicitly.
% Setting this to [] allows the algorithm to either pick the best device and/or will try to split
% the data across multiple devices.
% imageOut = This will be an array of the same type and shape as the input array.
function arrayOut = Opener(arrayIn,kernel,numIterations,device)
arrayOut = HIP.Cuda.Opener(arrayIn,kernel,numIterations,device);
catch errMsg
arrayOut = HIP.Local.Opener(arrayIn,kernel,numIterations,device);