diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+Editor/CreateMitosisAction.m b/src/MATLAB/+Editor/CreateMitosisAction.m
index c4ca7dbbac402e82224872102dff652629ad7ebd..c16ce02198cf7b4cc7e6b2f481e2beadcaf92e63 100644
--- a/src/MATLAB/+Editor/CreateMitosisAction.m
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+Editor/CreateMitosisAction.m
@@ -3,83 +3,42 @@
 % Create user identified mitosis events and add to current tree.
-function historyAction = CreateMitosisAction(trackID, dirFlag, treeID, time, linePoints)
-    global CellFamilies CellTracks HashedCells
+function historyAction = CreateMitosisAction(trackID, dirFlag, time, linePoints)
+    global CellTracks
     if ( time < 2 )
         error('Mitosis event cannot be defined in the first frame');
-    treeTracks = [CellFamilies(treeID).tracks];
-    bInTracks = Helper.CheckInTracks(time, treeTracks, 0, 0);
-	checkTracks = treeTracks(bInTracks);
-    if ( isempty(checkTracks) )
-        error('No valid tracks to add a mitosis onto');
-    end
-    startTimes = [CellTracks(checkTracks).startTime];
-    [minTime minIdx] = min(startTimes);
-    forceParents = [];
-    % If a mitosis is specified RIGHT after another one, we have a problem
-    % so force old mitosis children into the list
-    if ( minTime == time-1 )
-        forceParents = arrayfun(@(x)(CellTracks(x).hulls(1)), checkTracks);
-    end
+    treeID = CellTracks(trackID).familyID;
     linePoints = clipToImage(linePoints);
     % Find or create hulls to define mitosis event
     childHulls = Segmentation.MitosisEditor.FindChildrenHulls(linePoints, time);
-    parentHull = Segmentation.MitosisEditor.FindParentHull(childHulls, linePoints, time-1, forceParents);
-%     costMatrix = Tracker.GetCostMatrix();
-%     bLeafTrack = arrayfun(@(x)(isempty(x.childrenTracks)), CellTracks(treeTracks));
-%     leafTracks = treeTracks(bLeafTrack);
-    Helper.SetTreeLocked(treeID, 0);
+    parentHull = Segmentation.MitosisEditor.FindParentHull(childHulls, linePoints, time-1);
-    % NOTE: This just makes the tree as balanced as possible, it is probably not correct
-    balancedTrack = checkTracks(minIdx);
-    parentTrack = Hulls.GetTrackID(parentHull);
+    chkDropHull = Helper.GetNearestTrackHull(trackID, time+1,+1);
-    % TODO: Don't change things up if parentTrack is already complete and on
-    % the correct family
-    if ( CellTracks(parentTrack).familyID == treeID )
-        balancedTrack = parentTrack;
+    parentTrackID = Hulls.GetTrackID(parentHull);
+    if ( parentTrackID ~= trackID )
+        parentTrackID = Tracks.TearoffHull(parentHull);
+        Tracks.ChangeTrackID(parentTrackID, trackID, time-1);
-    if ( ~isempty(trackID) && dirFlag > 0 )
-        balancedTrack = trackID;
-    else
-        error('Adding mitosis event above edit is currently unsupported!');
+    chkTrackID = Hulls.GetTrackID(childHulls(1));
+    if ( chkTrackID ~= trackID )
+        chkTrackID = Tracks.TearoffHull(childHulls(1));
+        Tracks.ChangeLabel(chkTrackID, trackID, time);
-    if ( balancedTrack ~= parentTrack )
-        attemptLockedChangeLabel(parentTrack, balancedTrack, time-1);
-    end
+    newTrackID = Tracks.TearoffHull(childHulls(2));
+    Families.AddMitosis(newTrackID, trackID, time);
-    childTrack = Hulls.GetTrackID(childHulls(1));
-    if ( balancedTrack ~= childTrack )
-        attemptLockedChangeLabel(childTrack, balancedTrack, time);
-    end
-    childTrack = Hulls.GetTrackID(childHulls(2));
-    if ( Helper.CheckTreeLocked(childTrack) )
-        error('Not yet implemented: Locked "addMitosis"');
-    else
-        Families.AddMitosis(childTrack, balancedTrack, time);
-    end
-    % TODO: Make this respect the endTime from start of state
-    if ( time < length(HashedCells) )
-        for i=1:2
-            childTrack = Hulls.GetTrackID(childHulls(i));
-            Helper.DropSubtree(childTrack);
-        end
+    if ( chkDropHull > 0 )
+        leftChildTrackID = Hulls.GetTrackID(childHulls(1));
+        fixupChildTrackID = Hulls.GetTrackID(chkDropHull);
+        Tracks.ChangeLabel(fixupChildTrackID, leftChildTrackID, time+1);
     Helper.SetTreeLocked(treeID, 1);
@@ -87,14 +46,6 @@ function historyAction = CreateMitosisAction(trackID, dirFlag, treeID, time, lin
     historyAction = 'Push';
-function attemptLockedChangeLabel(changeTrack, desiredTrack, time)
-    if ( Helper.CheckTreeLocked(changeTrack) )
-        Tracks.LockedChangeLabel(changeTrack, desiredTrack, time);
-    else
-        Tracks.ChangeLabel(changeTrack, desiredTrack, time);
-    end
 function newPoints = clipToImage(linePoints)
     global CONSTANTS
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+Editor/MitosisEditInitializeAction.m b/src/MATLAB/+Editor/MitosisEditInitializeAction.m
index bf3f3596a1bafa27b12fda57cf7767278ed2dbdf..c139554d0132b4fdd339a4d965ad4cd7d7ff876a 100644
--- a/src/MATLAB/+Editor/MitosisEditInitializeAction.m
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+Editor/MitosisEditInitializeAction.m
@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ function historyAction = MitosisEditInitializeAction(treeID, endTime)
     CellFamilies(treeID).bLocked = 1;
-    historyAction = 'Push';
+    historyAction = '';
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+Editor/MitosisHullPhenotypeAction.m b/src/MATLAB/+Editor/MitosisHullPhenotypeAction.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8aea85b38b6bf6a7c4b51d3c9904c3fdc1070113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+Editor/MitosisHullPhenotypeAction.m
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+% [historyAction newTrack] = MitosisHullPhenotypeAction()
+% Edit Action:
+function [historyAction hullID] = MitosisHullPhenotypeAction(clickPoint, time, trackID)
+    hullID = Hulls.FindHull(time, clickPoint);
+    if ( hullID <= 0 )
+        newTrackID = Segmentation.AddNewSegmentHull(clickPoint, time);
+        hullID = Tracks.GetHullID(time, newTrackID);
+    else
+        newTrackID = Hulls.GetTrackID(hullID);
+    end
+    if ( newTrackID ~= trackID )
+        newTrackID = Tracks.TearoffHull(hullID);
+        Tracks.ChangeLabel(newTrackID, trackID, time);
+    end
+    historyAction = '';
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+Tracks/TearoffHull.m b/src/MATLAB/+Tracks/TearoffHull.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b14dc68d0c532a31aeafa2428593728c2e0225eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+Tracks/TearoffHull.m
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+function newTrackID = TearoffHull(hullID)
+    global CellHulls CellTracks
+    time = CellHulls(hullID).time;
+    trackID = Hulls.GetTrackID(hullID);
+    if ( length(CellTracks(trackID).hulls) == 1 )
+        newTrackID = trackID;
+        return;
+    end
+    bLeafTrack = isempty(CellTracks(trackID).childrenTracks);
+    bStartHull = (CellTracks(trackID).startTime == time);
+    bEndHull = (CellTracks(trackID).endTime == time);
+    droppedTracks = Families.RemoveFromTree(trackID, time);
+    newTrackID = Hulls.GetTrackID(hullID);
+    if ( bEndHull )
+        % Tearoff both children since can't reconstruct mitosis without
+        % this hull
+        if ( ~bLeafTrack )
+            Families.RemoveFromTreePrune(CellTracks(newTrackID).childrenTracks(1));
+        end
+        return;
+    end
+    % Tearoff rest of subtree if this is root or the start of a track
+    % (can't reattach mitosis events without a new hull)
+    if ( bStartHull )
+        Families.RemoveFromTreePrune(newTrackID,time+1);
+    	return;
+    end
+    % Reattach the rest of the track
+    Tracks.ChangeLabel(newTrackID, trackID, time+1);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/CreateContextMenuCells.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/CreateContextMenuCells.m
index 53d2b9d4ecc490c518cfb7ab17bf17f6975ded87..d9150b8dec82f2952b114b0b83524356917a3b01 100644
--- a/src/MATLAB/+UI/CreateContextMenuCells.m
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/CreateContextMenuCells.m
@@ -81,10 +81,6 @@ uimenu(Figures.cells.contextMenuHandle,...
     'Label',        'Remove Cell (this frame)',...
     'CallBack',     @removeHull);
-    'Label',        'Delete Track',...
-    'CallBack',     @removeTrackPrevious);
     'Label',        'Remove From Tree',...
     'CallBack',     @removeFromTree);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/DrawCells.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/DrawCells.m
index 593360e970aaf80fd5a46350d4541f7f255bf23f..d4b6f8bd7dde924f3587c3cfecc475efc3949163 100644
--- a/src/MATLAB/+UI/DrawCells.m
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/DrawCells.m
@@ -102,13 +102,13 @@ if(strcmp(get(Figures.cells.menuHandles.imageMenu, 'Checked'),'off'))
-bDrawLabels = isempty(Figures.tree.movingMitosis);
+bDrawLabels = true;
 drawHullFilter = [];
 if ( strcmpi(Figures.cells.editMode, 'mitosis') )
     % Filter so we only draw family "mitosis" hulls when editing
     bDrawLabels = 0;
-    drawHullFilter = arrayfun(@(x)(CellTracks(x).hulls(1)),...
+    drawHullFilter = arrayfun(@(x)(CellTracks(x).hulls(CellTracks(x).hulls~=0)),...
         CellFamilies(Figures.tree.familyID).tracks, 'UniformOutput',0);
     drawHullFilter = [drawHullFilter{:}];
@@ -131,14 +131,6 @@ if(strcmp(get(Figures.cells.menuHandles.labelsMenu, 'Checked'),'on'))
         curHullID = HashedCells{Figures.time}(i).hullID;
         curTrackID = HashedCells{Figures.time}(i).trackID;
-        %if dragging a mitosis, only show the siblings: Draws faster
-        %and makes it easier to follow what is changing
-        if(Figures.tree.movingMitosis)
-            if(Figures.tree.movingMitosis ~= curTrackID)
-                continue;
-            end
-        end
         if ( ~isempty(drawHullFilter) && ~any(curHullID == drawHullFilter ) )
@@ -262,13 +254,7 @@ end
 Figures.cells.axesHandle = curAx;
-    for i=1:length(Figures.cells.PostDrawHookOnce)
-        hook = Figures.cells.PostDrawHookOnce{i};
-        hook(curAx);
-    end       
-    Figures.cells.PostDrawHookOnce = {};
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/DrawTree.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/DrawTree.m
index af969d2a962c3a8dfcc13d866368e34e91268a6e..d51b5ab365ce8d2d47ceb5f5a780ffd047770804 100644
--- a/src/MATLAB/+UI/DrawTree.m
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/DrawTree.m
@@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ function drawCellLabel(curAx, trackID, xVal, bDrawLabels)
+                'ButtonDownFcn',@(src,evnt)(UI.FigureTreeDown(src,evnt,trackID)),...
     % Draw a dead cell marker
@@ -362,6 +363,7 @@ function drawCellLabel(curAx, trackID, xVal, bDrawLabels)
+                     'ButtonDownFcn',@(src,evnt)(UI.FigureTreeDown(src,evnt,trackID)),...
         UI.DrawPool.SetDrawOrder(Figures.tree.axesHandle, [hMarker hLabel]);
@@ -379,6 +381,7 @@ function drawCellLabel(curAx, trackID, xVal, bDrawLabels)
+                     'ButtonDownFcn',@(src,evnt)(UI.FigureTreeDown(src,evnt,trackID)),...
@@ -390,6 +393,7 @@ function drawCellLabel(curAx, trackID, xVal, bDrawLabels)
+                     'ButtonDownFcn',@(src,evnt)(UI.FigureTreeDown(src,evnt,trackID)),...
@@ -406,6 +410,7 @@ function drawCellLabel(curAx, trackID, xVal, bDrawLabels)
+                     'ButtonDownFcn',@(src,evnt)(UI.FigureTreeDown(src,evnt,trackID)),...
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureCellUp.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureCellUp.m
index 7c1049f1891b4622d1933c0f3750fbeeda33c2ff..bdffa44d3b4ffc8fca6475f970ce95070255a0b8 100644
--- a/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureCellUp.m
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureCellUp.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ if ( strcmpi(Figures.cells.editMode, 'mitosis') )
         curFamID = Figures.tree.familyID;
-        drawHullFilter = arrayfun(@(x)(CellTracks(x).hulls(1)), CellFamilies(curFamID).tracks, 'UniformOutput',0);
+        drawHullFilter = arrayfun(@(x)(CellTracks(x).hulls(CellTracks(x).hulls~=0)), CellFamilies(curFamID).tracks, 'UniformOutput',0);
         drawHullFilter = [drawHullFilter{:}];
         bCurHulls = ([CellHulls(drawHullFilter).time] == Figures.time);
@@ -103,6 +103,11 @@ function addMitosisEvent(treeID, time, dragCoords)
+    if ( isempty(MitosisEditStruct) || ~isfield(MitosisEditStruct,'selectedTrackID') || isempty(MitosisEditStruct.selectedTrackID) )
+        msgbox('No cells selected for mitosis identification','No Cell Selected','warn');
+        return;
+    end
     treeTracks = [CellFamilies(treeID).tracks];
     bInTracks = Helper.CheckInTracks(time, treeTracks, 0, 0);
@@ -124,7 +129,7 @@ function addMitosisEvent(treeID, time, dragCoords)
 %     end
     dirFlag = UI.MitosisGetSelectedDirTo(time);
-    bErr = Editor.ReplayableEditAction(@Editor.CreateMitosisAction, MitosisEditStruct.selectedTrackID, dirFlag, treeID, time, (dragCoords.'));
+    bErr = Editor.ReplayableEditAction(@Editor.CreateMitosisAction, MitosisEditStruct.selectedTrackID, dirFlag, time, (dragCoords.'));
     if ( bErr )
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureKeyPress.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureKeyPress.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..845931b2a8f070732664394c2b702a5e9bd44cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureKeyPress.m
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+function FigureKeyPress(src,evnt)
+    global Figures ResegState
+    if strcmp(evnt.Key,'downarrow') || strcmp(evnt.Key,'rightarrow')
+        if ( Figures.controlDown )
+            time = findMitosis(+1, Figures.time, Figures.tree.familyID);
+            UI.TimeChange(time);
+        else
+            time = Figures.time + 1;
+            UI.TimeChange(time);
+        end
+    elseif strcmp(evnt.Key,'uparrow') || strcmp(evnt.Key,'leftarrow')
+        if ( Figures.controlDown )
+            time = findMitosis(-1, Figures.time, Figures.tree.familyID);
+            UI.TimeChange(time);
+        else
+            time = Figures.time - 1;
+            UI.TimeChange(time);
+        end
+    elseif  strcmp(evnt.Key,'pagedown')
+        time = Figures.time + 5;
+        UI.TimeChange(time);
+    elseif  strcmp(evnt.Key,'pageup')
+        time = Figures.time - 5;
+        UI.TimeChange(time);
+    elseif strcmp(evnt.Key,'space')
+        if ( ~isempty(ResegState) )
+            % Toggle reseg playing
+            buttonHandles = get(ResegState.toolbar, 'UserData');
+            toggleFunc = get(buttonHandles(2), 'ClickedCallback');
+            toggleFunc(buttonHandles(2), []);
+        else
+            % standard movie playing
+            UI.TogglePlay(src,evnt); 
+        end
+    elseif strcmp(evnt.Key,'period')
+        if ( ~isempty(ResegState) )
+            % Reseg Forward 1 Frame
+            buttonHandles = get(ResegState.toolbar, 'UserData');
+            toggleFunc = get(buttonHandles(3), 'ClickedCallback');
+            toggleFunc(buttonHandles(3), []);
+        else
+            % step forward one frame
+            time = Figures.time + 1;
+            UI.TimeChange(time);
+        end
+    elseif strcmp(evnt.Key,'comma')
+        if ( ~isempty(ResegState) )
+            % Reseg Backward 1 Frame
+            buttonHandles = get(ResegState.toolbar, 'UserData');
+            toggleFunc = get(buttonHandles(1), 'ClickedCallback');
+            toggleFunc(buttonHandles(1), []);
+        else
+            % step backward one frame
+            time = Figures.time - 1;
+            UI.TimeChange(time);
+        end
+     elseif ( strcmp(evnt.Key,'control') )
+         if(~Figures.controlDown)
+             %prevent this from getting reset when moving the mouse
+            Figures.controlDown = true;
+         end
+    elseif ( strcmp(evnt.Key,'delete') || strcmp(evnt.Key,'backspace') )
+        deleteSelectedCells();
+    elseif (strcmp(evnt.Key,'f12'))
+        Figures.cells.showInterior = ~Figures.cells.showInterior;
+        UI.DrawCells();
+        UI.DrawTree(Figures.tree.familyID);
+    elseif ( strcmp(evnt.Key,'return') )
+        mergeSelectedCells();
+    end
+function mitTime = findMitosis(dirFlag, time, familyID)
+    global CellFamilies CellTracks HashedCells
+    mitTime = 1;
+    if ( dirFlag > 0 )
+        mitTime = length(HashedCells);
+    end
+    if ( isempty(familyID) )
+        return;
+    end
+    famTracks = CellFamilies(familyID).tracks;
+    if ( isempty(famTracks) )
+        return;
+    end
+    % Append start and end of family and movie to mitosis times list.
+    chkTimes = unique([1 CellTracks(famTracks).startTime CellFamilies(familyID).endTime length(HashedCells)]);
+    if ( dirFlag < 0 )
+        idx = find(chkTimes < time, 1, 'last');
+    else
+        idx = find(chkTimes > time, 1, 'first');
+    end
+    if ( isempty(idx) )
+        return;
+    end
+    mitTime = chkTimes(idx);
+function deleteSelectedCells()
+    global Figures CellFamilies
+    bErr = Editor.ReplayableEditAction(@Editor.DeleteCells, Figures.cells.selectedHulls);
+    if ( bErr )
+        return;
+    end
+    UI.ClearCellSelection();
+    Error.LogAction(['Removed selected cells [' num2str(Figures.cells.selectedHulls) ']'],Figures.cells.selectedHulls);
+    %if the whole family disappears with this change, pick a diffrent family to display
+    if(isempty(CellFamilies(Figures.tree.familyID).tracks))
+        for i=1:length(CellFamilies)
+            if(~isempty(CellFamilies(i).tracks))
+                Figures.tree.familyID = i;
+                break
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    UI.DrawTree(Figures.tree.familyID);
+    UI.DrawCells();
+function mergeSelectedCells()
+    global Figures
+    [bErr deletedCells replaceCell] = Editor.ReplayableEditAction(@Editor.MergeCells, Figures.cells.selectedHulls);
+    if ( bErr )
+        return;
+    end
+    if ( isempty(replaceCell) )
+        msgbox(['Unable to merge [' num2str(Figures.cells.selectedHulls) '] in this frame'],'Unable to Merge','help','modal');
+        return;
+    end
+    UI.ClearCellSelection();
+    Error.LogAction('Merged cells', [deletedCells replaceCell], replaceCell);
+    UI.DrawTree(Figures.tree.familyID);
+    UI.DrawCells();
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureScroll.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureScroll.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cdd78c75af4aab69210747b8ab50a17e11e75abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureScroll.m
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+function FigureScroll(src,evnt)
+    global Figures
+    time = Figures.time + evnt.VerticalScrollCount;
+    UI.TimeChange(time);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureTreeDown.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureTreeDown.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e82161a359fa1fdb18676b57c016f02f0a06562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureTreeDown.m
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+function FigureTreeDown(src,evnt, trackID)
+    global Figures CellTracks
+    if ( ~exist('trackID','var') )
+        trackID = [];
+    end
+    if ( ~isempty(trackID) && strcmpi(Figures.cells.editMode, 'mitosis') )
+        time = CellTracks(trackID).startTime;
+        UI.MitosisSelectTrackingCell(trackID, time);
+        return;
+    end
+    if(strcmp(get(Figures.tree.handle,'SelectionType'),'normal'))
+        set(Figures.tree.handle, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn',@UI.FigureTreeDrag);
+        UI.MoveLine();
+    end
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureTreeDrag.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureTreeDrag.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c1a7c383863bcc628282c52a84dafd0efa61947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureTreeDrag.m
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+function FigureTreeDrag(src,evnt)
+    UI.MoveLine();
+    UI.DrawCells();
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureTreeUp.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureTreeUp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b67a68445e4f3342679dd63bf5f616cea40ffa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/FigureTreeUp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+function FigureTreeUp(src,evnt)
+    global Figures
+    set(Figures.tree.handle, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn','');
+    if(strcmp(get(Figures.tree.handle,'SelectionType'),'normal'))
+        UI.TimeChange(Figures.time);
+    end
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/InitializeFigures.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/InitializeFigures.m
index d16d45ddf46de85882e1959529372e5cb5c185e3..fb52d444eba250b1d23a1e996f570cea1f4aeef7 100644
--- a/src/MATLAB/+UI/InitializeFigures.m
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/InitializeFigures.m
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ Figures.tree.handle = figure();
 Figures.cells.selectedHulls = [];
 Figures.controlDown = false; %control key is currently down? for selecting cells and fine adjustment
-Figures.cells.PostDrawHookOnce = {}; %list of functions to call post DrawCells. Cleared on every draw
 Figures.downHullID = -1;
 Figures.downClickPoint = [0 0];
@@ -56,14 +55,14 @@ whitebg(Figures.cells.handle,'k');
 Figures.advanceTimerHandle = timer(...
-    'TimerFcn',         @play,...
+    'TimerFcn',         @UI.Play,...
     'Period',           .05,...
     'ExecutionMode',    'fixedSpacing',...
     'BusyMode',         'drop');
-    'WindowScrollWheelFcn', @figureScroll,...
-    'KeyPressFcn',          @figureKeyPress,...
+    'WindowScrollWheelFcn', @UI.FigureScroll,...
+    'KeyPressFcn',          @UI.FigureKeyPress,...
     'Menu',                 'none',...
     'ToolBar',              'figure',...
     'BusyAction',           'cancel',...
@@ -74,8 +73,7 @@ set(Figures.cells.handle,...
     'Tag',                  'cells',...
     'ResizeFcn',            @UI.UpdateSegmentationEditsMenu);
-addlistener(Figures.cells.handle, 'WindowKeyRelease', @figureKeyRelease);
-    Figures.tree.movingMitosis = [];
+addlistener(Figures.cells.handle, 'WindowKeyRelease', @UI.KeyStateRelease);
 Figures.cells.showInterior = false;
 Figures.cells.editMode = 'normal';
@@ -94,6 +92,7 @@ Figures.cells.cellCountLabel = uicontrol(Figures.cells.handle,...
 hPan = pan(Figures.cells.handle);
 hZoom = zoom(Figures.cells.handle);
@@ -101,10 +100,10 @@ UI.CreateMenuBar(Figures.cells.handle);
-    'WindowButtonDownFcn',  @figureTreeDown,...
-    'WindowButtonUpFcn',    @figureTreeUp,...
-    'WindowScrollWheelFcn', @figureScroll,...
-    'KeyPressFcn',          @figureKeyPress,...
+    'WindowButtonDownFcn',  @UI.FigureTreeDown,...
+    'WindowButtonUpFcn',    @UI.FigureTreeUp,...
+    'WindowScrollWheelFcn', @UI.FigureScroll,...
+    'KeyPressFcn',          @UI.FigureKeyPress,...
     'CloseRequestFcn',      @UI.CloseFigure,...
     'Menu',                 'none',...
     'ToolBar',              'figure',...
@@ -114,12 +113,8 @@ set(Figures.tree.handle,...
     'Name',                 [CONSTANTS.datasetName ' Lineage'],...
     'Tag',                  'tree');
-    addlistener(Figures.tree.handle, 'WindowKeyRelease', @figureKeyRelease);
-%WindowButtonMotionFcn callbacks cause 'CurrentPointer' to be updated
-%which is needed for dragging
-set(Figures.tree.handle, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn',@(src,evt)(src));
-Figures.tree.dragging = [];
+addlistener(Figures.tree.handle, 'WindowKeyRelease', @UI.KeyStateRelease);
 Figures.tree.trackMap = [];
 Figures.tree.trackingLine = [];
 Figures.tree.trackingLabel = [];
@@ -166,288 +161,6 @@ end
 %% Callback Functions
-function figureScroll(src,evnt)
-global Figures
-time = Figures.time + evnt.VerticalScrollCount;
-function play(src,event)
-global Figures HashedCells
-time = Figures.time + 1;
-if(time == length(HashedCells))
-    time = 1;
-function figureKeyPress(src,evnt)
-global Figures CellFamilies ResegState
-if strcmp(evnt.Key,'downarrow') || strcmp(evnt.Key,'rightarrow')
-    time = Figures.time + 1;
-    UI.TimeChange(time);
-elseif strcmp(evnt.Key,'uparrow') || strcmp(evnt.Key,'leftarrow')
-    time = Figures.time - 1;
-    UI.TimeChange(time);
-elseif  strcmp(evnt.Key,'pagedown')
-    time = Figures.time + 5;
-    UI.TimeChange(time);
-elseif  strcmp(evnt.Key,'pageup')
-    time = Figures.time - 5;
-    UI.TimeChange(time);
-elseif strcmp(evnt.Key,'space')
-    if ( ~isempty(ResegState) )
-        % Toggle reseg playing
-        buttonHandles = get(ResegState.toolbar, 'UserData');
-        toggleFunc = get(buttonHandles(2), 'ClickedCallback');
-        toggleFunc(buttonHandles(2), []);
-    else
-        % standard movie playing
-        UI.TogglePlay(src,evnt); 
-    end
-elseif strcmp(evnt.Key,'period')
-    if ( ~isempty(ResegState) )
-        % Reseg Forward 1 Frame
-        buttonHandles = get(ResegState.toolbar, 'UserData');
-        toggleFunc = get(buttonHandles(3), 'ClickedCallback');
-        toggleFunc(buttonHandles(3), []);
-    else
-        % step forward one frame
-        time = Figures.time + 1;
-        UI.TimeChange(time);
-    end
-elseif strcmp(evnt.Key,'comma')
-    if ( ~isempty(ResegState) )
-        % Reseg Backward 1 Frame
-        buttonHandles = get(ResegState.toolbar, 'UserData');
-        toggleFunc = get(buttonHandles(1), 'ClickedCallback');
-        toggleFunc(buttonHandles(1), []);
-    else
-        % step backward one frame
-        time = Figures.time - 1;
-        UI.TimeChange(time);
-    end
- elseif ( strcmp(evnt.Key,'control') )
-     if(~Figures.controlDown)
-         %prevent this from getting reset when moving the mouse
-        Figures.controlDown = true;
-     end
-elseif ( strcmp(evnt.Key,'delete') || strcmp(evnt.Key,'backspace') )
-	deleteSelectedCells();
-elseif (strcmp(evnt.Key,'f12'))
-	Figures.cells.showInterior = ~Figures.cells.showInterior;
-	UI.DrawCells();
-    UI.DrawTree(Figures.tree.familyID);
-elseif ( strcmp(evnt.Key,'return') )
-    mergeSelectedCells();
-function figureKeyRelease(src,evnt)
-    global Figures
-        Figures.controlDown = false;
-function figureTreeDown(src,evnt)
-    global Figures indicatorMotionListener indicatorMouseUpListener;
-    indicatorMotionListener = addlistener(Figures.tree.handle, 'WindowMouseMotion', @figureTreeMotion);
-    indicatorMouseUpListener = addlistener(Figures.tree.handle, 'WindowMouseRelease', @indicatorMouseUp);
-    if(strcmp(get(Figures.tree.handle,'SelectionType'),'normal'))
-        moveLine();
-    end
-% NLS - 6/8/12
-% this actually returns the tracks that the hulls belong to
-% I'll Hopefully refactor DrawCells to allow drawing specific hulls soon
-function likelyHulls = FindLowestCostHulls(parentTrackID, time)
-global CellTracks HashedCells CellHulls Figures
-    parentTrack = CellTracks(parentTrackID);
-    fromHullID = Tracks.GetHullID(parentTrack.endTime, parentTrackID);
-    potentialHulls = HashedCells{time};
-    potentialHulls = [potentialHulls.hullID];
-    timeDiff = time - CellHulls(fromHullID).time;
-    [paths, costs] = mexDijkstra('matlabExtend', fromHullID, abs(timeDiff)+1, @(startID,endID)((any(endID == potentialHulls))), timeDiff);
-    likelyHulls = [];
-    if(length(paths) > 1)
-        %if cost difference between {1} and {2} is really large, attempt to
-        %split?
-        likelyHulls = [paths{1}(end), paths{2}(end)];
-    elseif (length(paths) == 1)
-        likelyHulls = [paths{1}(end)];
-    end
-    if(length(likelyHulls) == 1) %attempt to split
-        newHulls = Segmentation.ResegmentHull(CellHulls(likelyHulls(1)), 2, 1, 1);
-        likelyHulls = [];
-        if(isempty(newHulls)),return,end
-        hull1 = newHulls(1);
-        hull2 = newHulls(2);
-        Figures.cells.PostDrawHookOnce{end+1} = @(Ax) (plot(Ax, hull1.points(:,1), hull1.points(:,2), 'Color', [.2 .2 .2], 'LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 1.5));
-        Figures.cells.PostDrawHookOnce{end+1} = @(Ax) (plot(Ax, hull2.points(:,1), hull2.points(:,2), 'Color', [.8 .8 .8], 'LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 1.5));
-    end
-    for i=1:length(likelyHulls)
-        likelyHulls(i) = Hulls.GetTrackID(likelyHulls(i));
-    end
-% NLS - 6/8/2012 - Created
-function mitosisHandleDragging(mitosis)
-global Figures CellTracks;
-    Y = get(Figures.tree.timeIndicatorLine, 'YData');
-    Y = Y(2);
-    mitosisHandle = get(mitosis,'UserData');
-    %don't allow adjusting a mitosis through other mitoses
-    minY = CellTracks(mitosisHandle.trackID).startTime + 1;
-    if (Y <= minY)
-        return;
-    end
-    children = CellTracks(mitosisHandle.trackID).childrenTracks;
-    Figures.tree.movingMitosis = [children, FindLowestCostHulls(mitosisHandle.trackID, Y)];
-    %determine how far up/down the user should be allowed to drag a mitosis
-    if(isempty(CellTracks(children(1)).childrenTracks))
-        if(isempty(CellTracks(children(2)).childrenTracks))
-            maxY = Inf;
-        else
-            maxY = CellTracks(children(1)).endTime - 1;
-        end
-    elseif(isempty(CellTracks(children(2)).childrenTracks))
-        maxY = CellTracks(children(2)).endTime - 1;
-    else           
-        maxY = min(CellTracks(children(1)).endTime,CellTracks(children(2)).endTime) - 1;
-    end
-    if (Y >= maxY)
-        return;
-    end
-    previousMitosisTime = get(mitosisHandle.hLine, 'YData');
-    set(mitosisHandle.hLine, 'YData', [Y Y]);
-%     set(mitosisHandle.diamondHandle, 'YData', Y+1);
-    set(mitosisHandle.child1Handles(1), 'YData', Y+1);
-    text1 = get(mitosisHandle.child1Handles(2), 'Position');
-    text1(2) = Y+1; 
-    set(mitosisHandle.child1Handles(2), 'Position', text1);
-    set(mitosisHandle.child2Handles(1), 'YData', Y+1);  
-    text2 = get(mitosisHandle.child2Handles(2), 'Position');
-    text2(2) = Y+1;
-    set(mitosisHandle.child2Handles(2), 'Position', text2);
-function indicatorMouseUp(src,evt)
-    global indicatorMotionListener indicatorMouseUpListener Figures CellTracks;
-    delete(indicatorMotionListener);
-    delete(indicatorMouseUpListener);
-    if(~isempty(Figures.tree.dragging))
-        Y = get(Figures.tree.timeIndicatorLine, 'YData');
-        Y = Y(2);
-        mitosis = Figures.tree.dragging;
-        mitosisHandle = get(mitosis,'UserData');
-        children = CellTracks(mitosisHandle.trackID).childrenTracks;
-        Figures.tree.movingMitosis = [];
-        %TODO: actually commit tree changes
-        %GraphEditMoveMitosis(Y, children(1));
-        %History('Push');
-        %DrawTree(CellTracks(mitosisHandle.trackID).familyID);
-        Figures.tree.dragging = [];
-    end  
-function figureTreeMotion(src,evnt)
-global Figures
-    moveLine();
-    UI.DrawCells();
-function moveLine()
-global Figures HashedCells
-time = get(Figures.tree.axesHandle,'CurrentPoint');
-time = round(time(3));
-    UI.TogglePlay([],[]);
-if(time < 1)
-    Figures.time = 1;
-elseif(time > length(HashedCells))
-    Figures.time = length(HashedCells);
-    Figures.time = time;
-% DrawCells();
-function figureTreeUp(src,evnt)
-global Figures
-    UI.TimeChange(Figures.time);
-function deleteSelectedCells()
-    global Figures CellFamilies
-    bErr = Editor.ReplayableEditAction(@Editor.DeleteCells, Figures.cells.selectedHulls);
-    if ( bErr )
-        return;
-    end
-    UI.ClearCellSelection();
-    Error.LogAction(['Removed selected cells [' num2str(Figures.cells.selectedHulls) ']'],Figures.cells.selectedHulls);
-    %if the whole family disappears with this change, pick a diffrent family to display
-    if(isempty(CellFamilies(Figures.tree.familyID).tracks))
-        for i=1:length(CellFamilies)
-            if(~isempty(CellFamilies(i).tracks))
-                Figures.tree.familyID = i;
-                break
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    UI.DrawTree(Figures.tree.familyID);
-    UI.DrawCells();
-function mergeSelectedCells()
-    global Figures
-    [bErr deletedCells replaceCell] = Editor.ReplayableEditAction(@Editor.MergeCells, Figures.cells.selectedHulls);
-    if ( bErr )
-        return;
-    end
-    if ( isempty(replaceCell) )
-        msgbox(['Unable to merge [' num2str(Figures.cells.selectedHulls) '] in this frame'],'Unable to Merge','help','modal');
-        return;
-    end
-    UI.ClearCellSelection();
-    Error.LogAction('Merged cells', [deletedCells replaceCell], replaceCell);
-    UI.DrawTree(Figures.tree.familyID);
-    UI.DrawCells();
 function learnFromEdits(src,evnt)
     global CellFamilies CellTracks SegmentationEdits Figures
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/KeyStateRelease.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/KeyStateRelease.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28c1e2c1cc143dde58cc3604f74e73dcebf9a177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/KeyStateRelease.m
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+function KeyStateRelease(src,evnt)
+    global Figures
+    Figures.controlDown = false;
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/MitosisEditInterface.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/MitosisEditInterface.m
index 5b0b2bf933b85e6c5793339aa4bfaeed6dfbfc6c..fcd9914350cf9386def4b21eff90c71b509edca3 100644
--- a/src/MATLAB/+UI/MitosisEditInterface.m
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/MitosisEditInterface.m
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ function MitosisEditInterface()
     rootTrackID = CellFamilies(editTree).rootTrackID;
     firstHull = CellTracks(rootTrackID).hulls(1);
-    UI.MitosisSelectTrackingCell(rootTrackID,CellHulls(firstHull).time, true);
     % Order matters here, we want the Init action to be part of the subtask
     Editor.ReplayableEditAction(@Editor.StartReplayableSubtask, 'MitosisEditTask');
     Editor.ReplayableEditAction(@Editor.MitosisEditInitializeAction, editTree, length(HashedCells));
+    UI.MitosisSelectTrackingCell(rootTrackID,CellHulls(firstHull).time, true);
     hToolbar = addButtons();
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/MitosisSelectPhenotype.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/MitosisSelectPhenotype.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4cea8c36dbce0ec34f21e548f54879b440ed28b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/MitosisSelectPhenotype.m
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+function [hullID trackID] = MitosisSelectPhenotype()
+    global Figures MitosisEditStruct
+    hullID = [];
+    trackID = [];
+    if ( isempty(MitosisEditStruct.selectedTrackID) )
+        msgbox('No cells selected for mitosis or phenotype identification','No Cell Selected','warn');
+        return;
+    end
+    trackID = MitosisEditStruct.selectedTrackID;
+    currentPoint = UI.GetClickedCellPoint();
+    [bErr hullID] = Editor.ReplayableEditAction(@Editor.MitosisHullPhenotypeAction, currentPoint, Figures.time, trackID);
+    trackID = Hulls.GetTrackID(hullID);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/MoveLine.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/MoveLine.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f06beb1305770c099e118e6ce7a11f74d8675049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/MoveLine.m
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+function MoveLine()
+    global Figures HashedCells
+    time = get(Figures.tree.axesHandle,'CurrentPoint');
+    time = round(time(3));
+    if(strcmp(Figures.advanceTimerHandle.Running,'on'))
+        UI.TogglePlay([],[]);
+    end
+    if(time < 1)
+        Figures.time = 1;
+    elseif(time > length(HashedCells))
+        Figures.time = length(HashedCells);
+    else
+        Figures.time = time;
+    end
+    UI.UpdateTimeIndicatorLine();
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/Play.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/Play.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..706adb458b8a2be80d3cd92283103de6a7ca3a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/Play.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function Play(src,evt)
+    global Figures HashedCells
+    time = Figures.time + 1;
+    if(time >= length(HashedCells))
+        time = 1;
+    end
+    UI.TimeChange(time);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+UI/UpdatePhenotypeMenu.m b/src/MATLAB/+UI/UpdatePhenotypeMenu.m
index e52115d31de765050138361355183c673e80e688..ecbdfc19b756392f854207eadd48507e9c85dc61 100644
--- a/src/MATLAB/+UI/UpdatePhenotypeMenu.m
+++ b/src/MATLAB/+UI/UpdatePhenotypeMenu.m
@@ -45,9 +45,13 @@ end
 function setPhenotype(src, evnt)
     global Figures CellPhenotypes
-    [hullID trackID] = UI.GetClosestCell(0);
-    if(isempty(trackID))
-        return
+    if ( strcmpi(Figures.cells.editMode, 'mitosis') )
+        [hullID trackID] = UI.MitosisSelectPhenotype();
+    else
+        [hullID trackID] = UI.GetClosestCell(0);
+        if(isempty(trackID))
+            return
+        end
     clickPheno = get(src, 'UserData');