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OpenSource / ssfCluster
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
OpenSource / RSF
OtherUpdated -
repository for paper in review. code will be released free and open source (license tbd) when manuscript is accepted. contact andyrcohen@outlook.com for more info.
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OpenSource / leverjs
Otherleverjs is the new new. it combines our previous LEVER and CloneView projects into a single set of software tools for working with live cell & tissue microscopy images.
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OpenSource / ljsctc
The UnlicenseUpdated -
OpenSource / leversc
MIT LicenseProject source and documentation for "LEVERSC: Cross-Platform Scriptable Multichannel 3-D Visualization for Fluorescence Microscopy Images"
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OpenSource / llsm-calcium-vesicles-lever
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThis project contains analysis source code for the publication: Winter et al., Dynamics and molecular control of calcium-vesicle motion during sea urchin skeletogenesis revealed by 4D lattice-light-sheet-microscopy, 2020.
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OpenSource / MBL2016
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
Raymond Yung / ljsctc
The UnlicenseUpdated -
OpenSource / NWD
MIT Licensesource code for 'Web Similarity', A. R. Cohen and P. M. B. Vitanyi. In review. Intended for review evaluation only. Not licensed for public use. Will be released free and open source on acceptance of manuscript.
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Open source lineage editing and validation tools for analysis of proliferating cells in phase-contrast microscopy.
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OpenSource / hydra-image-processor
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseCuda Kernels with Mex wrapper to process 3-D images
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OpenSource / GapSpectral
Othersource code from A.R. Cohen, C. Bjornsson, S. Temple, G. Banker, and B. Roysam, "Automatic Summarization of Changes in Biological Image Sequences using Algorithmic Information Theory". IEEE TPAMI, 2009. 31(8)
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OpenSource / PixelRep
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licensesource code for "Segmenting Touching Cells" manuscript is in review - code is NOT RELEASED FOR PUBLIC USE - this repository is only for use by selected reviewers code will be released free and open source when manuscript is accepted...