diff --git a/src/buildsrc/MakeSourceRelease.m b/src/buildsrc/MakeSourceRelease.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 9698623c179277cd53320415c8bbc10ab3fd3e22..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/buildsrc/MakeSourceRelease.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-% MakeSourceRelease(outdir) - Creates a LEVer source release in outdir.
-% NOTE: Because of the compile and dependency copies this command takes
-% a very long time to execute, if you have already compiled you can comment
-% out the CompileLEVer line to reduce execution time slightly.
-function MakeSourceRelease(outdir)
-    % Only need this if you haven't already made a binary build
-    CompileLEVer;
-    recmkdir(fullfile(outdir,'bin'));
-    system(['copy ' '"..\..\bin\LEVer.exe" "' fullfile(outdir,'bin') '"']);
-    system(['copy ' '"..\..\bin\MTC.exe" "' fullfile(outdir,'bin') '"']);
-    system(['copy ' '"..\..\bin\Segmentor.exe" "' fullfile(outdir,'bin') '"']);
-    recmkdir(fullfile(outdir,'src'));
-    system(['copy ' '"..\gnu gpl v3.txt" "' fullfile(outdir,'src') '"']);
-    system(['copy ' '"..\LEVer_ProgManual.docx" "' fullfile(outdir,'src') '"']);
-    % Copy all dependencies of LEVer and Segmentor
-    recmkdir(fullfile(outdir,'src\MATLAB'));
-    cd('..\MATLAB');
-    cpdeps(fullfile(outdir,'src\MATLAB'), 'LEVer');
-    cpdeps(fullfile(outdir,'src\MATLAB'), 'Segmentor');
-    system(['copy ' '"CompileLEVer.m" "' fullfile(outdir,'src\MATLAB') '"']);
-    system(['copy ' '"Properties.fig" "' fullfile(outdir,'src\MATLAB') '"']);
-    system(['copy ' '"..\..\bin\MTC.exe" "' fullfile(outdir,'src\MATLAB') '"']);
-    system(['copy ' '"..\..\bin\Segmentor.exe" "' fullfile(outdir,'src\MATLAB') '"']);
-    cd('..\buildsrc');
-    % Copy c sources
-    recmkdir(fullfile(outdir,'src\c'));
-    system(['copy ' '"..\c\*.sln" "' fullfile(outdir,'src\c') '"']);
-    system(['copy ' '"..\c\*.vcproj" "' fullfile(outdir,'src\c') '"']);
-    recmkdir(fullfile(outdir,'src\c\MTC'));
-    system(['copy ' '"..\c\MTC\*.*" "' fullfile(outdir,'src\c\MTC') '"']);
-    recmkdir(fullfile(outdir,'src\c\mexMAT'));
-    system(['copy ' '"..\c\mexMAT\*.*" "' fullfile(outdir,'src\c\mexMAT') '"']);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/buildsrc/buildDepList.m b/src/buildsrc/buildDepList.m
deleted file mode 100644
index fb71c7a415727e91e6fd6cc446751b3dec0a8c28..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/buildsrc/buildDepList.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-function [deplist, intDeps, callTree] = buildDepList(funcname)
-    [deps,builtins,classes,prob_files,prob_sym,eval_strings,called_from] = depfun(funcname, '-quiet');
-    internalIdx = strmatch(matlabroot, deps);
-    intDeps = deps(internalIdx);
-    tst = boolean(zeros(length(deps),1));
-    tst(internalIdx) = 1;
-    tst = ~tst;
-    deplist = deps(tst);
-    extCallFrom = called_from(tst);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/buildsrc/cpdeps.m b/src/buildsrc/cpdeps.m
deleted file mode 100644
index a14db16529926a512b900ca7d101d03736e27c9a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/buildsrc/cpdeps.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-function fdeps = cpdeps(outdir, funcname)
-    % Takes a long time
-    fdeps = buildDepList(funcname);
-    % Copy all external dependencies to specified path
-    recmkdir(outdir);
-    for i=1:length(fdeps)
-        copyfile(fdeps{i}, outdir);
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/buildsrc/recmkdir.m b/src/buildsrc/recmkdir.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b46257701a5889aa8e4cbc8d619d78a61d45a7c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/buildsrc/recmkdir.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-function recmkdir(dirname)
-	[pathelems, driveletter] = splitpath(dirname);
-    drv = [];
-    if ( ~isempty(driveletter) )
-        drv = [driveletter ':'];
-    end
-    pathcheck = drv;
-    for i=1:length(pathelems)
-        pathcheck = fullfile(pathcheck,pathelems{i},'');
-        if ( ~exist(pathcheck, 'dir') )
-            mkdir(pathcheck);
-            %disp(['making: ' pathcheck]);
-        end
-    end
-function [pathelems, drive] = splitpath(path)
-    % Strip leading and ending quotes if necessary
-    if ( path(1) == '"' )
-        path = path(2:end-1);
-    end
-    drive = [];
-    pathelems = [];
-    [parseelem, residual] = strtok(path, filesep);
-    if ( parseelem(end) == ':' )
-        drive = parseelem(1:end-1);
-    else
-        pathelems{end+1} = parseelem;
-    end
-    while ( ~isempty(residual) )
-        [parseelem, residual] = strtok(residual, filesep);
-        if ( ~isempty(parseelem) )
-            pathelems{end+1} = parseelem;
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file