diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/AddConstant.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/AddConstant.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e4071e56212ad06b97a92e7de3f66d3241eec70..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/AddConstant.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-% AddConstant - This will add a constant value at every voxel location.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.AddConstant(imageIn,additive,device)
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Additive -- must be a double and will be floored if input is an integer type.
-%    	Device -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.
-function imageOut = AddConstant(imageIn,additive,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('AddConstant',imageIn,additive,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/AddImageWith.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/AddImageWith.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c05f173f712b931404ec743db4ed634d6f8366e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/AddImageWith.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-% AddImageWith - This takes two images and adds them together.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.AddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,device)
-%    	ImageIn1 -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	ImageIn2 -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of the same type as imageIn1.
-%    	Factor -- this is a multiplier to the second image in the form imageOut = imageIn1 + factor*imageIn2.
-%    	Device -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.
-%    	imageOut -- this is the result of imageIn1 + factor*imageIn2 and will be of the same type as imageIn1.
-function imageOut = AddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('AddImageWith',imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ApplyPolyTransformation.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ApplyPolyTransformation.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fa1ccb69672106b5325eb35945ae7e6340201d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ApplyPolyTransformation.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-% ApplyPolyTransformation - This returns an image with the quadradic function applied. ImageOut = a*ImageIn^2 + b*ImageIn + c
-%    imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.ApplyPolyTransformation(imageIn,a,b,c,min,max,device)
-%    	A -- this multiplier is applied to the square of the image.
-%    	B -- this multiplier is applied to the image.
-%    	C -- is the constant additive.
-%    	Min -- this is an optional parameter to clamp the output to and is useful for signed or floating point to remove negative values.
-%    	Max -- this is an optional parameter to clamp the output to.
-%    	Device -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.
-%    	ImageOut -- this is the result of ImageOut = a*ImageIn^2 + b*ImageIn + c and is the same dimension and type as imageIn.
-function imageOut = ApplyPolyTransformation(imageIn,a,b,c,min,max,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('ApplyPolyTransformation',imageIn,a,b,c,min,max,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ContrastEnhancement.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ContrastEnhancement.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c418651763eae835fe929de4a348898ea6b12f02..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ContrastEnhancement.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-% ContrastEnhancement - This attempts to increase contrast by removing noise as proposed by Michel et al. This starts with subtracting off a highly smoothed version of imageIn followed by median filter.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.ContrastEnhancement(imageIn,sigma,MedianNeighborhood,device)
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Sigma -- these values will create a n-dimensional Gaussian kernel to get a smoothed image that will be subtracted of the original.
-%    		N is the number of dimensions of imageIn
-%    		The larger the sigma the more object preserving the high pass filter will be (e.g. sigma > 35)
-%    	MedianNeighborhood -- this is the neighborhood size in each dimension that will be evaluated for the median neighborhood filter.
-%    	Device -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn.
-function imageOut = ContrastEnhancement(imageIn,sigma,MedianNeighborhood,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('ContrastEnhancement',imageIn,sigma,MedianNeighborhood,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/EntropyFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/EntropyFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c5fd74d16ed1d9f6a78151231fb80b93ec07244..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/EntropyFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% EntropyFilter - imageOut = EntropyFilter(imageIn,kernel,device) 
-function imageOut = EntropyFilter(imageIn,kernel,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('EntropyFilter',imageIn,kernel,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/GaussianFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/GaussianFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f3a1f0775d88f9358171239157224421686dd1b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/GaussianFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-% GaussianFilter - Smooths image using a Gaussian kernel.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.GaussianFilter(imageIn,sigma,device)
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Sigma -- these values will create a n-dimensional Gaussian kernel to get a smoothed image that will be subtracted of the original.
-%    	Device -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.
-function imageOut = GaussianFilter(imageIn,sigma,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('GaussianFilter',imageIn,sigma,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Histogram.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Histogram.m
deleted file mode 100644
index dc46c7ea2b07311d440a3e427883b6152eb2508e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Histogram.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-% Histogram - Creates a histogram array with numBins bins between min/max values.
-%    histogram = ImProc.Cuda.Histogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max,device)
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	NumBins -- number of bins that the histogram should partition the signal into.
-%    	Min -- this is the minimum value for the histogram.
-%    		If min is not provided, the min of the image type is used.
-%    	Max -- this is the maximum value for the histogram.
-%    		If min is not provided, the min of the image type is used.
-%    	Device -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.
-function histogram = Histogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max,device)
-    [histogram] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('Histogram',imageIn,numBins,min,max,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ImagePow.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ImagePow.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a69226e9b335fd90a583ae3c3ff76b9f6bc892c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ImagePow.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-% ImagePow - This will raise each voxel value to the power provided.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.ImagePow(imageIn,power,device)
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Power -- must be a double.
-%    	Device -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.
-function imageOut = ImagePow(imageIn,power,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('ImagePow',imageIn,power,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/LinearUnmixing.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/LinearUnmixing.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fbf35cd2c2fb213a92a9d27e230631b719f36d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/LinearUnmixing.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% LinearUnmixing - imageOut = LinearUnmixing(mixedImages,unmixMatrix,device) 
-function imageOut = LinearUnmixing(mixedImages,unmixMatrix,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('LinearUnmixing',mixedImages,unmixMatrix,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/LoG.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/LoG.m
deleted file mode 100644
index ffae8a10045350c5871e4150950b4a66b0fda5bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/LoG.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-% LoG - Smooths image using a Gaussian kernel.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.LoG(imageIn,sigma,device)
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Sigma -- these values will create a n-dimensional Gaussian kernel to get a smoothed image that will be subtracted of the original.
-%    	Device -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.
-function imageOut = LoG(imageIn,sigma,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('LoG',imageIn,sigma,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ec66aa1deb9b00dac64a44eb6338903cb5bf7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser - imageOut = MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,maxIterations,device) 
-function imageOut = MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,maxIterations,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser',imageIn,maxIterations,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MaxFilterEllipsoid.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MaxFilterEllipsoid.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 686388cda055d52f4b09ef7940e1107aa9ef535a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MaxFilterEllipsoid.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MaxFilterEllipsoid - imageOut = MaxFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius,device) 
-function imageOut = MaxFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MaxFilterEllipsoid',imageIn,radius,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MaxFilterKernel.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MaxFilterKernel.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c3288d918d99d8ea848c9a2b23d5b2e6fa275a1d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MaxFilterKernel.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MaxFilterKernel - imageOut = MaxFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel,device) 
-function imageOut = MaxFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MaxFilterKernel',imageIn,kernel,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MaxFilterNeighborhood.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MaxFilterNeighborhood.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 371b0f55b6b1fbf8ba19894f821c8dfbf5dff116..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MaxFilterNeighborhood.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MaxFilterNeighborhood - imageOut = MaxFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = MaxFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MaxFilterNeighborhood',imageIn,Neighborhood,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MeanFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MeanFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 65d6282325357e0493818a9858aa86719a2d3f78..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MeanFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MeanFilter - imageOut = MeanFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = MeanFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MeanFilter',imageIn,Neighborhood,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MedianFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MedianFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 921fdb79c8efa9ab53d5652da5a6e13a885cdc53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MedianFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MedianFilter - imageOut = MedianFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = MedianFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MedianFilter',imageIn,Neighborhood,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinFilterEllipsoid.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinFilterEllipsoid.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 1546f8c03b5df09980116fd699fd32dc6946bccb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinFilterEllipsoid.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MinFilterEllipsoid - imageOut = MinFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius,device) 
-function imageOut = MinFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MinFilterEllipsoid',imageIn,radius,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinFilterKernel.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinFilterKernel.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c1743dd222dde2e64416c3bdc2f087ca054ea7bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinFilterKernel.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MinFilterKernel - imageOut = MinFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel,device) 
-function imageOut = MinFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MinFilterKernel',imageIn,kernel,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinFilterNeighborhood.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinFilterNeighborhood.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 7da00c6a91d252ef680086795ff31dfe02ef29b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinFilterNeighborhood.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MinFilterNeighborhood - imageOut = MinFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = MinFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MinFilterNeighborhood',imageIn,Neighborhood,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinMax.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinMax.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fb17bdc2438ba73344f83c6abee93840f8179f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MinMax.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MinMax - [min,max] = MinMax(imageIn,device) 
-function [min,max] = MinMax(imageIn,device)
-    [min,max] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MinMax',imageIn,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MorphologicalClosure.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MorphologicalClosure.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 86946b5e41b2e3b27fb934b41a0a05667c22da93..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MorphologicalClosure.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MorphologicalClosure - imageOut = MorphologicalClosure(imageIn,kernel,device) 
-function imageOut = MorphologicalClosure(imageIn,kernel,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MorphologicalClosure',imageIn,kernel,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MorphologicalOpening.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MorphologicalOpening.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 785cd50ff52b35df0b8bfde62db8cdfb18126d05..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MorphologicalOpening.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MorphologicalOpening - imageOut = MorphologicalOpening(imageIn,kernel,device) 
-function imageOut = MorphologicalOpening(imageIn,kernel,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MorphologicalOpening',imageIn,kernel,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MultiplyImage.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MultiplyImage.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 433bd38bbdc70e5be318d9d69f2b427618731d75..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MultiplyImage.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MultiplyImage - imageOut = MultiplyImage(imageIn,multiplier,device) 
-function imageOut = MultiplyImage(imageIn,multiplier,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MultiplyImage',imageIn,multiplier,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MultiplyTwoImages.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MultiplyTwoImages.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5144313b5dedad6219bf9ef20ede2f5a93e95220..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/MultiplyTwoImages.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% MultiplyTwoImages - imageOut = MultiplyTwoImages(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,device) 
-function imageOut = MultiplyTwoImages(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('MultiplyTwoImages',imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/NeighborhoodSum.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/NeighborhoodSum.m
deleted file mode 100644
index bc3f3dee3e62730266409bc248c28895cc82891d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/NeighborhoodSum.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% NeighborhoodSum - imageOut = NeighborhoodSum(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = NeighborhoodSum(imageIn,Neighborhood,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('NeighborhoodSum',imageIn,Neighborhood,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/NormalizedCovariance.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/NormalizedCovariance.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f649848d3c6f3e337c218a772589278a240fc23..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/NormalizedCovariance.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% NormalizedCovariance - normalizedCovariance = NormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,device) 
-function normalizedCovariance = NormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,device)
-    [normalizedCovariance] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('NormalizedCovariance',imageIn1,imageIn2,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/NormalizedHistogram.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/NormalizedHistogram.m
deleted file mode 100644
index b4312fff3c152956a7fc9ca0943082b14cf53235..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/NormalizedHistogram.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% NormalizedHistogram - histogram = NormalizedHistogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max,device) 
-function histogram = NormalizedHistogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max,device)
-    [histogram] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('NormalizedHistogram',imageIn,numBins,min,max,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/OtsuThresholdFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/OtsuThresholdFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c21aff025ec8d7067836d7a7ff8bbf4863b06029..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/OtsuThresholdFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% OtsuThresholdFilter - imageOut = OtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,alpha,device) 
-function imageOut = OtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,alpha,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('OtsuThresholdFilter',imageIn,alpha,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/OtsuThresholdValue.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/OtsuThresholdValue.m
deleted file mode 100644
index bc6c6c5dbaa8982c9f6d547667eaaff921fa9c29..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/OtsuThresholdValue.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% OtsuThresholdValue - threshold = OtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,device) 
-function threshold = OtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,device)
-    [threshold] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('OtsuThresholdValue',imageIn,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/RegionGrowing.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/RegionGrowing.m
deleted file mode 100644
index b4ad866072d46e4201804688755a91d36ca62caf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/RegionGrowing.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-% RegionGrowing - This will create a mask that grows by a delta value.  If a neighboring voxel is masked and the current voxel intensity is +/- delta from the masked intensity, then the current voxel is added to the mask.
-%    maskOut = ImProc.Cuda.RegionGrowing(imageIn,kernel,mask,threshold,allowConnections,device)
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Kernel -- this 
-function maskOut = RegionGrowing(imageIn,kernel,mask,threshold,allowConnections,device)
-    [maskOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('RegionGrowing',imageIn,kernel,mask,threshold,allowConnections,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Resize.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Resize.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 33404c034ea84e1e79a7b34e812639017c5e64cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Resize.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-% Resize - Resizes image using various methods.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.Resize(imageIn,resizeFactor,explicitSize,method,device)
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (logical,uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	ResizeFactor_rcz -- This represents the output size relative to input (r,c,z). Values less than one but greater than zero will reduce the image.
-%    		Values greater than one will enlarge the image. If this is an empty array, it will be calculated from the explicit resize.
-%    			If both resizeFactor and explicitSize are both set, the explicitSize will be used.
-%    	ExplicitSize_rcz -- This is the size that the output should be (r,c,z). If this is an empty array, then the resize factor is used.
-%    			If both resizeFactor and explicitSize are both set, the explicitSize will be used.
-%    	Method -- This is the neighborhood operation to apply when resizing (mean, median, min, max, gaussian).
-%    	Device -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.
-%    	ImageOut -- This will be a resize image the same type as the input image.
-function imageOut = Resize(imageIn,resizeFactor,explicitSize,method,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('Resize',imageIn,resizeFactor,explicitSize,method,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Segment.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Segment.m
deleted file mode 100644
index e8189b1c0072b936de6c7620c437f38b07b75112..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Segment.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% Segment - imageOut = Segment(imageIn,alpha,MorphClosure,device) 
-function imageOut = Segment(imageIn,alpha,MorphClosure,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('Segment',imageIn,alpha,MorphClosure,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/StdFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/StdFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c46748a32f3c7591031ee9f2a7ae84910fa822a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/StdFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% StdFilter - imageOut = StdFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = StdFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('StdFilter',imageIn,Neighborhood,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/SumArray.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/SumArray.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fc5cbebeaac37a1b10cbbf9dea64678272e91c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/SumArray.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% SumArray - sum = SumArray(imageIn,device) 
-function sum = SumArray(imageIn,device)
-    [sum] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('SumArray',imageIn,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ThresholdFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ThresholdFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3780a965d00a32c0fc81764fae54d67ded39419e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/ThresholdFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% ThresholdFilter - imageOut = ThresholdFilter(imageIn,threshold,device) 
-function imageOut = ThresholdFilter(imageIn,threshold,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('ThresholdFilter',imageIn,threshold,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/TileImage.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/TileImage.m
deleted file mode 100644
index a7801885ac545b9e3692a86cceec9e4da8cf7423..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/TileImage.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-% TileImage - This will output an image that only consists of the region of interest indicated.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.TileImage(imageIn,roiStart,roiSize,device)
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	RoiStart -- this is the location of the first voxel in the region of interest (starting from the origin).  Must be the same dimension as imageIn.
-%    	RoiSize -- this is how many voxels to include starting from roiStart. Must be the same dimension as imageIn.
-%    	Device -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.
-%    	ImageOut -- this will be an image that only contains the region of interest indicated.
-function imageOut = TileImage(imageIn,roiStart,roiSize,device)
-    [imageOut] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('TileImage',imageIn,roiStart,roiSize,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Variance.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Variance.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 20db29e48c88ec84c74fb0f24b2e6c2972267ca6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/@Cuda/Variance.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-% Variance - variance = Variance(imageIn,device) This will return the variance of an image.
-function variance = Variance(imageIn,device)
-    [variance] = ImProc.Cuda.Mex('Variance',imageIn,device);
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/AddConstant.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/AddConstant.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f4b952e5996b3675666816cc066b86f008bef2e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/AddConstant.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-% AddConstant - This will add a constant value at every voxel location.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.AddConstant(imageIn,additive);
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Additive -- must be a double and will be floored if input is an integer type.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.
-function imageOut = AddConstant(imageIn,additive,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.AddConstant(imageIn,additive,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclAddConstant(imageIn,additive);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclAddConstant(imageIn,additive)
-    imageOut = imageIn +additive;
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/AddImageWith.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/AddImageWith.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 90b0f97ffe6c70403e58c220bd52fdc1e558dc6e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/AddImageWith.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-% AddImageWith - This takes two images and adds them together.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.AddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor);
-%    	ImageIn1 -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	ImageIn2 -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of the same type as imageIn1.
-%    	Factor -- this is a multiplier to the second image in the form imageOut = imageIn1 + factor*imageIn2.
-%    	imageOut -- this is the result of imageIn1 + factor*imageIn2 and will be of the same type as imageIn1.
-function imageOut = AddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.AddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclAddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclAddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor)
-    imageOut = imageIn1 + imageIn2.*factor;
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ApplyPolyTransformation.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ApplyPolyTransformation.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f00401d1412f106614f26826586d8376a0151e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ApplyPolyTransformation.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-% ApplyPolyTransformation - This returns an image with the quadradic function applied. ImageOut = a*ImageIn^2 + b*ImageIn + c
-%    imageOut = ImProc.ApplyPolyTransformation(imageIn,a,b,c,min,max);
-%    	A -- this multiplier is applied to the square of the image.
-%    	B -- this multiplier is applied to the image.
-%    	C -- is the constant additive.
-%    	Min -- this is an optional parameter to clamp the output to and is useful for signed or floating point to remove negative values.
-%    	Max -- this is an optional parameter to clamp the output to.
-%    	ImageOut -- this is the result of ImageOut = a*ImageIn^2 + b*ImageIn + c and is the same dimension and type as imageIn.
-function imageOut = ApplyPolyTransformation(imageIn,a,b,c,min,max,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.ApplyPolyTransformation(imageIn,a,b,c,min,max,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclApplyPolyTransformation(imageIn,a,b,c,min,max);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclApplyPolyTransformation(imageIn,a,b,c,min,max)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ContrastEnhancement.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ContrastEnhancement.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ccdec2860eb191872d695f0f648541923ba69f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ContrastEnhancement.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-% ContrastEnhancement - This attempts to increase contrast by removing noise as proposed by Michel et al. This starts with subtracting off a highly smoothed version of imageIn followed by median filter.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.ContrastEnhancement(imageIn,sigma,MedianNeighborhood);
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Sigma -- these values will create a n-dimensional Gaussian kernel to get a smoothed image that will be subtracted of the original.
-%    		N is the number of dimensions of imageIn
-%    		The larger the sigma the more object preserving the high pass filter will be (e.g. sigma > 35)
-%    	MedianNeighborhood -- this is the neighborhood size in each dimension that will be evaluated for the median neighborhood filter.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn.
-function imageOut = ContrastEnhancement(imageIn,sigma,MedianNeighborhood,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.ContrastEnhancement(imageIn,sigma,MedianNeighborhood,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclContrastEnhancement(imageIn,sigma,MedianNeighborhood);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclContrastEnhancement(imageIn,sigma,MedianNeighborhood)
-    if (ismatrix(imageIn))
-        imGauss = imgaussfilt(imageIn,sigma);
-    else
-        imGauss = imgaussfilt3(imageIn,sigma);
-    end
-    imageOut = imageIn - imGauss;
-    if (ismatrix(imageIn))
-        imageOut = medfilt2(imageOut,MedianNeighborhood([1,2]));
-    else
-        imageOut = medfilt3(imageOut,MedianNeighborhood);
-    end
-    imageOut(imageOut<0) = 0;
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/EntropyFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/EntropyFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e13de108de8faa229e598ab7d0700edc778eeab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/EntropyFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-% EntropyFilter - imageOut = EntropyFilter(imageIn,kernel,device) 
-function imageOut = EntropyFilter(imageIn,kernel,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.EntropyFilter(imageIn,kernel,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclEntropyFilter(imageIn,kernel);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclEntropyFilter(imageIn,kernel)
-    imageOut = entropyfilt(imageIn,ones(size(kernel)));
-    %warning('Falling back to MATLAB version which uses a square nhood and not the kernel passed in.');
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/GaussianFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/GaussianFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c3e5556025b50f180b7fc0418f0664275e643bac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/GaussianFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-% GaussianFilter - Smooths image using a Gaussian kernel.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.GaussianFilter(imageIn,sigma);
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Sigma -- these values will create a n-dimensional Gaussian kernel to get a smoothed image that will be subtracted of the original.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.
-function imageOut = GaussianFilter(imageIn,sigma,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.GaussianFilter(imageIn,sigma,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclGaussianFilter(imageIn,sigma);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclGaussianFilter(imageIn,sigma)
-    if (ismatrix(imageIn))
-        imageOut = imgaussfilt(imageIn,sigma);
-    else
-        imageOut = imgaussfilt3(imageIn,sigma);
-    end
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Histogram.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Histogram.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 0264b30d204c9d518f6fac39bce75e9f15c00e46..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Histogram.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-% Histogram - Creates a histogram array with numBins bins between min/max values.
-%    histogram = ImProc.Histogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max);
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	NumBins -- number of bins that the histogram should partition the signal into.
-%    	Min -- this is the minimum value for the histogram.
-%    		If min is not provided, the min of the image type is used.
-%    	Max -- this is the maximum value for the histogram.
-%    		If min is not provided, the min of the image type is used.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.
-function histogram = Histogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            histogram = ImProc.Cuda.Histogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        histogram = lclHistogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max);
-    end
-function histogram = lclHistogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ImagePow.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ImagePow.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fda2b54ede103d66f7b2b6deec1384369298bc2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ImagePow.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-% ImagePow - This will raise each voxel value to the power provided.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.ImagePow(imageIn,power);
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Power -- must be a double.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.
-function imageOut = ImagePow(imageIn,power,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.ImagePow(imageIn,power,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclImagePow(imageIn,power);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclImagePow(imageIn,power)
-    imageOut = imageIn .^power;
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/LinearUnmixing.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/LinearUnmixing.m
deleted file mode 100644
index d5d816274b6e155b581d15e2b36e88368c349850..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/LinearUnmixing.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% LinearUnmixing - imageOut = LinearUnmixing(mixedImages,unmixMatrix,device) 
-function imageOut = LinearUnmixing(mixedImages,unmixMatrix,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.LinearUnmixing(mixedImages,unmixMatrix,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclLinearUnmixing(mixedImages,unmixMatrix);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclLinearUnmixing(mixedImages,unmixMatrix)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/LoG.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/LoG.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 9656ae8a2957aed6753f74ae589bf3c6f52e645c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/LoG.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-% LoG - Smooths image using a Gaussian kernel.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.LoG(imageIn,sigma);
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Sigma -- these values will create a n-dimensional Gaussian kernel to get a smoothed image that will be subtracted of the original.
-%    	ImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.
-function imageOut = LoG(imageIn,sigma,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.LoG(imageIn,sigma,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclLoG(imageIn,sigma);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclLoG(imageIn,sigma)
-    if (ismatrix(imageIn))
-        sz = sigma.*10;
-        h = fspecial('log',sz([1,2]),sigma([1,2]));
-        imageOut = imfilter(imageIn,h);
-    else
-    end
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4daffabebbd1a2f1298352905199cc78504839c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser - imageOut = MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,maxIterations,device) 
-function imageOut = MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,maxIterations,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MarkovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,maxIterations,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,maxIterations);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,maxIterations)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MaxFilterEllipsoid.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MaxFilterEllipsoid.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f363dcccc99c81b6e19b21493a514a1484dc4e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MaxFilterEllipsoid.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-% MaxFilterEllipsoid - imageOut = MaxFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius,device) 
-function imageOut = MaxFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MaxFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMaxFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMaxFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius)
-    se = ImProc.MakeEllipsoidMask(radius);
-    if (ismatrix(imageIn))
-        se = se(:,:,round(size(se,3)/2));
-    end
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MaxFilterKernel.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MaxFilterKernel.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 168a8753e8b1855196b54d9423ff8ae767d88610..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MaxFilterKernel.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MaxFilterKernel - imageOut = MaxFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel,device) 
-function imageOut = MaxFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MaxFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMaxFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMaxFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MaxFilterNeighborhood.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MaxFilterNeighborhood.m
deleted file mode 100644
index d3f1820700be20d8f1da8aa684a199e2951c5ee6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MaxFilterNeighborhood.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MaxFilterNeighborhood - imageOut = MaxFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = MaxFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MaxFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMaxFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMaxFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MeanFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MeanFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ebbbea65773c95441350dd26d0f7c0f1653b012..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MeanFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MeanFilter - imageOut = MeanFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = MeanFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MeanFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMeanFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMeanFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MedianFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MedianFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index e5c171e8a00da5a855c50f35a4cd877bf9b9b631..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MedianFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-% MedianFilter - imageOut = MedianFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = MedianFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MedianFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMedianFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMedianFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood)
-    if (ismatrix(imageIn))
-        imageOut = medfilt2(imageIn, Neighborhood([1,2]));
-    else
-        imageOut = medfilt3(imageIn,Neighborhood);
-    end
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinFilterEllipsoid.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinFilterEllipsoid.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 04fa0537659b2b47df3ee7c171a3d61c53bb8a38..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinFilterEllipsoid.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MinFilterEllipsoid - imageOut = MinFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius,device) 
-function imageOut = MinFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MinFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMinFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMinFilterEllipsoid(imageIn,radius)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinFilterKernel.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinFilterKernel.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 9552f2d3034e9d75c1b4939afaac3c6079f7dd7d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinFilterKernel.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MinFilterKernel - imageOut = MinFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel,device) 
-function imageOut = MinFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MinFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMinFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMinFilterKernel(imageIn,kernel)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinFilterNeighborhood.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinFilterNeighborhood.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 57f54cdcec1e97eef0a495786e7dc6e13bc13b22..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinFilterNeighborhood.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MinFilterNeighborhood - imageOut = MinFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = MinFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MinFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMinFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMinFilterNeighborhood(imageIn,Neighborhood)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinMax.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinMax.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 12e5315fed66a727b0ed4afb6b35c1110e97947a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MinMax.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-% MinMax - [min,max] = MinMax(imageIn,device) 
-function [minVal,maxVal] = MinMax(imageIn,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            [minVal,maxVal] = ImProc.Cuda.MinMax(imageIn,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        [minVal,maxVal] = lclMinMax(imageIn);
-    end
-function [minVal,maxVal] = lclMinMax(imageIn)
-    minVal = min(imageIn(:));
-    maxVal = max(imageIn(:));
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MorphologicalClosure.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MorphologicalClosure.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d8a13f34e0904764a6764bd9365323e74386614..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MorphologicalClosure.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MorphologicalClosure - imageOut = MorphologicalClosure(imageIn,kernel,device) 
-function imageOut = MorphologicalClosure(imageIn,kernel,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MorphologicalClosure(imageIn,kernel,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMorphologicalClosure(imageIn,kernel);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMorphologicalClosure(imageIn,kernel)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MorphologicalOpening.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MorphologicalOpening.m
deleted file mode 100644
index ea8f6a12b2670cbc8fdaca1ca9bc90bd36b1d93d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MorphologicalOpening.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MorphologicalOpening - imageOut = MorphologicalOpening(imageIn,kernel,device) 
-function imageOut = MorphologicalOpening(imageIn,kernel,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MorphologicalOpening(imageIn,kernel,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMorphologicalOpening(imageIn,kernel);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMorphologicalOpening(imageIn,kernel)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MultiplyImage.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MultiplyImage.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f3f09526637c5ba41f857d935357f5be8157fd2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MultiplyImage.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MultiplyImage - imageOut = MultiplyImage(imageIn,multiplier,device) 
-function imageOut = MultiplyImage(imageIn,multiplier,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MultiplyImage(imageIn,multiplier,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMultiplyImage(imageIn,multiplier);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMultiplyImage(imageIn,multiplier)
-    imageOut = imageIn .*multiplier;
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MultiplyTwoImages.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MultiplyTwoImages.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 021529768be17be733195f8f595ac74c793ea65a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/MultiplyTwoImages.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% MultiplyTwoImages - imageOut = MultiplyTwoImages(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,device) 
-function imageOut = MultiplyTwoImages(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.MultiplyTwoImages(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclMultiplyTwoImages(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclMultiplyTwoImages(imageIn1,imageIn2,factor)
-    imageOut = imageIn1 .* imageIn2 .* factor;
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/NeighborhoodSum.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/NeighborhoodSum.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cc77a1dc3b3359a07c126ec9046c8ad3ef15baf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/NeighborhoodSum.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% NeighborhoodSum - imageOut = NeighborhoodSum(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = NeighborhoodSum(imageIn,Neighborhood,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.NeighborhoodSum(imageIn,Neighborhood,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclNeighborhoodSum(imageIn,Neighborhood);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclNeighborhoodSum(imageIn,Neighborhood)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/NormalizedCovariance.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/NormalizedCovariance.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 517c9403167872a38932ae59a1d536548d137ba5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/NormalizedCovariance.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% NormalizedCovariance - normalizedCovariance = NormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,device) 
-function normalizedCovariance = NormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            normalizedCovariance = ImProc.Cuda.NormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        normalizedCovariance = lclNormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2);
-    end
-function normalizedCovariance = lclNormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/NormalizedHistogram.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/NormalizedHistogram.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c2cb4cf53a6dc5ce3b0f011830b8cfb87ea96f7e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/NormalizedHistogram.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% NormalizedHistogram - histogram = NormalizedHistogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max,device) 
-function histogram = NormalizedHistogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            histogram = ImProc.Cuda.NormalizedHistogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        histogram = lclNormalizedHistogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max);
-    end
-function histogram = lclNormalizedHistogram(imageIn,numBins,min,max)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/OtsuThresholdFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/OtsuThresholdFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index f53f1b919a7bd8afb7fea84cb86959411be1b428..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/OtsuThresholdFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% OtsuThresholdFilter - imageOut = OtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,alpha,device) 
-function imageOut = OtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,alpha,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.OtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,alpha,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclOtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,alpha);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclOtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,alpha)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/OtsuThresholdValue.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/OtsuThresholdValue.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c0d043e804fc7e51b6d70d65477637810b8d315a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/OtsuThresholdValue.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% OtsuThresholdValue - threshold = OtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,device) 
-function threshold = OtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            threshold = ImProc.Cuda.OtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        threshold = lclOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn);
-    end
-function threshold = lclOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/RegionGrowing.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/RegionGrowing.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3145b5cc2a111c66b11b74cbbdeeb89d7df36151..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/RegionGrowing.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-% RegionGrowing - This will create a mask that grows by a delta value.  If a neighboring voxel is masked and the current voxel intensity is +/- delta from the masked intensity, then the current voxel is added to the mask.
-%    maskOut = ImProc.RegionGrowing(imageIn,kernel,mask,threshold,allowConnections);
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	Kernel -- this 
-function maskOut = RegionGrowing(imageIn,kernel,mask,threshold,allowConnections,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            maskOut = ImProc.Cuda.RegionGrowing(imageIn,kernel,mask,threshold,allowConnections,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        maskOut = lclRegionGrowing(imageIn,kernel,mask,threshold,allowConnections);
-    end
-function maskOut = lclRegionGrowing(imageIn,kernel,mask,threshold,allowConnections)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Resize.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Resize.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 065076ef6c53442082ed6c7d3045832e28d79cf7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Resize.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-% Resize - Resizes image using various methods.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.Resize(imageIn,resizeFactor,explicitSize,method);
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (logical,uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	ResizeFactor_rcz -- This represents the output size relative to input (r,c,z). Values less than one but greater than zero will reduce the image.
-%    		Values greater than one will enlarge the image. If this is an empty array, it will be calculated from the explicit resize.
-%    			If both resizeFactor and explicitSize are both set, the explicitSize will be used.
-%    	ExplicitSize_rcz -- This is the size that the output should be (r,c,z). If this is an empty array, then the resize factor is used.
-%    			If both resizeFactor and explicitSize are both set, the explicitSize will be used.
-%    	Method -- This is the neighborhood operation to apply when resizing (mean, median, min, max, gaussian).
-%    	ImageOut -- This will be a resize image the same type as the input image.
-function imageOut = Resize(imageIn,resizeFactor,explicitSize,method,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.Resize(imageIn,resizeFactor,explicitSize,method,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclResize(imageIn,resizeFactor,explicitSize);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclResize(imageIn,resizeFactor,explicitSize)
-    if (ismatrix(imageIn))
-        if (isempty(explicitSize))
-            explicitSize = round(size(imageIn).*resizeFactor([1,2]));
-        end
-        imageOut = imresize(imageIn,explicitSize,'bilinear');
-    else
-        if (isempty(explicitSize))
-            explicitSize = round(size(imageIn).*resizeFactor);
-        end
-        imageOut = imresize3(imageIn,explicitSize,'linear');
-    end
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Segment.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Segment.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e6e780c69732c92667885f1c22adb74025bf63e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Segment.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% Segment - imageOut = Segment(imageIn,alpha,MorphClosure,device) 
-function imageOut = Segment(imageIn,alpha,MorphClosure,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.Segment(imageIn,alpha,MorphClosure,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclSegment(imageIn,alpha,MorphClosure);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclSegment(imageIn,alpha,MorphClosure)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/StdFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/StdFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d36c9ea580126e175820c9ef02754b521c6aca5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/StdFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% StdFilter - imageOut = StdFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,device) 
-function imageOut = StdFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.StdFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclStdFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclStdFilter(imageIn,Neighborhood)
-    imageOut = stdfilt(imageIn,ones(Neighborhood));
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/SumArray.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/SumArray.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 0417bd017b1cd89dfc0167bf036eafea548184b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/SumArray.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% SumArray - sum = SumArray(imageIn,device) 
-function sumVal = SumArray(imageIn,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            sumVal = ImProc.Cuda.SumArray(imageIn,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        sumVal = lclSumArray(imageIn);
-    end
-function sumVal = lclSumArray(imageIn)
-    sumVal = sum(imageIn(:));
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ThresholdFilter.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ThresholdFilter.m
deleted file mode 100644
index a8e92f3a9dff58308327552d463f7d646297cfac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/ThresholdFilter.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% ThresholdFilter - imageOut = ThresholdFilter(imageIn,threshold,device) 
-function imageOut = ThresholdFilter(imageIn,threshold,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.ThresholdFilter(imageIn,threshold,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclThresholdFilter(imageIn,threshold);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclThresholdFilter(imageIn,threshold)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/TileImage.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/TileImage.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d7a999d617340c9383935ed0d0ea277f97ea8cb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/TileImage.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-% TileImage - This will output an image that only consists of the region of interest indicated.
-%    imageOut = ImProc.TileImage(imageIn,roiStart,roiSize);
-%    	ImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).
-%    	RoiStart -- this is the location of the first voxel in the region of interest (starting from the origin).  Must be the same dimension as imageIn.
-%    	RoiSize -- this is how many voxels to include starting from roiStart. Must be the same dimension as imageIn.
-%    	ImageOut -- this will be an image that only contains the region of interest indicated.
-function imageOut = TileImage(imageIn,roiStart,roiSize,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            imageOut = ImProc.Cuda.TileImage(imageIn,roiStart,roiSize,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        imageOut = lclTileImage(imageIn,roiStart,roiSize);
-    end
-function imageOut = lclTileImage(imageIn,roiStart,roiSize)
diff --git a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Variance.m b/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Variance.m
deleted file mode 100644
index e4bd4467abb9f635965c0dfa6187824d6f6275d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/MATLAB/+ImProc/Variance.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% Variance - variance = Variance(imageIn,device) This will return the variance of an image.
-function variance = Variance(imageIn,forceMATLAB)
-    if (~exist('forceMATLAB','var') || isempty(forceMATLAB))
-       forceMATLAB = false;
-    end
-    % check for Cuda capable devices
-    [devCount,m] = ImProc.Cuda.DeviceCount();
-    n = length(devCount);
-    % if there are devices find the availble one and grab the mutex
-    if (n>0 && ~forceMATLAB)
-       [~,I] = max([m.available]);
-       try
-            variance = ImProc.Cuda.Variance(imageIn,I);
-        catch errMsg
-        	throw(errMsg);
-        end
-    else
-        variance = lclVariance(imageIn);
-    end
-function variance = lclVariance(imageIn)
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CWrappers.cu b/src/c/Cuda/CWrappers.cu
index 2e6cd94dd165a3a340cc6dea3959e04ea7932c5a..a41541b4bbf38f4b4742bdbefbc49f0009a78233 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CWrappers.cu
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/CWrappers.cu
@@ -1,1225 +1,26 @@
 #include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "CudaAdd.cuh"
-#include "CudaContrastEnhancement.cuh"
+#include "ImageContainer.h"
 #include "CudaDeviceCount.cuh"
 #include "CudaDeviceStats.h"
-#include "CudaEntropyFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaHistogram.cuh"
-#include "CudaImageCopy.cuh"
-#include "CudaGaussianFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaGetMinMax.cuh"
-#include "CudaLinearUnmixing.cuh"
-#include "CudaLoG.cuh"
-#include "CudaMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.cuh"
-#include "CudaMaxFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaMeanFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaMedianFilter.cuh"
 #include "CudaMemoryStats.cuh"
-#include "CudaMinFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaMorphologicalOperations.cuh"
-#include "CudaMultiplyImage.cuh"
-#include "CudaNeighborhoodSum.cuh"
-#include "CudaNormalizedCovariance.cuh"
-#include "CudaPolyTransferFunc.cuh"
-#include "CudaPow.cuh"
-#include "CudaRegionGrowing.cuh"
-#include "CudaResize.cuh"
-#include "CudaSegment.cuh"
-#include "CudaStdFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaSum.cuh"
-#include "CudaThreshold.cuh"
-#include "CudaVariance.cuh"
 void clearDevice()
- unsigned char* addConstant(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddConstant(imageIn,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* addConstant(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddConstant(imageIn,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- short* addConstant(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddConstant(imageIn,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* addConstant(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddConstant(imageIn,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- int* addConstant(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddConstant(imageIn,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- float* addConstant(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddConstant(imageIn,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- double* addConstant(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddConstant(imageIn,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* applyPolyTransferFunction(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, unsigned char minValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest()*/, unsigned char maxValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max()*/, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cApplyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,dims,a,b,c,minValue,maxValue,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* applyPolyTransferFunction(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, unsigned short minValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest()*/, unsigned short maxValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max()*/, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cApplyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,dims,a,b,c,minValue,maxValue,imageOut,device);
- short* applyPolyTransferFunction(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, short minValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest()*/, short maxValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max()*/, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cApplyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,dims,a,b,c,minValue,maxValue,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* applyPolyTransferFunction(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, unsigned int minValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest()*/, unsigned int maxValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max()*/, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cApplyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,dims,a,b,c,minValue,maxValue,imageOut,device);
- int* applyPolyTransferFunction(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, int minValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest()*/, int maxValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max()*/, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cApplyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,dims,a,b,c,minValue,maxValue,imageOut,device);
- float* applyPolyTransferFunction(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, float minValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest()*/, float maxValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max()*/, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cApplyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,dims,a,b,c,minValue,maxValue,imageOut,device);
- double* applyPolyTransferFunction(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, double minValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest()*/, double maxValue/*=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max()*/,double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cApplyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,dims,a,b,c,minValue,maxValue,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* addImageWith(const unsigned char* imageIn1, const unsigned char* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* addImageWith(const unsigned short* imageIn1, const unsigned short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- short* addImageWith(const short* imageIn1, const short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* addImageWith(const unsigned int* imageIn1, const unsigned int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- int* addImageWith(const int* imageIn1, const int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- float* addImageWith(const float* imageIn1, const float* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- double* addImageWith(const double* imageIn1, const double* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* contrastEnhancement(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cContrastEnhancement(imageIn,dims,sigmas,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* contrastEnhancement(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cContrastEnhancement(imageIn,dims,sigmas,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- short* contrastEnhancement(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cContrastEnhancement(imageIn,dims,sigmas,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* contrastEnhancement(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cContrastEnhancement(imageIn,dims,sigmas,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- int* contrastEnhancement(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cContrastEnhancement(imageIn,dims,sigmas,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- float* contrastEnhancement(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cContrastEnhancement(imageIn,dims,sigmas,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- double* contrastEnhancement(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cContrastEnhancement(imageIn,dims,sigmas,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
  int deviceCount()
 	 return cDeviceCount();
  int deviceStats(DevStats** stats)
 	 return cDeviceStats(stats);
- double* entropyFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cEntropyFilter(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* entropyFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cEntropyFilter(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* entropyFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cEntropyFilter(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* entropyFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cEntropyFilter(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* entropyFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cEntropyFilter(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* entropyFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cEntropyFilter(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* entropyFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cEntropyFilter(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- size_t* histogram(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned char minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::lowest()*/, unsigned char maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cCalculateHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- size_t* histogram(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned short minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::lowest()*/, unsigned short maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cCalculateHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- size_t* histogram(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, short minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<short>::lowest()*/,short maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<short>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cCalculateHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- size_t* histogram(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned int minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::lowest()*/, unsigned int maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cCalculateHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- size_t* histogram(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, int minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest()*/, int maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<int>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cCalculateHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- size_t* histogram(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, float minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest()*/, float maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<float>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cCalculateHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- size_t* histogram(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, double minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()*/, double maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<double>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cCalculateHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- unsigned char* gaussianFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cGaussianFilter(imageIn,dims,sigmas,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* gaussianFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cGaussianFilter(imageIn,dims,sigmas,imageOut,device);
- short* gaussianFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cGaussianFilter(imageIn,dims,sigmas,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* gaussianFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cGaussianFilter(imageIn,dims,sigmas,imageOut,device);
- int* gaussianFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cGaussianFilter(imageIn,dims,sigmas,imageOut,device);
- float* gaussianFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cGaussianFilter(imageIn,dims,sigmas,imageOut,device);
- double* gaussianFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cGaussianFilter(imageIn,dims,sigmas,imageOut,device);
- void getMinMax(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned char& minVal, unsigned char& maxVal, int device/*=0*/)
-	cGetMinMax(imageIn,dims,minVal,maxVal,device);
- void getMinMax(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned short& minVal, unsigned short& maxVal, int device/*=0*/)
-	cGetMinMax(imageIn,dims,minVal,maxVal,device);
- void getMinMax(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, short& minVal, short& maxVal, int device/*=0*/)
-	cGetMinMax(imageIn,dims,minVal,maxVal,device);
- void getMinMax(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int& minVal, unsigned int& maxVal, int device/*=0*/)
-	cGetMinMax(imageIn,dims,minVal,maxVal,device);
- void getMinMax(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int& minVal, int& maxVal, int device/*=0*/)
-	cGetMinMax(imageIn,dims,minVal,maxVal,device);
- void getMinMax(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, float& minVal, float& maxVal, int device/*=0*/)
-	cGetMinMax(imageIn,dims,minVal,maxVal,device);
- void getMinMax(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double& minVal, double& maxVal, int device/*=0*/)
-	cGetMinMax(imageIn,dims,minVal,maxVal,device);
- unsigned char* imagePow(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cAddConstant(imageIn,dims,additive,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* imagePow(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cImagePow(imageIn,dims,power,imageOut,device);
- short* imagePow(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cImagePow(imageIn,dims,power,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* imagePow(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cImagePow(imageIn,dims,power,imageOut,device);
- int* imagePow(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cImagePow(imageIn,dims,power,imageOut,device);
- float* imagePow(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cImagePow(imageIn,dims,power,imageOut,device);
- double* imagePow(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cImagePow(imageIn,dims,power,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* linearUnmixing(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims,  unsigned char** imageOut, int device)
- {
-	 return cLinearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmixing, umixingDims, imageOut, device);
- }
- unsigned short* linearUnmixing(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims,  unsigned short** imageOut, int device)
- {
-	 return cLinearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmixing, umixingDims, imageOut, device);
- }
- short* linearUnmixing(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims,  short** imageOut, int device)
- {
-	 return cLinearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmixing, umixingDims, imageOut, device);
- }
- unsigned int* linearUnmixing(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims,  unsigned int** imageOut, int device)
- {
-	 return cLinearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmixing, umixingDims, imageOut, device);
- }
- int* linearUnmixing(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims,  int** imageOut, int device)
- {
-	 return cLinearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmixing, umixingDims, imageOut, device);
- }
- float* linearUnmixing(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims,  float** imageOut, int device)
- {
-	 return cLinearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmixing, umixingDims, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* linearUnmixing(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims,  double** imageOut, int device)
- {
-	 return cLinearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmixing, umixingDims, imageOut, device);
- }
- float* loG(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cLoGFilter(imageIn, dims, sigmas, imageOut, device);
- }
- float* loG(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cLoGFilter(imageIn, dims, sigmas, imageOut, device);
- }
- float* loG(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cLoGFilter(imageIn, dims, sigmas, imageOut, device);
- }
- float* loG(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cLoGFilter(imageIn, dims, sigmas, imageOut, device);
- }
- float* loG(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cLoGFilter(imageIn, dims, sigmas, imageOut, device);
- }
- float* loG(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cLoGFilter(imageIn, dims, sigmas, imageOut, device);
- }
- float* loG(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cLoGFilter(imageIn, dims, sigmas, imageOut, device);
- }
-float* markovRandomFieldDenoiser(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int maxIterations, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,dims,maxIterations,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* maxFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMaxFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* maxFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMaxFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- short* maxFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMaxFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* maxFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMaxFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- int* maxFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMaxFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- float* maxFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMaxFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- double* maxFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMaxFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* meanFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMeanFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* meanFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMeanFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- short* meanFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMeanFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* meanFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMeanFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- int* meanFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMeanFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- float* meanFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMeanFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- double* meanFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMeanFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* medianFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMedianFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* medianFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMedianFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- short* medianFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMedianFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* medianFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMedianFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- int* medianFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMedianFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- float* medianFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMedianFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- double* medianFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMedianFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
- int memoryStats(size_t** stats)
+ int memoryStats(size_t** stats)
 	 return cMemoryStats(stats);
- unsigned char* minFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMinFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* minFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMinFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- short* minFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMinFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* minFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMinFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- int* minFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMinFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- float* minFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMinFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- double* minFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMinFilter(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- bool* morphologicalClosure(const bool* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, bool** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-     return cMorphologicalClosure(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- unsigned char* morphologicalClosure(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalClosure(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* morphologicalClosure(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalClosure(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- short* morphologicalClosure(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalClosure(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* morphologicalClosure(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalClosure(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- int* morphologicalClosure(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalClosure(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- float* morphologicalClosure(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalClosure(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- double* morphologicalClosure(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalClosure(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- bool* morphologicalOpening(const bool* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, bool** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-     return cMorphologicalOpening(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- unsigned char* morphologicalOpening(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalOpening(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* morphologicalOpening(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalOpening(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- short* morphologicalOpening(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalOpening(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* morphologicalOpening(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalOpening(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- int* morphologicalOpening(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalOpening(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- float* morphologicalOpening(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalOpening(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- double* morphologicalOpening(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMorphologicalOpening(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* multiplyImage(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImage(imageIn,dims,multiplier,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* multiplyImage(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImage(imageIn,dims,multiplier,imageOut,device);
- short* multiplyImage(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImage(imageIn,dims,multiplier,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* multiplyImage(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImage(imageIn,dims,multiplier,imageOut,device);
- int* multiplyImage(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImage(imageIn,dims,multiplier,imageOut,device);
- float* multiplyImage(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImage(imageIn,dims,multiplier,imageOut,device);
- double* multiplyImage(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImage(imageIn,dims,multiplier,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* multiplyImageWith(const unsigned char* imageIn1, const unsigned char* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,factor,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* multiplyImageWith(const unsigned short* imageIn1, const unsigned short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,factor,imageOut,device);
- short* multiplyImageWith(const short* imageIn1, const short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,factor,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* multiplyImageWith(const unsigned int* imageIn1, const unsigned int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,factor,imageOut,device);
- int* multiplyImageWith(const int* imageIn1, const int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,factor,imageOut,device);
- float* multiplyImageWith(const float* imageIn1, const float* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,factor,imageOut,device);
- double* multiplyImageWith(const double* imageIn1, const double* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cMultiplyImageWith(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,factor,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* neighborhoodSum(const bool* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, unsigned char** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cNeighborhoodSum(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- unsigned short* neighborhoodSum(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, unsigned short** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cNeighborhoodSum(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- }
- unsigned int* neighborhoodSum(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, unsigned int** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cNeighborhoodSum(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- int* neighborhoodSum(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, int** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cNeighborhoodSum(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* neighborhoodSum(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cNeighborhoodSum(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* neighborhoodSum(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cNeighborhoodSum(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* neighborhoodSum(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cNeighborhoodSum(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* neighborhoodSum(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel /*= NULL*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-	 return cNeighborhoodSum(imageIn, dims, kernelDims, kernel, imageOut, device);
- }
- double normalizedCovariance(const unsigned char* imageIn1, const unsigned char* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,device);
- double normalizedCovariance(const unsigned short* imageIn1, const unsigned short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,device);
- double normalizedCovariance(const short* imageIn1, const short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,device);
- double normalizedCovariance(const unsigned int* imageIn1, const unsigned int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,device);
- double normalizedCovariance(const int* imageIn1, const int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,device);
- double normalizedCovariance(const float* imageIn1, const float* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,device);
- double normalizedCovariance(const double* imageIn1, const double* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,dims,device);
- double* normalizeHistogram(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned char minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::lowest()*/, unsigned char maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizeHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- double* normalizeHistogram(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned short minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::lowest()*/, unsigned short maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizeHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- double* normalizeHistogram(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, short minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<short>::lowest()*/, short maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<short>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizeHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- double* normalizeHistogram(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned int minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::lowest()*/, unsigned int maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizeHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- double* normalizeHistogram(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, int minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest()*/, int maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<int>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizeHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- double* normalizeHistogram(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, float minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest()*/, float maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<float>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizeHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- double* normalizeHistogram(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, double minVal/*=std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()*/, double maxVal/*=std::numeric_limits<double>::max()*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cNormalizeHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
- unsigned char* otsuThresholdFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha/*=1.0*/, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,alpha,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* otsuThresholdFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha/*=1.0*/, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,alpha,imageOut,device);
- short* otsuThresholdFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha/*=1.0*/, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,alpha,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* otsuThresholdFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha/*=1.0*/, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,alpha,imageOut,device);
- int* otsuThresholdFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha/*=1.0*/, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,alpha,imageOut,device);
- float* otsuThresholdFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha/*=1.0*/, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,alpha,imageOut,device);
- double* otsuThresholdFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha/*=1.0*/, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,alpha,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char otsuThresholdValue(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,dims,device);
- unsigned short otsuThresholdValue(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,dims,device);
- short otsuThresholdValue(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,dims,device);
- unsigned int otsuThresholdValue(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,dims,device);
- int otsuThresholdValue(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,dims,device);
- float otsuThresholdValue(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,dims,device);
- double otsuThresholdValue(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,dims,device);
- void regionGrowing(const unsigned char* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection/*=true*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cRegionGrowing(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageMask,threshold,allowConnection,device);
- }
- void regionGrowing(const unsigned short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection/*=true*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cRegionGrowing(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageMask,threshold,allowConnection,device);
- }
- void regionGrowing(const short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection/*=true*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cRegionGrowing(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageMask,threshold,allowConnection,device);
- }
- void regionGrowing(const unsigned int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection/*=true*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cRegionGrowing(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageMask,threshold,allowConnection,device);
- }
- void regionGrowing(const int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection/*=true*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cRegionGrowing(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageMask,threshold,allowConnection,device);
- }
- void regionGrowing(const float* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection/*=true*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cRegionGrowing(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageMask,threshold,allowConnection,device);
- }
- void regionGrowing(const double* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection/*=true*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cRegionGrowing(imageIn,dims,kernelDims,kernel,imageMask,threshold,allowConnection,device);
- }
- bool* resize(const bool* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method /*= REDUC_MEAN*/, bool** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-     return cResize(imageIn, dimsIn, resizeFactors, dimsOut, method, imageOut, device);
- }
- unsigned char* resize(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method /*= REDUC_MEAN*/, unsigned char** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-     return cResize(imageIn, dimsIn, resizeFactors, dimsOut, method, imageOut, device);
- }
- unsigned short* resize(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method /*= REDUC_MEAN*/, unsigned short** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-     return cResize(imageIn, dimsIn, resizeFactors, dimsOut, method, imageOut, device);
- }
- short* resize(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method /*= REDUC_MEAN*/, short** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-     return cResize(imageIn, dimsIn, resizeFactors, dimsOut, method, imageOut, device);
- }
- unsigned int* resize(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method /*= REDUC_MEAN*/, unsigned int** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-     return cResize(imageIn, dimsIn, resizeFactors, dimsOut, method, imageOut, device);
- }
- int* resize(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method /*= REDUC_MEAN*/, int** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-     return cResize(imageIn, dimsIn, resizeFactors, dimsOut, method, imageOut, device);
- }
- float* resize(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method /*= REDUC_MEAN*/, float** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-     return cResize(imageIn, dimsIn, resizeFactors, dimsOut, method, imageOut, device);
- }
- double* resize(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method /*= REDUC_MEAN*/, double** imageOut /*= NULL*/, int device /*= 0*/)
- {
-     return cResize(imageIn, dimsIn, resizeFactors, dimsOut, method, imageOut, device);
- }
- size_t sumArray(const unsigned char* imageIn, size_t n, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cSumArray<size_t>(imageIn,n,device);
- size_t sumArray(const unsigned short* imageIn, size_t n, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cSumArray<size_t>(imageIn,n,device);
- size_t sumArray(const short* imageIn, size_t n, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cSumArray<size_t>(imageIn,n,device);
- size_t sumArray(const unsigned int* imageIn, size_t n, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cSumArray<size_t>(imageIn,n,device);
- size_t sumArray(const int* imageIn, size_t n, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cSumArray<size_t>(imageIn,n,device);
- double sumArray(const float* imageIn, size_t n, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cSumArray<double>(imageIn,n,device);
- double sumArray(const double* imageIn, size_t n, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cSumArray<double>(imageIn,n,device);
-unsigned char* segment(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cSegment(imageIn,dims,alpha,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- }
-unsigned short* segment(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cSegment(imageIn,dims,alpha,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- }
-short* segment(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cSegment(imageIn,dims,alpha,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- }
-unsigned int* segment(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cSegment(imageIn,dims,alpha,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- }
-int* segment(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cSegment(imageIn,dims,alpha,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- }
-float* segment(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cSegment(imageIn,dims,alpha,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- }
-double* segment(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel/*=NULL*/, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cSegment(imageIn,dims,alpha,kernelDims,kernel,imageOut,device);
- }
-unsigned char* stdFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,unsigned char** imageOut /*= NULL*/,int device /*= 0*/)
-	return cStdFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
-unsigned short* stdFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,unsigned short** imageOut /*= NULL*/,int device /*= 0*/)
-	return cStdFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
-short* stdFilter(const short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,short** imageOut /*= NULL*/,int device /*= 0*/)
-	return cStdFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
-unsigned int* stdFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,unsigned int** imageOut /*= NULL*/,int device /*= 0*/)
-	return cStdFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
-int* stdFilter(const int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,int** imageOut /*= NULL*/,int device /*= 0*/)
-	return cStdFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
-float* stdFilter(const float* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,float** imageOut /*= NULL*/,int device /*= 0*/)
-	return cStdFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
-double* stdFilter(const double* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,double** imageOut /*= NULL*/,int device /*= 0*/)
-	return cStdFilter(imageIn,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
-unsigned char* thresholdFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,unsigned char thresh,unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/,int device/*=0*/)
-	return cThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,thresh,imageOut,device);
- unsigned short* thresholdFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned short thresh, unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,thresh,imageOut,device);
- short* thresholdFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, short thresh, short** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,thresh,imageOut,device);
- unsigned int* thresholdFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int thresh, unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,thresh,imageOut,device);
- int* thresholdFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int thresh, int** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,thresh,imageOut,device);
- float* thresholdFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, float thresh, float** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,thresh,imageOut,device);
- double* thresholdFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double thresh, double** imageOut/*=NULL*/, int device/*=0*/)
-	return cThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,thresh,imageOut,device);
- unsigned char* tileImage(const unsigned char* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,unsigned char** imageOut/*=NULL*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cTileImage(imageIn,dims,roiStart,roiSize,imageOut,device);
- }
- unsigned short* tileImage(const unsigned short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,unsigned short** imageOut/*=NULL*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cTileImage(imageIn,dims,roiStart,roiSize,imageOut,device);
- }
- short* tileImage(const short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,short** imageOut/*=NULL*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cTileImage(imageIn,dims,roiStart,roiSize,imageOut,device);
- }
- unsigned int* tileImage(const unsigned int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,unsigned int** imageOut/*=NULL*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cTileImage(imageIn,dims,roiStart,roiSize,imageOut,device);
- }
- int* tileImage(const int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,int** imageOut/*=NULL*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cTileImage(imageIn,dims,roiStart,roiSize,imageOut,device);
- }
- float* tileImage(const float* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,float** imageOut/*=NULL*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cTileImage(imageIn,dims,roiStart,roiSize,imageOut,device);
- }
- double* tileImage(const double* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,double** imageOut/*=NULL*/,int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cTileImage(imageIn,dims,roiStart,roiSize,imageOut,device);
- }
- double variance(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cVariance(imageIn,dims,device,(float*)NULL);
- }
- double variance(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cVariance(imageIn,dims,device,(float*)NULL);
- }
- double variance(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cVariance(imageIn,dims,device,(float*)NULL);
- }
- double variance(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cVariance(imageIn,dims,device,(float*)NULL);
- }
- double variance(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cVariance(imageIn,dims,device,(float*)NULL);
- }
- double variance(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cVariance(imageIn,dims,device,(float*)NULL);
- }
- double variance(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device/*=0*/)
- {
-	 return cVariance(imageIn,dims,device,(double*)NULL);
- }
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CWrappers.h b/src/c/Cuda/CWrappers.h
index d131908a6b44e94e2d8ab0abea12b875235c8e88..e1e3c79d79d5184739fe5f85de66f613328a96f3 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CWrappers.h
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/CWrappers.h
@@ -15,270 +15,6 @@
 IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void clearDevice();
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* addConstant(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* addConstant(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* addConstant(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* addConstant(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* addConstant(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* addConstant(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* addConstant(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* addImageWith(const unsigned char* imageIn1, const unsigned char* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* addImageWith(const unsigned short* imageIn1, const unsigned short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* addImageWith(const short* imageIn1, const short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* addImageWith(const unsigned int* imageIn1, const unsigned int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* addImageWith(const int* imageIn1, const int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* addImageWith(const float* imageIn1, const float* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* addImageWith(const double* imageIn1, const double* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double additive, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* applyPolyTransferFunction(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, unsigned char minValue = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::lowest(), unsigned char maxValue = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max(), unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* applyPolyTransferFunction(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, unsigned short minValue = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::lowest(), unsigned short maxValue = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max(), unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* applyPolyTransferFunction(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, short minValue = std::numeric_limits<short>::lowest(), short maxValue = std::numeric_limits<short>::max(), short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* applyPolyTransferFunction(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, unsigned int minValue = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::lowest(), unsigned int maxValue = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(), unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* applyPolyTransferFunction(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, int minValue = std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest(), int maxValue = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* applyPolyTransferFunction(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, float minValue = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(), float maxValue = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* applyPolyTransferFunction(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c, double minValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), double maxValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* contrastEnhancement(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* contrastEnhancement(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* contrastEnhancement(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* contrastEnhancement(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* contrastEnhancement(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* contrastEnhancement(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* contrastEnhancement(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
 IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int deviceCount();
 IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int deviceStats(DevStats** stats);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* entropyFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* entropyFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* entropyFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* entropyFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* entropyFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* entropyFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* entropyFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t* histogram(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned char minVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::lowest(), unsigned char maxVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t* histogram(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned short minVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::lowest(), unsigned short maxVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t* histogram(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, short minVal = std::numeric_limits<short>::lowest(), short maxVal = std::numeric_limits<short>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t* histogram(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned int minVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::lowest(), unsigned int maxVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t* histogram(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, int minVal = std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest(), int maxVal = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t* histogram(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, float minVal = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(), float maxVal = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t* histogram(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, double minVal = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), double maxVal = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* gaussianFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* gaussianFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* gaussianFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* gaussianFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* gaussianFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* gaussianFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* gaussianFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void getMinMax(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned char& minVal, unsigned char& maxVal, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void getMinMax(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned short& minVal, unsigned short& maxVal, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void getMinMax(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, short& minVal, short& maxVal, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void getMinMax(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int& minVal, unsigned int& maxVal, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void getMinMax(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int& minVal, int& maxVal, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void getMinMax(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, float& minVal, float& maxVal, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void getMinMax(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double& minVal, double& maxVal, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* imagePow(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* imagePow(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* imagePow(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* imagePow(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* imagePow(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* imagePow(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* imagePow(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* linearUnmixing(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* linearUnmixing(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* linearUnmixing(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* linearUnmixing(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* linearUnmixing(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* linearUnmixing(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* linearUnmixing(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* loG(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* loG(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* loG(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* loG(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* loG(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* loG(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* loG(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* markovRandomFieldDenoiser(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int maxIterations, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* maxFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* maxFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* maxFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* maxFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* maxFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* maxFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* maxFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* meanFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* meanFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* meanFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* meanFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* meanFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* meanFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* meanFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* medianFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* medianFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* medianFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* medianFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* medianFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* medianFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* medianFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
 IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int memoryStats(size_t** stats);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* minFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* minFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* minFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* minFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* minFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* minFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* minFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API bool* morphologicalClosure(const bool* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, bool** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* morphologicalClosure(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* morphologicalClosure(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* morphologicalClosure(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* morphologicalClosure(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* morphologicalClosure(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* morphologicalClosure(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* morphologicalClosure(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API bool* morphologicalOpening(const bool* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, bool** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* morphologicalOpening(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* morphologicalOpening(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* morphologicalOpening(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* morphologicalOpening(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* morphologicalOpening(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* morphologicalOpening(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* morphologicalOpening(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* multiplyImage(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* multiplyImage(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* multiplyImage(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* multiplyImage(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* multiplyImage(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* multiplyImage(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* multiplyImage(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* multiplyImageWith(const unsigned char* imageIn1, const unsigned char* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* multiplyImageWith(const unsigned short* imageIn1, const unsigned short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* multiplyImageWith(const short* imageIn1, const short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* multiplyImageWith(const unsigned int* imageIn1, const unsigned int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* multiplyImageWith(const int* imageIn1, const int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* multiplyImageWith(const float* imageIn1, const float* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* multiplyImageWith(const double* imageIn1, const double* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* neighborhoodSum(const bool* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* neighborhoodSum(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* neighborhoodSum(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* neighborhoodSum(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* neighborhoodSum(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* neighborhoodSum(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* neighborhoodSum(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* neighborhoodSum(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double normalizedCovariance(const unsigned char* imageIn1, const unsigned char* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double normalizedCovariance(const unsigned short* imageIn1, const unsigned short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double normalizedCovariance(const short* imageIn1, const short* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double normalizedCovariance(const unsigned int* imageIn1, const unsigned int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double normalizedCovariance(const int* imageIn1, const int* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double normalizedCovariance(const float* imageIn1, const float* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double normalizedCovariance(const double* imageIn1, const double* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* normalizeHistogram(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned char minVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::lowest(), unsigned char maxVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* normalizeHistogram(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned short minVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::lowest(), unsigned short maxVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* normalizeHistogram(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, short minVal = std::numeric_limits<short>::lowest(), short maxVal = std::numeric_limits<short>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* normalizeHistogram(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, unsigned int minVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::lowest(), unsigned int maxVal = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* normalizeHistogram(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, int minVal = std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest(), int maxVal = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* normalizeHistogram(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, float minVal = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(), float maxVal = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* normalizeHistogram(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize, double minVal = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), double maxVal = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* otsuThresholdFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha = 1.0, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* otsuThresholdFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha = 1.0, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* otsuThresholdFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha = 1.0, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* otsuThresholdFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha = 1.0, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* otsuThresholdFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha = 1.0, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* otsuThresholdFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha = 1.0, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* otsuThresholdFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha = 1.0, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char otsuThresholdValue(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short otsuThresholdValue(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short otsuThresholdValue(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int otsuThresholdValue(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int otsuThresholdValue(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float otsuThresholdValue(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double otsuThresholdValue(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void regionGrowing(const unsigned char* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection=true,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void regionGrowing(const unsigned short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection=true,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void regionGrowing(const short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection=true,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void regionGrowing(const unsigned int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection=true,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void regionGrowing(const int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection=true,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void regionGrowing(const float* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection=true,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API void regionGrowing(const double* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection=true,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API bool* resize(const bool* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method = REDUC_MEAN, bool** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* resize(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method = REDUC_MEAN, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* resize(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method = REDUC_MEAN, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* resize(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method = REDUC_MEAN, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* resize(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method = REDUC_MEAN, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* resize(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method = REDUC_MEAN, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* resize(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method = REDUC_MEAN, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* resize(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut, ReductionMethods method = REDUC_MEAN, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t sumArray(const unsigned char* imageIn, size_t n, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t sumArray(const unsigned short* imageIn, size_t n, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t sumArray(const short* imageIn, size_t n, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t sumArray(const unsigned int* imageIn, size_t n, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API size_t sumArray(const int* imageIn, size_t n, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double sumArray(const float* imageIn, size_t n, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double sumArray(const double* imageIn, size_t n, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* segment(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* segment(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* segment(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* segment(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* segment(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* segment(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* segment(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* stdFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,unsigned char** imageOut = NULL,int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* stdFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,unsigned short** imageOut = NULL,int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* stdFilter(const short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,short** imageOut = NULL,int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* stdFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,unsigned int** imageOut = NULL,int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* stdFilter(const int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,int** imageOut = NULL,int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* stdFilter(const float* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,float** imageOut = NULL,int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* stdFilter(const double* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,double** imageOut = NULL,int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* thresholdFilter(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned char thresh, unsigned char** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* thresholdFilter(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned short thresh, unsigned short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* thresholdFilter(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, short thresh, short** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* thresholdFilter(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int thresh, unsigned int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* thresholdFilter(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int thresh, int** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* thresholdFilter(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, float thresh, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* thresholdFilter(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double thresh, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned char* tileImage(const unsigned char* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,unsigned char** imageOut=NULL,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned short* tileImage(const unsigned short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,unsigned short** imageOut=NULL,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API short* tileImage(const short* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,short** imageOut=NULL,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API unsigned int* tileImage(const unsigned int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,unsigned int** imageOut=NULL,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API int* tileImage(const int* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,int** imageOut=NULL,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API float* tileImage(const float* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,float** imageOut=NULL,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double* tileImage(const double* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize,double** imageOut=NULL,int device=0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double variance(const unsigned char* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double variance(const unsigned short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double variance(const short* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double variance(const unsigned int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double variance(const int* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double variance(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
-IMAGE_PROCESSOR_API double variance(const double* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device = 0);
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaAdd.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaAdd.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 6624444e5655a0a7549824753fc4b1ab8cff5cf7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaAdd.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-#include "ImageContainer.h"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaAddScaler( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn1, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, double factor, PixelType minValue, PixelType maxValue )
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate = GetThreadBlockCoordinate();
-	if (coordinate<imageIn1.getDims())
-	{
-		KernelIterator kIt(coordinate, imageIn1.getDims(), Vec<size_t>(1));
-		for(; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			double outValue = imageIn1(kIt.getFullPos())+factor;
-			imageOut(kIt.getFullPos()) = (outValue>maxValue) ? (maxValue) : ((outValue<minValue) ? (minValue) : (outValue));
-		}
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaAddTwoImagesWithFactor( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn1, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn2, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, double factor, PixelType minValue, PixelType maxValue )
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate = GetThreadBlockCoordinate();
-	if (coordinate<imageIn1.getDims())
-	{
-		KernelIterator kIt(coordinate, imageIn1.getDims(), Vec<size_t>(1));
-		for(; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			double additive = factor* double(imageIn2(kIt.getFullPos()));
-			double outValue = double(imageIn1(kIt.getFullPos())) + additive;
-			imageOut(kIt.getFullPos()) = (outValue>(double)maxValue) ? (maxValue) : ((outValue<(double)minValue) ? (minValue) : ((PixelType)outValue));
-		}
-	}
-template <class PixelTypeIn, class PixelTypeOut>
-void cAddConstant(const ImageContainer<PixelTypeIn> imageIn, double additive, ImageContainer<PixelTypeOut>& imageOut, int device=-1)
-	const int NUM_BUFF_NEEDED = 2;
-	setUpOutIm(imageIn.getDims(), imageOut);
-	PixelTypeOut minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelTypeOut>::lowest();
-	PixelTypeOut maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelTypeOut>::max();
-	int* deviceIdxList;
-	int numDevices;
-	size_t maxThreadsPerBlock;
-	size_t availMem = getCudaInfo(&deviceIdxList, numDevices, maxThreadsPerBlock, device);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaAddScaler<PixelTypeOut>);
-	maxThreadsPerBlock = MIN(maxThreadsPerBlock, size_t(blockSize));
-    std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelTypeOut>(imageIn.getDims(), NUM_BUFF_NEEDED, (size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL), sizeof(PixelTypeOut), maxThreadsPerBlock, Vec<size_t>(0));
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	{// This is were the openMP should go
-		CudaDeviceImages<PixelTypeOut> deviceImages(NUM_BUFF_NEEDED, maxDeviceDims, deviceIdxList[0]);
-		for(std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk = chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-		{
-			curChunk->sendROI(imageIn, deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-			deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-			cudaAddScaler<<<curChunk->blocks, curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()), *(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()), additive, minVal, maxVal);
-			deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-			curChunk->retriveROI(imOut, deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		}
-	}
-*	Adds this image to the passed in one.  You can apply a factor
-*	which is multiplied to the passed in image prior to adding
-template <class PixelType>
-void cAddImageWith(const ImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn1, const ImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn2, double additive, ImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, int device=-1)
-	const int NUM_BUFF_NEEDED = 3;
-	setUpOutIm(imageIn.getDims(), imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	int* deviceIdxList;
-	int numDevices;
-	size_t maxThreadsPerBlock;
-	size_t availMem = getCudaInfo(&deviceIdxList, numDevices, maxThreadsPerBlock, device);
-	int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaAddTwoImagesWithFactor<PixelType>);
-	maxThreadsPerBlock = MIN(maxThreadsPerBlock, size_t(blockSize));
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(imageIn.getDims(), NUM_BUFF_NEEDED, (size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL), sizeof(PixelType), maxThreadsPerBlock, Vec<size_t>(0));
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	{// This is were the openMP should go
-		CudaDeviceImages<PixelTypeOut> deviceImages(NUM_BUFF_NEEDED, maxDeviceDims, deviceIdxList[0]);
-		for(std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk = chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-		{
-			deviceImages.setAllDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-			curChunk->sendROI(imageIn1, deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-			curChunk->sendROI(imageIn1, deviceImages.getNextBuffer());
-			cudaAddTwoImagesWithFactor<<<curChunk->blocks, curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()), *(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getThirdBuffer()), additive, minVal, maxVal);
-			deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-			curChunk->retriveROI(imOut, deviceImages.getThirdBuffer());
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaClamp.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaClamp.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 75c32893641cac50766f0ac68d8f492060cbd6b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaClamp.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaClamp(CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn,CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut,	PixelType minValue,PixelType maxValue)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if(coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		imageOut(coordinate) = (imageIn(coordinate)>maxValue) ? (maxValue) : ((imageIn(coordinate)<minValue) ? (minValue) : (imageIn(coordinate)));
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cClamp(const PixelType* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,PixelType minVal,PixelType maxVal,PixelType** imageOut=NULL,int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims,imageOut);
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t availMem,total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaClamp<PixelType>);
-    std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims, 2, (size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL), props, Vec<size_t>(0, 0, 0), blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks,maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for(std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		deviceImages.setAllDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		cudaClamp<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),minVal,maxVal);
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getNextBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaContrastEnhancement.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaContrastEnhancement.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index cb390c1880d019d5621084c4ce4c77690694c6cb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaContrastEnhancement.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <limits>
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-#include "CudaGaussianFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaAdd.cuh"
-#include "CudaClamp.cuh"
-#include "CudaMedianFilter.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cContrastEnhancement(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, Vec<size_t> neighborhood,
-							   PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imGauss = cGaussianFilter<PixelType>(imageIn,dims,sigmas,NULL,device);
-	PixelType* imSub = cAddImageWith<PixelType>(imageIn,imGauss,dims,-1.0,NULL,device);
-	delete[] imGauss;
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	cClamp(imSub,dims,(PixelType)(0),maxVal,&imSub,device);
-	cMedianFilter(imSub,dims,neighborhood,imageOut,device);
-	delete[] imSub;
-	return *imageOut;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaConvertType.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaConvertType.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 4561d072166e7d211a52477414c35dd0bbf29098..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaConvertType.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-template <class PixelTypeIn, class PixelTypeOut>
-__global__ void cudaConvertType( const PixelTypeIn* imageIn, PixelTypeOut* imageOut, size_t imSize, PixelTypeOut minValue,
-						PixelTypeOut maxValue)
-	size_t i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	if (i<imSize)
-	{
-		PixelTypeOut outValue = (PixelTypeOut)(imageIn[i]);
-		imageOut[i] = (outValue>maxValue) ? (maxValue) : ((outValue<minValue) ? (minValue) : (outValue));
-	}
-// template <class PixelType>
-// __global__ void cudaConvertType( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, PixelType minValue,
-// 								PixelType maxValue)
-// {
-// 	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-// 	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-// 	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-// 	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-// 	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-// 		imageOut[coordinate] = imageIn[coordinate];
-// }
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceInfo.cpp b/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceInfo.cpp
index 7fdfa6fb4ddea55414412b42fe1cf0df842e2f18..72c7732760c1df8af1c6af0c9bc672f80e66cdf8 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceInfo.cpp
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceInfo.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #include "CudaDeviceInfo.h"
+#include "CudaDeviceStats.h"
 #include "Defines.h"
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
@@ -37,9 +38,9 @@ void CudaDevices::getCudaInfo(int device/*=-1*/)
 	availMem = ULLONG_MAX;
 	for (int i=0; i<numDevices; ++i)
-		cudaDeviceProp* props;
+		cudaDeviceProp props;
 		cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props, deviceIdxList[i]);
-		size_t mTPB = props->maxThreadsPerBlock;
+		size_t mTPB = props.maxThreadsPerBlock;
 		if (maxThreadsPerBlock > mTPB)
 			maxThreadsPerBlock = mTPB;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceStats.cpp b/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceStats.cpp
index a2cd98649271025ef76eddc6c25b88af0fd8af64..76ca39d7bbf99a0f7ef1ff4061e4df286832a723 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceStats.cpp
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceStats.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 #include "CudaDeviceStats.h"
+#include "CudaUtilities.h"
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
 int cDeviceStats(DevStats** stats)
@@ -31,4 +33,32 @@ int cDeviceStats(DevStats** stats)
     return cnt;
\ No newline at end of file
+size_t memoryAvailable(int device, size_t* totalOut/*=NULL*/)
+	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaSetDevice(device));
+	size_t free, total;
+	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemGetInfo(&free, &total));
+	if (totalOut != NULL)
+		*totalOut = total;
+	return free;
+bool checkFreeMemory(size_t needed, int device, bool throws/*=false*/)
+	size_t free = memoryAvailable(device);
+	if (needed > free)
+	{
+		if (throws)
+		{
+			char buff[255];
+			sprintf_s(buff, "Out of CUDA Memory!\nNeed: %zu\nHave: %zu\n", needed, free);
+			throw std::runtime_error(buff);
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceStats.h b/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceStats.h
index 965aef1cf986636bd8e84369ee2cbd39a0fc9bb8..13b991671389c40b12712b99f2feb59c73e1c458 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceStats.h
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/CudaDeviceStats.h
@@ -20,3 +20,6 @@ struct DevStats
 int cDeviceStats(DevStats** stats);
+size_t memoryAvailable(int device, size_t* totalOut = NULL);
+bool checkFreeMemory(size_t needed, int device, bool throws = false);
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaEntropyFilter.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaEntropyFilter.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d7b65165c90cab3d8a882e8ab9697bf1a47ee63..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaEntropyFilter.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "KernelIterator.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-#include "CudaGetMinMax.cuh"
-#include <functional>
-__constant__ float cudaConstKernel[MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM];
-class HistoShared
-	inline __host__ __device__ HistoShared() {}
-	inline __host__ __device__ int operator()(int n)
-	{
-		n = n*256*sizeof(short);
-		return n;
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaEntropyFilter(CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<double> imageOut, Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims, PixelType minVal, PixelType maxVal)
-	//extern __shared__ unsigned short histo[];
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y+blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z+blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	//unsigned short* lclHisto = (threadIdx.x+threadIdx.y*blockDim.x+threadIdx.z*blockDim.y*blockDim.x)*256 +histo;
-	unsigned short lclHisto[256];
-	double binWidth = (double)(maxVal-minVal+1)/256.0f;
-	for (int i=0; i<255; ++i)
-	{
-		lclHisto[i] = 0;
-	}
-	if(coordinate<imageOut.getDims())
-	{
-		double val = 0;
-		double numVals = 0;
-		Vec<size_t> kernelDims = hostKernelDims;
-		KernelIterator kIt(coordinate, imageIn.getDims(), kernelDims);
-		for(; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			Vec<size_t> kernIdx(kIt.getKernelIdx());
-			if(cudaConstKernel[hostKernelDims.linearAddressAt(kernIdx)]>0)
-			{
-				PixelType imVal = imageIn(kIt.getImageCoordinate());
-				int binNum = floor((double)(imVal-minVal)/binWidth);
-				++(lclHisto[binNum]);
-				++numVals;
-			}
-		}
-		for(int i = 0; i<255; ++i)
-		{
-			double hVal = lclHisto[i]/numVals;
-			if (hVal>0)
-				val = val+hVal*log2(hVal);
-		}
-		imageOut(coordinate) = -val;
-	}
-#pragma optimize("",off)
-template <class PixelType>
-double* cEntropyFilter(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel = NULL, double** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0)
-	cudaSetDevice(device);
-	double* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = 0;
-	PixelType maxVal = 0;
-	cGetMinMax(imageIn, dims, minVal, maxVal, device);
-	if(kernel==NULL)
-	{
-		kernelDims = kernelDims.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1, 1, 1), dims);
-		float* ones = new float[kernelDims.product()];
-		for(int i = 0; i<kernelDims.product(); ++i)
-			ones[i] = 1.0f;
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, ones, sizeof(double)*kernelDims.product()));
-		delete[] ones;
-	} else
-	{
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, kernel, sizeof(double)*kernelDims.product()));
-	}
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props, device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem, &total);
-	HistoShared hitoMemObj;
-	//int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreadsSharedMem(cudaEntropyFilter<PixelType>, hitoMemObj);
-	int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaEntropyFilter<PixelType>);
-	double inOutSize = (double)(sizeof(PixelType)+sizeof(double));
-	double inputPrcnt = sizeof(PixelType)/inOutSize;
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> inChunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims, 1, (size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL*inputPrcnt), props, kernelDims, blockSize);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> outChunks(inChunks);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(inChunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceInImages(1, maxDeviceDims, device);
-	CudaDeviceImages<double> deviceOutImages(1, maxDeviceDims, device);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator inIt = inChunks.begin();
-	std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator outIt = outChunks.begin();
-	while(inIt!=inChunks.end() && outIt!=outChunks.end())
-	{
-		inIt->sendROI(imageIn, dims, deviceInImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceInImages.setNextDims(inIt->getFullChunkSize());
-		//int sharedMemSize = hitoMemObj((inIt->threads.x * inIt->threads.y * inIt->threads.z));
-		//cudaEntropyFilter<<<inIt->blocks, inIt->threads, sharedMemSize>>>(*(deviceInImages.getCurBuffer()), *(deviceOutImages.getCurBuffer()), kernelDims, minVal, maxVal);
-		cudaEntropyFilter<<<inIt->blocks, inIt->threads>>>(*(deviceInImages.getCurBuffer()), *(deviceOutImages.getCurBuffer()), kernelDims, minVal, maxVal);
-		outIt->retriveROI(imOut, dims, deviceOutImages.getCurBuffer());
-		++inIt;
-		++outIt;
-	}
-	return imOut;
-#pragma optimize("",on)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaGaussianFilter.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaGaussianFilter.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 39f9fed672e820c93a13a0ee799c13973b808f85..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaGaussianFilter.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-#include "CudaMultAddFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-void runGaussIterations(Vec<int> &gaussIterations, std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator& curChunk, CudaDeviceImages<PixelType>& deviceImages,
-						Vec<size_t> sizeconstKernelDims, int device)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	if (curChunk->getFullChunkSize().x>1)
-	{
-		for (int x=0; x<gaussIterations.x; ++x)
-		{
-			cudaMultAddFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-				Vec<size_t>(sizeconstKernelDims.x,1,1));
-			deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		}
-	}
-	if (curChunk->getFullChunkSize().y>1)
-	{
-		for (int y=0; y<gaussIterations.y; ++y)
-		{
-			cudaMultAddFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-				Vec<size_t>(1,sizeconstKernelDims.y,1),	sizeconstKernelDims.x);
-			deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		}
-	}
-	if (curChunk->getFullChunkSize().z>1)
-	{
-		for (int z=0; z<gaussIterations.z; ++z)
-		{
-			cudaMultAddFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-				Vec<size_t>(1,1,sizeconstKernelDims.z),	sizeconstKernelDims.y+sizeconstKernelDims.x);
-			deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		}
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cGaussianFilter(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	Vec<int> gaussIterations(0,0,0);
-	sigmas.x = (dims.x==1) ? (0) : (sigmas.x);
-	sigmas.y = (dims.y==1) ? (0) : (sigmas.y);
-	sigmas.z = (dims.z==1) ? (0) : (sigmas.z);
-	float* hostKernel;
-	Vec<size_t> sizeconstKernelDims = createGaussianKernel(sigmas,&hostKernel,gaussIterations);
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, hostKernel, sizeof(float)*
-		(sizeconstKernelDims.x+sizeconstKernelDims.y+sizeconstKernelDims.z)));
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMultAddFilter<PixelType>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,sizeconstKernelDims,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		deviceImages.setAllDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		runGaussIterations(gaussIterations, curChunk, deviceImages, sizeconstKernelDims,device);
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	delete[] hostKernel;
-	return imOut;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaGetMinMax.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaGetMinMax.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 91d2d1ef2ae4a17f4671ed86fe03e12ec3fc2b66..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaGetMinMax.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaGetMinMax(PixelType* arrayIn, PixelType* minsOut, PixelType* maxsOut, size_t n, PixelType minVal, PixelType maxVal)
-	extern __shared__ unsigned char sharedMem[];
-	PixelType* mins = (PixelType*)sharedMem;
-	PixelType* maxs = mins+blockDim.x;
-	size_t i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-	size_t imStride = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
-	if (i<n)
-	{
-		mins[threadIdx.x] = arrayIn[i];
-		maxs[threadIdx.x] = arrayIn[i];
-		while (i+imStride<n)
-		{
-			i += imStride;
-			if (mins[threadIdx.x] > arrayIn[i])
-				mins[threadIdx.x] = arrayIn[i];
-			if (maxs[threadIdx.x] < arrayIn[i])
-				maxs[threadIdx.x] = arrayIn[i];
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mins[threadIdx.x] = maxVal;
-		maxs[threadIdx.x] = minVal;
-	}
-	__syncthreads();
-	for (int localStride=blockDim.x/2; localStride>0; localStride /= 2)
-	{
-		if (threadIdx.x<localStride)
-		{
-			if (mins[threadIdx.x] > mins[threadIdx.x+localStride])
-				mins[threadIdx.x] = mins[threadIdx.x+localStride];
-			if (maxs[threadIdx.x] < maxs[threadIdx.x+localStride])
-				maxs[threadIdx.x] = maxs[threadIdx.x+localStride];
-		}
-		__syncthreads();
-	}
-	if (threadIdx.x==0)
-	{
-		minsOut[blockIdx.x] = mins[0];
-		maxsOut[blockIdx.x] = maxs[0];
-	}
-	__syncthreads();
-template <class PixelType>
-void cGetMinMax(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, PixelType& minVal, PixelType& maxVal, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	size_t n = dims.product();
-	minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType initMin= std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType initMax = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	PixelType* deviceMins;
-	PixelType* deviceMaxs;
-	PixelType* hostMins;
-	PixelType* hostMaxs;
-	PixelType* deviceBuffer;
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props, device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-	size_t numValsPerChunk = MIN(n,(size_t)((availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL)/sizeof(PixelType)));
-    int threads = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaGetMinMax<PixelType>);
-	int maxBlocks = (int)ceil((double)numValsPerChunk/(threads*2)); 
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceBuffer,sizeof(PixelType)*numValsPerChunk));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceMins,sizeof(PixelType)*maxBlocks));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceMaxs,sizeof(PixelType)*maxBlocks));
-	hostMins = new PixelType[maxBlocks];
-	hostMaxs = new PixelType[maxBlocks];
-	for (size_t startIdx=0; startIdx<n; startIdx += numValsPerChunk)
-	{
-		size_t curNumVals = MIN(numValsPerChunk,n-startIdx);
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(deviceBuffer,imageIn+startIdx,sizeof(PixelType)*curNumVals,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
-		int blocks = (int)((double)curNumVals/(threads*2));
-		size_t sharedMemSize = sizeof(PixelType)*threads*2;
-		cudaGetMinMax<<<blocks,threads,sharedMemSize>>>(deviceBuffer,deviceMins,deviceMaxs,curNumVals,initMin,initMax);
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(hostMins,deviceMins,sizeof(PixelType)*blocks,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(hostMaxs,deviceMaxs,sizeof(PixelType)*blocks,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-		for (int i=0; i<blocks; ++i)
-		{
-			if (minVal > hostMins[i])
-				minVal = hostMins[i];
-			if (maxVal < hostMaxs[i])
-				maxVal = hostMaxs[i];
-		}
-	}
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceMins));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceMaxs));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceBuffer));
-	delete[] hostMins;
-	delete[] hostMaxs;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaGetROI.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaGetROI.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 36eb01bb8d9279411b807751ee6686e0c4ee88ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaGetROI.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaGetROI( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut,
-						   Vec<size_t> hostStartPos, Vec<size_t> hostNewSize )
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	Vec<size_t> newSize = hostNewSize;
-	Vec<size_t> startPos = hostStartPos;
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate>=startPos && coordinate<startPos+newSize && coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		imageOut[coordinate-startPos] = imageIn[coordinate];
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaHistogram.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaHistogram.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f192b041f8c7e9fe65337410818793d3f73f41c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaHistogram.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-#include "Defines.h"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaHistogramCreate( PixelType* values, size_t numValues, size_t* histogram, PixelType minVal, double binSize,
-									unsigned int numBins)
-	//This code is modified from that of Sanders - Cuda by Example
-	extern __shared__ size_t tempHisto[];
-	if (threadIdx.x<numBins)
-		tempHisto[threadIdx.x] = 0;
-	__syncthreads();
-	size_t i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-	size_t stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
-	while (i < numValues)
-	{
-		size_t binNum = (size_t)MAX( 0.0, ( (values[i])-minVal) / binSize );
-		binNum = MIN(binNum, (size_t)numBins-1);
-		atomicAdd(&(tempHisto[binNum]), (size_t)1);
-		i += stride;
-	}
-	__syncthreads();
-	if (threadIdx.x<numBins)
-		atomicAdd(&(histogram[threadIdx.x]), tempHisto[threadIdx.x]);
-	__syncthreads();
-__global__ void cudaNormalizeHistogram(size_t* histogram, double* normHistogram, unsigned int numBins, double divisor)
-	int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-	int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
-	while (i<numBins)
-	{
-		normHistogram[i] = (double)(histogram[i]) / divisor;
-		i += stride;
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-size_t* createHistogram(int device, unsigned int arraySize, Vec<size_t> dims, PixelType maxVal, PixelType minVal, const PixelType* imageIn)
-	cudaSetDevice(device);
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	if ((size_t)props.sharedMemPerBlock<sizeof(size_t)*arraySize)
-		throw std::runtime_error("Too many bins to calculate on GPU with current shared memory constraints!");
-	size_t* deviceHist;
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceHist,sizeof(size_t)*arraySize));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemset(deviceHist,0,sizeof(size_t)*arraySize));
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-	size_t numValsPerChunk = MIN(dims.product(),(size_t)((availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL)/sizeof(PixelType)));
-    size_t maxThreads = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaHistogramCreate<PixelType>,numValsPerChunk);
-	PixelType* deviceBuffer;
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceBuffer,sizeof(PixelType)*numValsPerChunk));
-	double binSize = ((double)maxVal-minVal)/arraySize;
-	for (size_t startIdx=0; startIdx<dims.product(); startIdx+=numValsPerChunk)
-	{
-		size_t numValues = MIN(numValsPerChunk,dims.product()-startIdx);
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(deviceBuffer,imageIn+startIdx,sizeof(PixelType)*numValues,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
-		int threads = (int)MIN(numValues,maxThreads);
-		int blocks = (int)MIN(numValues/threads,(size_t)props.multiProcessorCount);
-		cudaHistogramCreate<<<blocks,threads,sizeof(size_t)*arraySize>>>(deviceBuffer, numValues, deviceHist, minVal, binSize, arraySize);
-		cudaThreadSynchronize();
-	}
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceBuffer));
-	return deviceHist;
-template <class PixelType>
-size_t* cCalculateHistogram(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize,
-						   PixelType minVal=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest(), PixelType maxVal=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max(),
-						   int device=0)
-	size_t* hostHist = new size_t[arraySize];
-	size_t* deviceHist = createHistogram(device, arraySize, dims, maxVal, minVal, imageIn);
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(hostHist,deviceHist,sizeof(size_t)*arraySize,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceHist));
-	return hostHist;
-template <class PixelType>
-double* cNormalizeHistogram(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, unsigned int arraySize,
-						   PixelType minVal=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest(), PixelType maxVal=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max(),
-						   int device=0)
-	size_t* deviceHist = createHistogram(device, arraySize, dims, maxVal, minVal, imageIn);
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	double* hostHistNorm = new double[arraySize];
-	double* deviceHistNorm;
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceHistNorm,sizeof(double)*arraySize));
-	int threads = MIN(arraySize,(unsigned int)props.maxThreadsPerBlock);
-	int blocks = (int)MAX((int)ceil((double)arraySize/threads),props.multiProcessorCount);
-	cudaNormalizeHistogram<<<blocks,threads>>>(deviceHist,deviceHistNorm,arraySize,(double)(dims.product()));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(hostHistNorm,deviceHistNorm,sizeof(double)*arraySize,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceHist));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceHistNorm));
-	return hostHistNorm;
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType cOtsuThresholdValue(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device=0)
-	PixelType minVal, maxVal;
-	cGetMinMax(imageIn,dims,minVal,maxVal,device);
-	unsigned int arraySize = NUM_BINS;
-	double* hist = cNormalizeHistogram(imageIn,dims,arraySize,minVal,maxVal,device);
-	int theshIdx = calcOtsuThreshold(hist,arraySize);
-	delete[] hist;
-	double binSize = ((double)maxVal-minVal)/arraySize;
-	PixelType thrsh = (PixelType)(minVal + binSize*theshIdx);
-	return thrsh;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaImageContainer.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaImageContainer.cuh
index f311185c193e9b6446c6d0f98c9e21eecde6b4dc..7a1a321458230ce434cf4f0f6a7026914aa97de9 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaImageContainer.cuh
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/CudaImageContainer.cuh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #pragma once
 #include "Vec.h"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
+#include "CudaUtilities.h"
 #include "ImageContainer.h"
 #include <string>
@@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ protected:
 	__host__ __device__ void defaults()
-		maxImageDims = ImageDimensions(Vec<size_t>(0), 0, 0));
-		imageDims = ImageDimensions(Vec<size_t>(0), 0, 0));
+		maxImageDims = ImageDimensions(Vec<size_t>(0), 0, 0);
+		imageDims = ImageDimensions(Vec<size_t>(0), 0, 0);
 		device = 0;
-		roiStarts = ImageDimensions(Vec<size_t>(0), 0, 0));
-		roiSizes = ImageDimensions(Vec<size_t>(0), 0, 0));
+		roiStarts = ImageDimensions(Vec<size_t>(0), 0, 0);
+		roiSizes = ImageDimensions(Vec<size_t>(0), 0, 0);
     __device__ PixelType& accessValue(Vec<size_t> coordinate, unsigned int chan = 0, unsigned int frame = 0)
@@ -239,3 +239,16 @@ protected:
 	ImageDimensions roiSizes;
 	PixelType*	image;
+template <class PixelType>
+ImageContainer<PixelType> setUpOutIm(Vec<size_t> dims, PixelType** imageOut)
+	PixelType* imOut;
+	if (imageOut == NULL)
+		imOut = new PixelType[dims.product()];
+	else
+		imOut = *imageOut;
+	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaImageCopy.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaImageCopy.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index bffa4823d38e66dc9d3fbf964c528d2169fbd3c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaImageCopy.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaImageCopy(CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if(coordinate<imageIn.getDims() && coordinate<imageOut.getDims())
-	{
-		imageOut[coordinate] = imageIn[coordinate];
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cTileImage(const PixelType* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> roiStart,Vec<size_t> roiSize, PixelType** imageOut=NULL,int device=0)
-	return *imageOut;
-// 	cudaDeviceProp props;
-// 	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-// 	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,dims,device);
-// 	dim3 blocks,threads;
-// 	calcBlockThread(roiSize,props,blocks,threads);
-// 	deviceImages.getCurBuffer()->loadImage(imageIn,dims);
-// 	deviceImages.getCurBuffer()->setROIstart(roiStart);
-// 	deviceImages.getCurBuffer()->setROIsize(roiSize);
-// 	Vec<size_t> numTiles;
-// 	numTiles.x = size_t(ceil(double(dims.x)/double(roiSize.x)));
-// 	numTiles.y = size_t(ceil(double(dims.y)/double(roiSize.y)));
-// 	numTiles.z = size_t(ceil(double(dims.z)/double(roiSize.z)));
-// 	Vec<size_t> curTile(0,0,0);
-// 	Vec<size_t> curStart(0,0,0);
-// 	Vec<size_t> curSize(roiSize);
-// 	for(curTile.z=0; curTile.z<numTiles.z; ++curTile.z)
-// 	{
-// 		curStart.z = curTile.z*roiSize.z;
-// 		curSize.z = MIN(dims.z-curStart.z,roiSize.z);
-// 		for (curTile.y=0; curTile.y<numTiles.y; ++curTile.y)
-// 		{
-// 			curStart.y = curTile.y*roiSize.y;
-// 			curSize.y = MIN(dims.y-curStart.y,roiSize.y);
-// 			for (curTile.x=0; curTile.x<numTiles.x; ++curTile.x)
-// 			{
-// 				curStart.x = curTile.x*roiSize.x;
-// 				curSize.x = MIN(dims.x-curStart.x,roiSize.x);
-// 				if(!deviceImages.getNextBuffer()->setROIstart(curStart))
-// 				{
-// 					char buffer[255];
-// 					deviceImages.getNextBuffer()->resetROI();
-// 					Vec<size_t> d = deviceImages.getNextBuffer()->getDims();
-// 					sprintf_s(buffer,"Trying to set a start of (%d,%d,%d), when the size is (%d,%d,%d)",
-// 						curStart.x,curStart.y,curStart.z,d.x,d.y,d.z);
-// 					throw std::runtime_error(buffer);
-// 				}
-// 				if(!deviceImages.getNextBuffer()->setROIsize(curSize))
-// 				{
-// 					char buffer[255];
-// 					deviceImages.getNextBuffer()->resetROI();
-// 					Vec<size_t> d = deviceImages.getNextBuffer()->getDims()-curStart;
-// 					sprintf_s(buffer,"Trying to set a size of (%d,%d,%d), when the size to the end is (%d,%d,%d)",
-// 						curSize.x,curSize.y,curSize.z,d.x,d.y,d.z);
-// 					throw std::runtime_error(buffer);
-// 				}
-// 				cudaImageCopy<<<blocks,threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()));
-// 			}
-// 		}
-// 	}
-// 	deviceImages.getNextBuffer()->resetROI();
-// 	return deviceImages.getNextBuffer()->retriveImage(imageOut);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaIntensityProjection.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaIntensityProjection.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 44a3258505c61daff8df28c6098f314dcfbf3a01..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaIntensityProjection.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMaximumIntensityProjection( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut )
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims() && coordinate.z==0)
-	{
-		PixelType maxVal = imageIn[coordinate];
-		for (; coordinate.z<imageIn.getDepth(); ++coordinate.z)
-		{
-			if (maxVal<imageIn[coordinate])
-			{
-				maxVal = imageIn[coordinate];
-			}
-		}
-		imageOut[coordinate] = maxVal;
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMeanIntensityProjection( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut )
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims() && coordinate.z==0)
-	{
-		double val = imageIn[coordinate];
-		for (; coordinate.z<imageIn.getDepth(); ++coordinate.z)
-		{
-				val = imageIn[coordinate];
-		}
-		imageOut[coordinate] = val/imageIn.getDepth();
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaLinearUnmixing.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaLinearUnmixing.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index aaedee3cd1de8e35bee46ae9f9720f61a23309c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaLinearUnmixing.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <limits>
-__constant__ float cudaConstKernel[MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM];
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaLinearUnmixing(PixelType* imageIn, size_t imageDim, size_t numImages, PixelType minVal, PixelType maxVal)
-	size_t pixelIdx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-	extern __shared__ unsigned char sharedMemLin[];
-	double* sharedM = (double*)sharedMemLin;
-	if (pixelIdx < imageDim)
-	{
-		double* valueVector = sharedM + threadIdx.x*numImages;
-		for (int chanOut=0; chanOut<numImages; ++chanOut)
-		{
-			valueVector[chanOut] = 0.0;
-			for (int chanIn = 0; chanIn < numImages; ++chanIn)
-			{
-				valueVector[chanOut] += cudaConstKernel[chanOut + chanIn*numImages] * (double)(imageIn[pixelIdx + chanIn*imageDim]);
-			}
-		}
-		for (int chanOut = 0; chanOut < numImages; ++chanOut)
-		{
-			PixelType valOut = (PixelType)fminf(fmaxf((float)(valueVector[chanOut]), minVal), maxVal);
-			imageIn[pixelIdx + chanOut*imageDim] = valOut;
-		}
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cLinearUnmixing(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> imageDims, size_t numImages, const float* unmixing, Vec<size_t> umixingDims, PixelType** imageOut, int device = 0)
-	cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* deviceIm;
-	PixelType* imOut;
-	if (imageOut == NULL)
-		imOut = new PixelType[imageDims.product()*numImages];
-	else
-		imOut = *imageOut;
-	memset(imOut, 0, imageDims.product()*numImages*sizeof(PixelType));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, unmixing, sizeof(float)*umixingDims.product()));
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props, device);
-	size_t memAvail, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&memAvail, &total);
-	size_t numValsPerChunk = MIN(imageDims.product(), (size_t)((memAvail*MAX_MEM_AVAIL) / (numImages*sizeof(PixelType))));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceIm, sizeof(PixelType)*numValsPerChunk*numImages));
-	PixelType min = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType max = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	for (size_t startIdx = 0; startIdx < imageDims.product(); startIdx+=numValsPerChunk)
-	{
-		size_t curNumVals = MIN(numValsPerChunk, imageDims.product() - startIdx);
-		for (size_t chan = 0; chan < numImages; ++chan)
-		{
-			PixelType* deviceChanStart = deviceIm + curNumVals*chan;
-			const PixelType* hostChanStart = imageIn + (imageDims.product()*chan + startIdx);
-			HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(deviceChanStart,hostChanStart,sizeof(PixelType)*curNumVals,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
-		}
-		int numBlocks = (int)(ceil((double)curNumVals / props.maxThreadsPerBlock));
-		int maxThreads = (int)((double)props.sharedMemPerBlock / (sizeof(double)*numImages));
-        int threads = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaLinearUnmixing<PixelType>,maxThreads);
-		size_t sharedMemSize = sizeof(double)*threads*numImages;
-		cudaLinearUnmixing<<<numBlocks,props.maxThreadsPerBlock,sharedMemSize>>>(deviceIm, curNumVals, numImages, min, max);
-		for (size_t chan = 0; chan < numImages; ++chan)
-		{
-			PixelType* deviceOutChan = deviceIm + curNumVals*chan;
-			PixelType* imageOutChan = imOut + imageDims.product()*chan + startIdx;
-			HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(imageOutChan, deviceOutChan, sizeof(PixelType)*curNumVals, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-		}
-	}
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceIm));
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaLoG.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaLoG.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 176dfb301f7d662d9df5a26678552e3c06837bd1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaLoG.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-#include "CudaMultAddFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-#include "CudaConvertType.cuh"
-#include <float.h>
-template <class PixelType>
-void runLoGIterations(Vec<int> &gaussIterations, std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator& curChunk, CudaDeviceImages<PixelType>& deviceImages,
-						Vec<size_t> sizeconstKernelDims, int device)
-	cudaSetDevice(device);
-	if(curChunk->getFullChunkSize().x>1)
-	{
-		for(int x = 0; x<gaussIterations.x; ++x)
-		{
-			cudaMultAddFilter<<<curChunk->blocks, curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()), *(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-																	   Vec<size_t>(sizeconstKernelDims.x, 1, 1),0, false);
-			deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		}
-	}
-	if(curChunk->getFullChunkSize().y>1)
-	{
-		for(int y = 0; y<gaussIterations.y; ++y)
-		{
-			cudaMultAddFilter<<<curChunk->blocks, curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()), *(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-																	   Vec<size_t>(1, sizeconstKernelDims.y, 1), sizeconstKernelDims.x, false);
-			deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		}
-	}
-	if(curChunk->getFullChunkSize().z>1)
-	{
-		for(int z = 0; z<gaussIterations.z; ++z)
-		{
-			cudaMultAddFilter<<<curChunk->blocks, curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()), *(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-																	   Vec<size_t>(1, 1, sizeconstKernelDims.z), sizeconstKernelDims.y+sizeconstKernelDims.x, false);
-			deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		}
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-float* cLoGFilter(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<float> sigmas, float** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0)
-	cudaSetDevice(device);
-	float* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	Vec<int> loGIterations(0, 0, 0);
-	sigmas.x = (dims.x==1) ? (0) : (sigmas.x);
-	sigmas.y = (dims.y==1) ? (0) : (sigmas.y);
-	sigmas.z = (dims.z==1) ? (0) : (sigmas.z);
-	float* hostKernel = NULL;
-	float* deviceKernel = NULL;
-	size_t kernSize = 0;
-	Vec<size_t> sizeconstKernelDims = createLoGKernel(sigmas, &hostKernel,kernSize);
-	if(sizeconstKernelDims.product()<MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM)
-	{
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, hostKernel, sizeof(float)* kernSize));
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc(&deviceKernel, sizeof(float)*kernSize));
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(deviceKernel, hostKernel, sizeof(float)*kernSize,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
-	}
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props, device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem, &total);
-	int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMultAddFilter<float>);
-	float memoryDem = sizeof(float)*2+sizeof(PixelType);
-	float memoryForFloat = sizeof(float)*2 / memoryDem;
-	float memoryInput = sizeof(PixelType)/memoryDem;
-	if(memoryInput<1.0f/3.0f+1e-4 && memoryInput>1.0f/3.0f-1e-4)
-	{
-		// This is when the input is already a float and we can just split up the memory 
-		std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<float>(dims, 2, (size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL), props, sizeconstKernelDims, blockSize);
-		Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-		setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-		CudaDeviceImages<float> deviceImages(2, maxDeviceDims, device);
-		for(std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk = chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-		{
-			deviceImages.setAllDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-			curChunk->sendROI(imageIn, dims, deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-			cudaMultAddFilter<<<curChunk->blocks, curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()), *(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()), sizeconstKernelDims, 0, false,deviceKernel);
-			curChunk->retriveROI(imOut, dims, deviceImages.getNextBuffer());
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// in this case we have to convert the input before running the kernel
-		std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<float>(dims, 2, (size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL*memoryForFloat), props, sizeconstKernelDims, blockSize);
-		Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-		setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-		CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceInputImages(1, maxDeviceDims, device);
-		CudaDeviceImages<float> deviceFloatImages(2, maxDeviceDims, device);
-		for(std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk = chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-		{
-			deviceInputImages.setAllDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-			deviceFloatImages.setAllDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-			curChunk->sendROI(imageIn, dims, deviceInputImages.getCurBuffer());
-			double numVoxels = curChunk->getFullChunkSize().product();
-			int numBlocks = ceil(numVoxels/props.maxThreadsPerBlock);
-			cudaConvertType<<<numBlocks,props.maxThreadsPerBlock>>>(deviceInputImages.getCurBuffer()->getDeviceImagePointer(), deviceFloatImages.getCurBuffer()->getDeviceImagePointer(), numVoxels, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
-			cudaMultAddFilter<<<curChunk->blocks, curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceFloatImages.getCurBuffer()), *(deviceFloatImages.getNextBuffer()),sizeconstKernelDims, 0, false,deviceKernel);
-			curChunk->retriveROI(imOut, dims, deviceFloatImages.getNextBuffer());
-		}
-	}
-	delete[] hostKernel;
-	return imOut;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index d0a843c8c648f1ace922f03fe20ad1abb80e3358..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "Defines.h"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-#include "CudaMultAddFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaVariance.cuh"
-#include "CudaAdd.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMarkovGradDescent(CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, PixelType delta)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	Vec<size_t> moves[7] =
-	{
-		Vec<size_t>(1,0,0),
-		Vec<size_t>(0,1,0),
-		Vec<size_t>(0,0,1),
-		Vec<size_t>(1,1,0),
-		Vec<size_t>(1,0,1),
-		Vec<size_t>(0,1,1),
-		Vec<size_t>(1,1,1)
-	};
-	if (coordinate<imageOut.getDims())
-	{
-		double maxDif = 0.0;
-		double centerVal = imageIn(coordinate);
-		double curVal = centerVal;
-		if (coordinate>Vec<size_t>(0,0,0) && coordinate<imageIn.getDims()-Vec<size_t>(1,1,1))// left, top, and front planes avail
-		{
-			for (int i=0; i<7; ++i)
-			{
-				double curDif = SQR(imageIn(coordinate-moves[i]) - imageIn(coordinate+moves[i]));
-				if (maxDif < curDif)
-					if (true)
-					{
-						maxDif = curDif;
-						if (SQR(centerVal-imageIn(coordinate-moves[i])) > SQR(centerVal-imageIn(coordinate+moves[i])))
-						{
-							curVal = centerVal - SIGN(centerVal-imageIn(coordinate-moves[i])) * delta;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							curVal = centerVal - SIGN(centerVal-imageIn(coordinate+moves[i])) * delta;
-						}
-					}
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			curVal = centerVal;//TODO change this if it looks like it is working!!!!
-		}
-		imageOut(coordinate) = curVal;
-//		double sgn = 0.0;
-// 		if (coordinate.x>0)
-// 			sgn -= SIGN(centerVal-imageIn[coordinate-Vec<int>(1,0,0)]);
-// 		if (coordinate.x<imageIn.getDims().x-1)
-// 			sgn += SIGN(imageIn[coordinate+Vec<int>(1,0,0)]-centerVal);
-// 		if (coordinate.y>0)
-// 			sgn -= SIGN(centerVal - imageIn[coordinate-Vec<int>(0,1,0)]);
-// 		if (coordinate.y<imageIn.getDims().y-1)
-// 			sgn += SIGN(imageIn[coordinate+Vec<int>(0,1,0)] - centerVal);
-// 		if (coordinate.z>0)
-// 			sgn -= SIGN(centerVal - imageIn[coordinate-Vec<int>(0,0,1)]);
-// 		if (coordinate.z<imageIn.getDims().z-1)
-// 			sgn += SIGN(imageIn[coordinate+Vec<int>(0,0,1)] - centerVal);
-// 		imageOut[coordinate] = centerVal + SIGN(sgn)*delta;
-	}
-float* cMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser(const float* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int maxIterations, float** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-// MATLAB code to generate kernel
-// 	a(:,:,1) = [0 0 0;0 0 0;0 0 0]
-// 	a(:,:,2) = [0 0 0;1 -2 1; 0 0 0]
-// 	a(:,:,3) = [0 0 0;0 0 0;0 0 0]
-// 	b = convn(a,permute(a,[2 1 3]),'same')
-//  c = convn(b,permute(a,[3 1 2]),'same')
-//  normalizer = sum((c(:).^2))
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	const size_t SINGLE_KERN_DIM = 3;
-		{{{ 1.0f, -2.0f,  1.0f},
-		  {-2.0f,  4.0f, -2.0f},
-		  { 1.0f, -2.0f,  1.0f}},
-		 {{-2.0f,  4.0f, -2.0f},
-		  { 4.0f, -8.0f,  4.0f},
-		  {-2.0f,  4.0f, -2.0f}},
-		 {{ 1.0f, -2.0f,  1.0f},
-		  {-2.0f,  4.0f, -2.0f},
-		  { 1.0f, -2.0f,  1.0f}}};
-	const double NORMALIZER = 216.0;
-	float* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	float minVal = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
-	float maxVal = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
-	float* deviceSum;
-	float* hostSum;
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, hostKernel, sizeof(float)*KERN_DIMS.product()));
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<float>(dims,2,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,Vec<size_t>(3,3,3));
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	int sumThreads = props.maxThreadsPerBlock;
-	int sumMaxBlocks = (int)ceil((double)maxDeviceDims.product()/(sumThreads*2));
-	hostSum = new float[sumMaxBlocks];
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceSum,sizeof(float)*sumMaxBlocks));
-	CudaDeviceImages<float> deviceImages(3,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setAllDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaMultAddFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),KERN_DIMS,0,false);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	double noiseEstimator = (cVariance(imOut,dims,device,(float*)NULL) / NORMALIZER) * dims.product();
-	double curNoiseEst = 0.0;
-	memcpy(imOut,imageIn,sizeof(float)*dims.product());
-	int numIter = 0;
-	while (curNoiseEst <= noiseEstimator && numIter<maxIterations)
-	{
-		curNoiseEst = 0.0;
-		for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-		{
-			curChunk->sendROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-			deviceImages.setAllDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
- 			cudaMarkovGradDescent<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads,sizeof(Vec<size_t>)*7>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),1.0f);
- 			deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-			curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-			curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getNextBuffer());
-			cudaAddTwoImagesWithFactor<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-				*(deviceImages.getThirdBuffer()),-1.0,minVal,maxVal);
-			deviceImages.setNthBuffCurent(3);
-			cudaPow<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),2.0,minVal,maxVal);
-			deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-			int sumBlocks = (int)ceil((double)curChunk->getFullChunkSize().product()/(sumThreads*2));
-			size_t sharedMemSize = sizeof(float)*sumThreads;
-			cudaSum<<<sumBlocks,sumThreads,sharedMemSize>>>(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()->getConstImagePointer(),deviceSum,
-				curChunk->getFullChunkSize().product());
-			HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(hostSum,deviceSum,sizeof(float)*sumBlocks,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-			for (int i=0; i<sumBlocks; ++i)
-			{
-				curNoiseEst += hostSum[i];
-			}
-			memset(hostSum,0,sizeof(float)*sumMaxBlocks);
-		}
- 		++numIter;
-	}
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceSum));
-	delete[] hostSum;
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMask.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaMask.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 27d9c46a9b5321d1d6b07d69d9a4d48964e1b004..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMask.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMask( const CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn1, const CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn2,
-						 CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, PixelType threshold )
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn1.getDims())
-	{
-		PixelType val=0;
-		if (imageIn2[coordinate] <= threshold)
-			val = imageIn1[coordinate];
-		imageOut[coordinate] = val;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMaxFilter.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaMaxFilter.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 42dfba7c0250d78541564a7c748664cff246e4e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMaxFilter.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "KernelIterator.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-__constant__ float cudaConstKernel[MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM];
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMaxFilter( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims, PixelType minVal, PixelType maxVal)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate_xyz;
-	coordinate_xyz.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate_xyz.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate_xyz.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate_xyz<imageIn.getSpatialDims())
-	{
-		double localMaxVal = imageIn(coordinate_xyz);
-		Vec<size_t> kernelDims = hostKernelDims;
-		KernelIterator kIt(coordinate_xyz, imageIn.getDims(), kernelDims);
-		for(; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			float kernVal = cudaConstKernel[kIt.getKernelIdx()];
-			if(kernVal==0)
-				continue;
-			Vec<float> imageCoord(kIt.getImageCoordinate());
-			double temp = imageIn(imageCoord,kIt.getChannel(),kIt.getFrame()) * kernVal;
-			if(temp>localMaxVal)
-			{
-				localMaxVal = temp;
-			}
-		}
-		imageOut(coordinate_xyz) = (localMaxVal>maxVal) ? (maxVal) : ((PixelType)localMaxVal);
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cMaxFilter(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel=NULL, PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=-1)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	if (kernel==NULL)
-	{
-		kernelDims = kernelDims.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1,1,1),dims);
-		float* ones = new float[kernelDims.product()];
-		for (int i=0; i<kernelDims.product(); ++i)
-			ones[i] = 1.0f;
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, ones, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-		delete[] ones;
-	} 
-	else
-	{
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, kernel, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-	}
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMaxFilter<PixelType>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,kernelDims,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaMaxFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),kernelDims,
-			minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMeanFilter.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaMeanFilter.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index c3bfffa21d4f3f5d66a980f54e72ebdbb57f21a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMeanFilter.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMeanFilter( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims )
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		double val = 0;
-		double kernelVolume = 0;
-		Vec<size_t> kernelDims = hostKernelDims;
-		KernelIterator kIt(coordinate, imageIn.getDims(), kernelDims);
-		for(; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			val += imageIn(kIt.getKernelIdx());
-			++kernelVolume;
-		}
-		imageOut(coordinate) = val/kernelVolume;
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cMeanFilter(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	neighborhood = neighborhood.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1,1,1),dims);
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t memAvail, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&memAvail,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMeanFilter<PixelType>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(memAvail*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,neighborhood,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaMeanFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),neighborhood);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMedianFilter.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaMedianFilter.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 823ff2142f358098dce6a8ae4e0f39629729c073..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMedianFilter.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__device__ PixelType* SubDivide(PixelType* pB, PixelType* pE)
-	PixelType* pPivot = --pE;
-	const PixelType pivot = *pPivot;
-	while (pB < pE)
-	{
-		if (*pB > pivot)
-		{
-			--pE;
-			PixelType temp = *pB;
-			*pB = *pE;
-			*pE = temp;
-		} else
-			++pB;
-	}
-	PixelType temp = *pPivot;
-	*pPivot = *pE;
-	*pE = temp;
-	return pE;
-template <class PixelType>
-__device__ void SelectElement(PixelType* pB, PixelType* pE, size_t k)
-	while (true)
-	{
-		PixelType* pPivot = SubDivide(pB, pE);
-		size_t n = pPivot - pB;
-		if (n == k)
-			break;
-		if (n > k)
-			pE = pPivot;
-		else
-		{
-			pB = pPivot + 1;
-			k -= (n + 1);
-		}
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-__device__ PixelType cudaFindMedian(PixelType* vals, int numVals)
-	SelectElement(vals,vals+numVals, numVals/2);
-	return vals[numVals/2];
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMedianFilter( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut,
-								 Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims )
-	extern __shared__ unsigned char valsShared[];
-	PixelType* vals = (PixelType*)valsShared;
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		Vec<size_t> blockDimVec(blockDim.x,blockDim.y,blockDim.z);
-		Vec<size_t> kernelDims = hostKernelDims;
-		size_t linearThreadIdx = blockDimVec.linearAddressAt(Vec<size_t>(threadIdx.x,threadIdx.y,threadIdx.z));
-		int sharedMemOffset = linearThreadIdx*kernelDims.product();
-		int kernelVolume = 0;
-		KernelIterator kIt(coordinate, imageIn.getDims(), kernelDims);
-		for(; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			vals[kernelVolume+sharedMemOffset] = (double)imageIn(kIt.getImageCoordinate());
-			++kernelVolume;
-  		}
-		imageOut(coordinate) = (PixelType)cudaFindMedian(vals+sharedMemOffset,kernelVolume);
-	}
-	__syncthreads();
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cMedianFilter(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> neighborhood, PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	neighborhood = neighborhood.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1,1,1),dims);
-	if (neighborhood == Vec<size_t>(1, 1, 1))
-	{
-		memcpy(imOut, imageIn, sizeof(PixelType)*dims.product());
-		return imOut;
-	}
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t memAvail, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&memAvail,&total);
-	size_t sizeOfsharedMem = neighborhood.product()*sizeof(PixelType);
-	int numThreads = (int)floor((double)props.sharedMemPerBlock/(double)sizeOfsharedMem);
-	if (numThreads<1)
-		throw std::runtime_error("Median neighborhood is too large to fit in shared memory on the GPU!");
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMedianFilter<PixelType>,numThreads);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(memAvail*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,neighborhood,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		size_t sharedMemorysize = neighborhood.product()*sizeof(PixelType) * curChunk->threads.x * curChunk->threads.y * curChunk->threads.z;
-		cudaMedianFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads,sharedMemorysize>>>
-			(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),neighborhood);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMinFilter.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaMinFilter.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7362ddb2be5806fd0dfce5632fca4c07f604fe18..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMinFilter.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-__constant__ float cudaConstKernel[MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM];
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMinFilter( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims, 
-							  PixelType minVal, PixelType maxVal)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		double localMinVal = imageIn(coordinate);
-		Vec<size_t> kernelDims = hostKernelDims;
-		KernelIterator kIt(coordinate, imageIn.getDims(), kernelDims);
-		for(; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			Vec<size_t> kernIdx(kIt.getKernelIdx());
-			float kernVal = cudaConstKernel[kernelDims.linearAddressAt(kernIdx)];
-			if(kernVal==0)
-				continue;
-			double temp = imageIn(kIt.getImageCoordinate()) * cudaConstKernel[kernelDims.linearAddressAt(kernIdx)];
-			if(temp<localMinVal)
-			{
-				localMinVal = temp;
-			}
-		}
-		imageOut(coordinate) = (localMinVal<minVal) ? (minVal) : (localMinVal);
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cMinFilter(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel=NULL, PixelType** imageOut=NULL,
-					 int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	if (kernel==NULL)
-	{
-		kernelDims = kernelDims.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1,1,1),dims);
-		float* ones = new float[kernelDims.product()];
-		for (int i=0; i<kernelDims.product(); ++i)
-			ones[i] = 1.0f;
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, ones, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-		delete[] ones;
-	} 
-	else
-	{
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, kernel, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-	}
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMinFilter<PixelType>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,kernelDims,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaMinFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),kernelDims,
-			minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMorphologicalOperations.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaMorphologicalOperations.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 557b1dee939367177edff98e7d2f0ba3a0dfc619..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMorphologicalOperations.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "CudaMaxFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaMinFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cMorphologicalClosure(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel=NULL, PixelType** imageOut=NULL,
-						int device=0)
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	if (kernel==NULL)
-	{
-		kernelDims = kernelDims.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1,1,1),dims);
-		float* ones = new float[kernelDims.product()];
-		for (int i=0; i<kernelDims.product(); ++i)
-			ones[i] = 1.0f;
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, ones, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-		delete[] ones;
-	} 
-	else
-	{
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, kernel, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-	}
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t memAvail, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&memAvail,&total);
-    int blockSize = MIN(getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMaxFilter<PixelType>), getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMinFilter<PixelType>));
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(memAvail*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,kernelDims, blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaMaxFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),kernelDims,minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		cudaMinFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),kernelDims,minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cMorphologicalOpening(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel=NULL, PixelType** imageOut=NULL,
-								 int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	if (kernel==NULL)
-	{
-		kernelDims = kernelDims.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1,1,1),dims);
-		float* ones = new float[kernelDims.product()];
-		for (int i=0; i<kernelDims.product(); ++i)
-			ones[i] = 1.0f;
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, ones, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-		delete[] ones;
-	} 
-	else
-	{
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, kernel, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-	}
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t memAvail, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&memAvail,&total);
-    int blockSize = MIN(getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMaxFilter<PixelType>), getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMinFilter<PixelType>));
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(memAvail*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,kernelDims,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaMinFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),kernelDims,minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		cudaMaxFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),kernelDims,minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMultAddFilter.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaMultAddFilter.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e6906151c96c733fbbc9b4c4e7a36f2ca41d8c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMultAddFilter.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "KernelIterator.cuh"
-#include "float.h"
-__constant__ float cudaConstKernel[MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM];
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMultAddFilter( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut,
-								  Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims, size_t kernelOffset=0, bool normalize=true, float* globalKernel=NULL)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	const float* convKernel = NULL;
-	if(NULL!=globalKernel)
-		convKernel = globalKernel;
-	else
-		convKernel = cudaConstKernel;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		double val = 0;
-		double kernFactor = 0;
-		int kernHits = 0;
-		PixelType localMaxVal = imageIn(coordinate);
-		Vec<size_t> kernelDims = hostKernelDims;
-		KernelIterator kIt(coordinate, imageIn.getDims(), kernelDims);
-		for(; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			Vec<size_t> kernIdx(kIt.getKernelIdx());
-			float kernVal = cudaConstKernel[kernelDims.linearAddressAt(kernIdx)];
-			if(kernVal<=FLT_MIN && kernVal>=FLT_MIN)//float zero
-				continue;
-			kernFactor += kernVal;
-			val += double((imageIn(kIt.getImageCoordinate())) * kernVal);
-			++kernHits;
-		}
-		if (normalize)
-		{
-			imageOut(coordinate) = (PixelType)(val/kernFactor);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			kernFactor = double(kernHits)/kernelDims.product();
-			imageOut(coordinate) = (PixelType)(val/kernFactor);
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMultiplyImage.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaMultiplyImage.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d0e81b98756d99d3fdb0bc50ba5b3dfdce49bd4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaMultiplyImage.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMultiplyImageScaler( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, double factor,
-								  PixelType minValue, PixelType maxValue )
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		double outValue = factor*imageIn(coordinate);
-		imageOut(coordinate) = (outValue>maxValue) ? (maxValue) : ((outValue<minValue) ? (minValue) : (outValue));
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMultiplyTwoImages(CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn1, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn2,
-									  CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, double factor, PixelType minValue,
-									  PixelType maxValue)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn1.getDims())
-	{
-		double outValue = factor * (double)(imageIn1(coordinate)) * (double)(imageIn2(coordinate));
-		imageOut(coordinate) = (outValue>(double)maxValue) ? (maxValue) : ((outValue<(double)minValue) ? (minValue) : (outValue));
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cMultiplyImage(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double multiplier, PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMultiplyImageScaler<PixelType>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaMultiplyImageScaler<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-			multiplier,minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cMultiplyImageWith(const PixelType* imageIn1, const PixelType* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, double factor, PixelType** imageOut=NULL,
-							int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMultiplyTwoImages<PixelType>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,3,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(3,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		deviceImages.setAllDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn1,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn2,dims,deviceImages.getNextBuffer());
-		cudaMultiplyTwoImages<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-			*(deviceImages.getThirdBuffer()),factor,minVal,maxVal);
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getThirdBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaNeighborhoodSum.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaNeighborhoodSum.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f6ecd2c2e44b1695163dc7c336651bd630871be..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaNeighborhoodSum.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-__constant__ float cudaConstKernel[MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM];
-template <class PixelTypeIn, class PixelTypeOut>
-__global__ void cudaNeighborhoodSum( CudaImageContainer<PixelTypeIn> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelTypeOut> imageOut, Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims,
-							  PixelTypeOut minVal, PixelTypeOut maxVal)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		double sumVal = imageIn(coordinate);
-		Vec<size_t> kernelDims = hostKernelDims;
-		KernelIterator kIt(coordinate, imageIn.getDims(), kernelDims);
-		for (; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			Vec<size_t> kernIdx(kIt.getKernelIdx());
-			float kernVal = cudaConstKernel[kernelDims.linearAddressAt(kernIdx)];
-			if (kernVal == 0)
-				continue;
-			sumVal += imageIn(kIt.getImageCoordinate()) * kernVal;
-		}
-		imageOut(coordinate) = (sumVal>maxVal) ? (maxVal) : ((PixelTypeOut)sumVal);
-	}
-template <class PixelTypeIn,class PixelTypeOut>
-PixelTypeOut* cNeighborhoodSum(const PixelTypeIn* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel=NULL, PixelTypeOut** imageOut=NULL,
-					 int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelTypeOut* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelTypeOut minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelTypeOut>::lowest();
-	PixelTypeOut maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelTypeOut>::max();
-	if (kernel==NULL)
-	{
-		kernelDims = kernelDims.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1,1,1),dims);
-		float* ones = new float[kernelDims.product()];
-		for (int i=0; i<kernelDims.product(); ++i)
-			ones[i] = 1.0f;
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, ones, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-		delete[] ones;
-	} 
-	else
-	{
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, kernel, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-	}
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMaxFilter<PixelTypeOut>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelTypeOut>(dims,2,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,kernelDims,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelTypeOut> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaNeighborhoodSum <<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),kernelDims,
-			minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaNormalizedCovariance.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaNormalizedCovariance.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c465aa4afdfb58f3b14f8489cb3548c14fdeeb3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaNormalizedCovariance.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaSum.cuh"
-#include "CudaAdd.cuh"
-#include "CudaPow.cuh"
-#include "CudaMultiplyImage.cuh"
-#include "CudaVariance.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-double cNormalizedCovariance(const PixelType* imageIn1, const PixelType* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device=0)
-	cudaSetDevice(device);
-	float* im1Sub = new float[dims.product()];
-	float* im2Sub = new float[dims.product()];
-	double sigma1 = sqrt(cVariance(imageIn1,dims,device,im1Sub));
-	double sigma2 = sqrt(cVariance(imageIn2,dims,device,im2Sub));
-	float* imMul = cMultiplyImageWith<float>(im1Sub,im2Sub,dims,1.0,NULL,device);
-	double numerator = cSumArray<double>(imMul,dims.product(),device);
-	double coVar = numerator/(dims.product()*sigma1*sigma2);
-	delete[] im1Sub;
-	delete[] im2Sub;
-	delete[] imMul;
-	return coVar;
-double cNormalizedCovariance(const double* imageIn1, const double* imageIn2, Vec<size_t> dims, int device=0)
-	cudaSetDevice(device);
-	double* im1Sub = new double[dims.product()];
-	double* im2Sub = new double[dims.product()];
-	double sigma1 = sqrt(cVariance(imageIn1,dims,device,im1Sub));
-	double sigma2 = sqrt(cVariance(imageIn2,dims,device,im2Sub));
-	double* imMul = cMultiplyImageWith<double>(im1Sub,im2Sub,dims,1.0,NULL,device);
-	double numerator = cSumArray<double>(imMul,dims.product(),device);
-	double coVar = numerator/(dims.product()*sigma1*sigma2);
-	delete[] im1Sub;
-	delete[] im2Sub;
-	delete[] imMul;
-	return coVar;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaPolyTransferFunc.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaPolyTransferFunc.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index bebacdb501fa25008f158efcb4b44bdfc12ed18a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaPolyTransferFunc.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaPolyTransferFunc( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, double a, double b,
-									 double c, PixelType minPixelValue, PixelType maxPixelValue )
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		double pixVal = (double)imageIn(coordinate) / maxPixelValue;// place value between [0,1]
-		double multiplier = a*pixVal*pixVal + b*pixVal + c;
-		if (multiplier<0)
-			multiplier = 0;
-		if (multiplier>1)
-			multiplier = 1;
-		PixelType newPixelVal = min((double)maxPixelValue,max((double)minPixelValue, multiplier*maxPixelValue));
-		imageOut(coordinate) = newPixelVal;
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cApplyPolyTransferFunction(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double a, double b, double c,
-									 PixelType minValue=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest(),
-									 PixelType maxValue=std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max(), PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t memAvail, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&memAvail,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaPolyTransferFunc<PixelType>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(memAvail*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaPolyTransferFunc<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-			a,b,c,minValue,maxValue);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaPow.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaPow.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index e00ba22e25ce147b5f37b01933f6e7acd2e9bc2a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaPow.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaPow( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn1, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, double power, PixelType minValue,
-						PixelType maxValue)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn1.getDims())
-	{
-		double outValue = pow((double)imageIn1(coordinate), power);
-		imageOut(coordinate) = (outValue>maxValue) ? (maxValue) : ((outValue<minValue) ? (minValue) : (outValue));
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cImagePow(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double power, PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaPow<PixelType>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaPow<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-			power,minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaRegionGrowing.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaRegionGrowing.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 5598104330d773d044f9ff426d5d82829b6385d6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaRegionGrowing.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-__constant__ float cudaConstKernel[MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM];
-__device__ bool lineConnect(const CudaImageContainer<bool>& maskIn,Vec<size_t> prevCoord,Vec<size_t> nextCoord)
-	if(prevCoord>=Vec<size_t>(0,0,0) && nextCoord>=Vec<size_t>(0,0,0))
-	{
-		if(prevCoord<maskIn.getDims() && nextCoord<maskIn.getDims())
-		{
-			if(maskIn(Vec<size_t>(prevCoord)) && maskIn(Vec<size_t>(nextCoord)))
-				return true;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-__device__ bool willConnect(const CudaImageContainer<bool>& maskIn, Vec<size_t> coordinateIn)
-	if(maskIn(coordinateIn))
-		return true;
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate(coordinateIn);
-	Vec<size_t> prevCoord;
-	Vec<size_t> nextCoord;
-	Vec<size_t> prevDelta;
-	Vec<size_t> nextDelta;
-	const char n = -2;
-	const char z = 0;
-	const char p = 2;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,n,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,p,n);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,z,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,z,n);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,p,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,n,n);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(z,p,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(z,n,n);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,n,z); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,p,z);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,z,z); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,z,z);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,p,z); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,n,z);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(z,p,z); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,p,z);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,n,p); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,p,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,z,p); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,z,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,p,p); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,n,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(z,p,p); nextDelta = Vec<char>(z,n,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,n,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(n,p,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,z,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(n,z,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,p,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(n,n,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,p,z); nextDelta = Vec<char>(n,n,z);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(z,n,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(z,p,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(z,z,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(z,z,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(z,p,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(z,n,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(z,p,z); nextDelta = Vec<char>(z,n,z);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(p,n,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,p,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(p,z,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,z,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(p,p,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,n,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(p,p,z); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,n,z);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,n,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,n,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(z,n,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(z,n,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(p,n,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(n,n,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(p,n,z); nextDelta = Vec<char>(n,n,z);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,z,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,z,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(z,z,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(z,z,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(p,z,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(n,z,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(p,z,z); nextDelta = Vec<char>(n,z,z);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(n,p,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(p,p,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(z,p,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(z,p,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(p,p,n); nextDelta = Vec<char>(n,p,p);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	prevDelta = Vec<char>(p,p,z); nextDelta = Vec<char>(n,p,z);
-	if(lineConnect(maskIn,coordinate+prevDelta,coordinate+nextDelta)) return true;
-	return false;
-template<class PixelType>
-__device__ void evalNeighborhood(const CudaImageContainer<PixelType> &imageIn,const Vec<size_t> &coordinate,double threshold,Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims,CudaImageContainer<bool>& maskIn,CudaImageContainer<bool> &maskOut)
-	PixelType curPixelVal = imageIn(coordinate) + threshold;
-	Vec<size_t> kernelDims = hostKernelDims;
-	Vec<size_t> halfKernal = kernelDims/2;
-	Vec<size_t> curCoordIm = coordinate - halfKernal;
-	curCoordIm.z = (coordinate.z<halfKernal.z) ? 0 : coordinate.z-halfKernal.z;
-	for(; curCoordIm.z<=coordinate.z+halfKernal.z && curCoordIm.z<imageIn.getDims().z; ++curCoordIm.z)
-	{
-		curCoordIm.y = (coordinate.y<halfKernal.y) ? 0 : coordinate.y-halfKernal.y;
-		for(; curCoordIm.y<=coordinate.y+halfKernal.y && curCoordIm.y<imageIn.getDims().y; ++curCoordIm.y)
-		{
-			curCoordIm.x = (coordinate.x<halfKernal.x) ? 0 : coordinate.x-halfKernal.x;
-			for(; curCoordIm.x<=coordinate.x+halfKernal.x && curCoordIm.x<imageIn.getDims().x; ++curCoordIm.x)
-			{
-				if(curPixelVal > imageIn(curCoordIm) && maskIn(curCoordIm)==true)
-				{
-					maskOut(coordinate) = true;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-template<class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaRegionGrowing(CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn,CudaImageContainer<bool> maskIn,CudaImageContainer<bool> maskOut,
-	Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims,double threshold,bool allowConnection=true)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	Vec<size_t> deviceKernelDims(hostKernelDims);
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if(coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		if(maskIn(coordinate)==true)
-		{
-			maskOut(coordinate) = true;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if(!allowConnection)
-			{
-				if(willConnect(maskIn,coordinate))
-					maskOut(coordinate) = false;
-				else
-					evalNeighborhood(imageIn,coordinate,threshold,deviceKernelDims,maskIn,maskOut);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				evalNeighborhood(imageIn,coordinate,threshold,deviceKernelDims,maskIn,maskOut);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-void cRegionGrowing(const PixelType* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> kernelDims,float* kernel,bool* imageMask,double threshold,bool allowConnection=true,int device=0)
-	//cudaSetDevice(device);
-	//PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::lowest();
-	//PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	//if(kernel==NULL)
-	//{
-	//	kernelDims = kernelDims.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1,1,1),dims);
-	//	float* ones = new float[kernelDims.product()];
-	//	for(int i=0; i<kernelDims.product(); ++i)
-	//		ones[i] = 1.0f;
-	//	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel,ones,sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-	//	delete[] ones;
-	//} else
-	//{
-	//	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel,kernel,sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-	//}
-	//cudaDeviceProp props;
-	//cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	//size_t availMem,total;
-	//cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-	//std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,kernelDims);
-	//Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	//setMaxDeviceDims(chunks,maxDeviceDims);
-	//CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(1,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	//CudaDeviceImages<bool> deviceMask(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	//for(std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	//{
-	//	curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	//	deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-	//	curChunk->sendROI(imageMask,dims,deviceMask.getCurBuffer());
-	//	deviceMask.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-	//	cudaRegionGrowing<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceMask.getCurBuffer()),
-	//		*(deviceMask.getNextBuffer()),kernelDims,threshold,allowConnection);
-	//	curChunk->retriveROI(imageMask,dims,deviceMask.getNextBuffer());
-	//}
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaResize.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaResize.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2340fade4b1e44062fcf1f86147bbd9943d008..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaResize.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "CudaMedianFilter.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaImageContainerClean.cuh"
-#include "Defines.h"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-__constant__ float cudaConstKernel[MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM*MAX_KERNEL_DIM];
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaMeanResize(CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, Vec<float> hostResizeFactors, Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims, PixelType minVal, PixelType maxVal)
-    Vec<float> resizeFactors = hostResizeFactors;
-    Vec<int> kernelDims(hostKernelDims);
-    Vec<size_t> coordinateOut;
-    coordinateOut.x = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-    coordinateOut.y = threadIdx.y+blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-    coordinateOut.z = threadIdx.z+blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-    if(coordinateOut<imageOut.getDims())
-    {
-        double val = 0;
-        double kernelFactor = 0;
-        Vec<float> inputCenter = Vec<float>(coordinateOut+0.5) / resizeFactors;
-        Vec<float> kernelCenter = Vec<float>(kernelDims-1)/2.0f;
-        Vec<int> kernelStart(0,0,0);
-        Vec<int> kernelEnd(0,0,0);
-        Vec<float> neighborhoodStart = inputCenter-Vec<float>(kernelDims)/2.0f;
-        // if the input start position is negative, we need to start further in on the kernel
-        kernelStart.x = (neighborhoodStart.x>=0.0f) ? (0) : (ceil(-neighborhoodStart.x));
-        kernelStart.y = (neighborhoodStart.y>=0.0f) ? (0) : (ceil(-neighborhoodStart.y));
-        kernelStart.z = (neighborhoodStart.z>=0.0f) ? (0) : (ceil(-neighborhoodStart.z));
-        neighborhoodStart = Vec<float>::max(Vec<float>(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), neighborhoodStart);
-        // This is the last place to visit in the input (inclusive)
-        Vec<float> neighborhoodEnd = inputCenter+(Vec<float>(kernelDims)/2.0f);
-        // if the input end position is outside the image, we need to end earlier in on the kernel
-        kernelEnd.x = (neighborhoodEnd.x<=imageIn.getDims().x) ? (kernelDims.x) :
-            (kernelDims.x-(neighborhoodEnd.x-imageIn.getDims().x));// will floor to int value
-        kernelEnd.y = (neighborhoodEnd.y<=imageIn.getDims().y) ? (kernelDims.y) :
-            (kernelDims.y-(neighborhoodEnd.y-imageIn.getDims().y));// will floor to int value
-        kernelEnd.z = (neighborhoodEnd.z<=imageIn.getDims().z) ? (kernelDims.z) :
-            (kernelDims.z-(neighborhoodEnd.z-imageIn.getDims().z));// will floor to int value
-        neighborhoodEnd = Vec<float>::min(imageIn.getDims(), neighborhoodEnd);
-        Vec<int> curKernelPos(0, 0, 0);
-        Vec<int> curInPos(neighborhoodStart);
-        for(curKernelPos.z = kernelStart.z; curKernelPos.z<kernelEnd.z; ++curKernelPos.z)
-        {
-            curInPos.z = neighborhoodStart.z + curKernelPos.z;
-            for(curKernelPos.y = kernelStart.y; curKernelPos.y<kernelEnd.y; ++curKernelPos.y)
-            {
-                curInPos.y = neighborhoodStart.y+curKernelPos.y;
-                for(curKernelPos.x = kernelStart.x; curKernelPos.x<kernelEnd.x; ++curKernelPos.x)
-                {
-                    curInPos.x = neighborhoodStart.x+curKernelPos.x;
-                    double imVal = imageIn(curInPos);
-                    val += imVal;
-                    ++kernelFactor;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        double meanVal = 0;
-        if(kernelFactor>0)
-        {
-            meanVal = val/kernelFactor;
-            meanVal = (meanVal>minVal) ? (meanVal) : ((double)minVal);
-            meanVal = (meanVal<maxVal) ? (meanVal) : ((double)maxVal);
-        }
-        imageOut(coordinateOut) = (PixelType)meanVal;
-    }
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cResize(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dimsIn, Vec<double> resizeFactors, Vec<size_t>& dimsOut,
-                   ReductionMethods method = REDUC_MEAN, PixelType** imageOut = NULL, int device = 0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-    if(resizeFactors.maxValue()<=0)
-        resizeFactors = Vec<double>(dimsOut)/Vec<double>(dimsIn);
-    dimsOut = Vec<size_t>(Vec<double>(dimsIn)*resizeFactors);
-    PixelType* resizedImage = NULL;
-    if(imageOut==NULL)
-    {
-        resizedImage = new PixelType[dimsOut.product()];
-        *imageOut = resizedImage;
-    }
-    else
-        resizedImage = *imageOut;
-    if(resizeFactors.product()==1)
-    {
-        memcpy(*imageOut, imageIn, sizeof(PixelType)*dimsIn.product());
-        return *imageOut;
-    }
-    double memSizeRatio = (double)dimsOut.product()/(double)dimsIn.product();
-    bool reduce = memSizeRatio<1;
-    if(!reduce)
-        std::runtime_error("Enlarging is currently not implemented.");
-    cudaDeviceProp props;
-    cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props, device);
-    size_t memAvail, total;
-    cudaMemGetInfo(&memAvail, &total);
-    float* hostKernel;
-    Vec<size_t> neighborhood;
-    Vec<double> neighborhood_ = Vec<double>::max(resizeFactors,Vec<double>(1.0,1.0,1.0)/resizeFactors);
-    int blockSize = props.maxThreadsPerBlock;
-    if(method==REDUC_GAUS)
-    {
-        Vec<float> sigmas = Vec<float>(neighborhood_*3);
-        neighborhood = createGaussianKernelFull(sigmas, &hostKernel);
-        HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, hostKernel, sizeof(float)*neighborhood.product()));
-        //blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(<PixelType>);
-    }
-    else if(method==REDUC_MEAN)
-    {
-        neighborhood = Vec<size_t>(ceil(neighborhood_.x), ceil(neighborhood_.y), ceil(neighborhood_.z));
-        hostKernel = new float[neighborhood.product()];
-        for(int i = 0; i<neighborhood.product(); ++i)
-            hostKernel[i] = 1.0f;
-        HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, hostKernel, sizeof(float)*neighborhood.product()));
-        blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMeanResize<PixelType>);
-        delete[] hostKernel;
-    }
-    Vec<size_t> bigDims = (reduce) ? (dimsIn) : (dimsOut);
-    Vec<size_t> smallDims = (reduce) ? (dimsOut) : (dimsIn);
-    memSizeRatio = (reduce) ? (memSizeRatio) : (1/memSizeRatio); // this will be in terms of the smaller image
-    std::vector<ImageChunk> bigChunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(bigDims, 1, memAvail*MAX_MEM_AVAIL*(1-memSizeRatio), props, neighborhood,blockSize);
-    std::vector<ImageChunk> smallChunks(bigChunks);
-    for(auto& it:smallChunks)
-    {
-        Vec<double> start = it.chunkROIstart*resizeFactors;
-        it.imageStart = Vec<size_t>(ceil(start.x), ceil(start.y), ceil(start.z));
-        it.chunkROIstart = Vec<size_t>(0,0,0);
-        it.imageROIstart = it.imageStart;
-        Vec<double> end = (it.imageEnd+1)*resizeFactors;
-        it.imageEnd = Vec<size_t>(floor(end.x), floor(end.y), floor(end.z))-1;
-        it.chunkROIend = it.imageEnd-it.imageStart;
-        it.imageROIend = it.imageEnd;
-    }
-    Vec<size_t> maxBigDeviceDims;
-    setMaxDeviceDims(bigChunks, maxBigDeviceDims);
-    CudaImageContainerClean<PixelType> deviceBigImage(maxBigDeviceDims, device);
-    Vec<size_t> maxSmallDeviceDims;
-    setMaxDeviceDims(smallChunks, maxSmallDeviceDims);
-    CudaImageContainerClean<PixelType> deviceSmallImage(maxSmallDeviceDims, device);
-    std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator bigIt = bigChunks.begin();
-    std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator smallIt = smallChunks.begin();
-    while(bigIt!=bigChunks.end() && smallIt!=smallChunks.end())
-    {
-        bigIt->sendROI(imageIn, dimsIn, &deviceBigImage);
-        deviceSmallImage.setDims(smallIt->getFullChunkSize());
-        switch(method)
-        {
-        case REDUC_MEAN:
-            cudaMeanResize<<<smallIt->blocks, smallIt->threads>>>(deviceBigImage, deviceSmallImage, Vec<float>(resizeFactors), neighborhood, std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::min(), std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max());
-            break;
-        }
-        smallIt->retriveROI(resizedImage, smallDims, &deviceSmallImage);
-        ++bigIt;
-        ++smallIt;
-    }
-    return resizedImage;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaRidgidRegistaration.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaRidgidRegistaration.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index f0dc738bb105ee66d05429f8d008b46abd75b9e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaRidgidRegistaration.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-#include "cuda_runtime.h"
-// function normCoCube = iterateOverZ(maxIterZ,maxIterX,maxIterY,im1,im2,xStart1,xStart2,yStart1,yStart2,zStart1,zStart2,minOverlap,visualize)
-// normCoCube = zeros(maxIterY*2,maxIterX*2,maxIterZ*2);
-// for delta = 1:maxIterZ*2
-// curDelta = delta-maxIterZ;
-// [start1,start2,end1,end2] = calculateROIs(curDelta,zStart1,zStart2,size(im1,3),size(im2,3));
-// if(end1-start1<minOverlap/5 || end2-start2<minOverlap/5),continue,end
-// 	imZ1 = im1(:,: ,start1 : end1);
-// imZ2 = im2(:,: ,start2 : end2);
-// normCoCube(:,: ,delta) = iterateOverX(maxIterX,maxIterY,imZ1,imZ2,xStart1,xStart2,...
-// 	yStart1,yStart2,curDelta,minOverlap,visualize);
-// end
-// imZ1 =[];
-// imZ2 =[];
-// end
-// function normCoSquare = iterateOverX(maxIterX,maxIterY,im1,im2,xStart1,xStart2,yStart1,yStart2,curDeltaZ,minOverlap,visualize)
-// global Rect1 Rect2
-// normCoSquare = zeros(maxIterY*2,maxIterX*2);
-// for delta = 1:maxIterX*2
-// curDelta = delta-maxIterX;
-// [start1,start2,end1,end2] = calculateROIs(curDelta,xStart1,xStart2,size(im1,2),size(im2,2));
-// if(end1-start1<minOverlap || end2-start2<minOverlap),continue,end
-// 	if(visualize==1)
-// 		pos1 = get(Rect1,'Position');
-// pos2 = get(Rect2,'Position');
-// set(Rect1,'Position',[max(start1,1),max(pos1(2),1),max(end1-start1,1),max(pos1(4),1)]);
-// set(Rect2,'Position',[max(start2,1),max(pos2(2),1),max(end2-start2,1),max(pos2(4),1)]);
-// end
-// imX1 = im1(:,start1 : end1,: );
-// imX2 = im2(:,start2 : end2,: );
-// normCoSquare(:,delta) = iterateOverY(maxIterY,imX1,imX2,curDelta,yStart1,yStart2,curDeltaZ,minOverlap,visualize);
-// end
-// imX1 =[];
-// imX2 =[];
-// end
-// function normCoLine = iterateOverY(maxIterY,im1,im2,curDeltaX,yStart1,yStart2,curDeltaZ,minOverlap,visualize)
-// global Rect1 Rect2
-// normCoLine = zeros(maxIterY*2,1);
-// for delta = 1:maxIterY*2
-// curDelta = delta-maxIterY;
-// [start1,start2,end1,end2] = calculateROIs(curDelta,yStart1,yStart2,size(im1,1),size(im2,1));
-// if(end1-start1<minOverlap || end2-start2<minOverlap),continue,end
-// 	imY1 = im1(start1:end1,: ,: );
-// imY2 = im2(start2:end2,: ,: );
-// normCoLine(delta) = NormalizedCovariance(imY1,imY2);
-// if(visualize==1)
-// pos1 = get(Rect1,'Position');
-// pos2 = get(Rect2,'Position');
-// set(Rect1,'Position',[max(pos1(1),1),max(start1,1),max(pos1(3),1),max(end1-start1,1)]);
-// set(Rect2,'Position',[max(pos2(1),1),max(start2,1),max(pos2(3),1),max(end2-start2,1)]);
-// updateXYviewer(imY1,imY2,normCoLine(delta),curDeltaX,curDelta,curDeltaZ);
-// end
-// if(normCoLine(delta)>1 || normCoLine(delta)<-1)
-// 	warning('Recived a NCV out of bounds:%f, overlap:(%d,%d,%d)',normCoLine(delta),size(imY1,2),size(imY1,1),size(imY1,3));
-// normCoLine(delta) = 0;
-// end
-// end
-// imY1 =[];
-// imY2 =[];
-// end
-// function[start1,start2,end1,end2] = calculateROIs(delta,oldStart1,oldStart2,size1,size2)
-// if(oldStart1==1 && oldStart2~=1)
-// start1 = 1;
-// else
-// start1 = max(1,oldStart1+delta);
-// end
-// if(oldStart2==1 && oldStart1~=1)
-// start2 = 1;
-// else
-// start2 = max(1,oldStart2-delta);
-// end
-// minSize = min(size1-start1,size2-start2);
-// end1 = start1 + minSize;
-// end2 = start2 + minSize;
-// if(end1-start1~=end2-start2),error('Sizes dont`t match %d : %d!',end1-start1,end2-start2),end
-// end
-Vec<int> calcNewROI(Vec<int> delta,const Vec<int> starts1, const Vec<int> starts2,const Vec<size_t> imDim,
-	Vec<int>& newStarts1, Vec<int>& newStarts2)
-	newStarts1 = Vec<int>::max(Vec<int>(0,0,0),starts1+delta);
-	newStarts2 = Vec<int>::max(Vec<int>(0,0,0),starts2+delta);
-	return Vec<int>::min(imDim-starts1,imDim-starts2);
-// Return pointer is to a new array that need to be cleaned up elsewhere!
-template <class PixelType>
-float* cRidgidRegistaration(PixelType* imageIn1, PixelType* imageIn1, Vec<size_t> imageDims, float** normCovarResults,
-	Vec<size_t> maxIterations, Vec<int> roiStart1Init, Vec<int> roiStart2Init, Vec<int> minOverlap, int device=0)
-	cudaSetDevice(device);
-	float normCovarResults[] = new float[maxIterations.product()];
-	for(int i=0; i<maxIterations.product(); ++i)
-		normCovarResults[i] = 0;
-	// Find the greatest overlap and consequently the largest image buffers needed.
-	Vec<int> delta(0,0,0);
-	Vec<size_t> maxSizes(0,0,0);
-	size_t maxVol = 0;
-	for(; delta.z<maxIterations.z; ++delta.z)
-	{
-		for(; delta.y<maxIterations.y; ++delta.y)
-		{
-			for(; delta.x<maxIterations.x; ++delta.x)
-			{
-				Vec<size_t> roiStart1,roiStart2;
-				Vec<size_t> curSizes = Vec<size_t>(calcNewROI(delta,roiStart1Init,roiStart2Init,imageDims,roiStart1,roiStart2));
-				if(maxVol<curSizes.product())
-				{
-					maxVol = curSizes.product();
-					maxSizes = curSizes;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return normCovarResults;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaSegment.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaSegment.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 966ce71ac1a2be2a7a26a457fcbb7cfdabe989c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaSegment.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaThreshold.cuh"
-#include "CudaMaxFilter.cuh"
-#include "CudaMinFilter.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cSegment(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha, Vec<size_t> kernelDims, float* kernel=NULL,
-					PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType thresh = cOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,dims,device);
-	thresh = (PixelType)(thresh*alpha);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::min();
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	if (kernel==NULL)
-	{
-		kernelDims = kernelDims.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1,1,1),dims);
-		float* ones = new float[kernelDims.product()];
-		for (int i=0; i<kernelDims.product(); ++i)
-			ones[i] = 1.0f;
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, ones, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-		delete[] ones;
-	} 
-	else
-	{
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(cudaConstKernel, kernel, sizeof(float)*kernelDims.product()));
-	}
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaThreshold<PixelType>);
-    blockSize = MIN(blockSize, getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMinFilter<PixelType>));
-    blockSize = MIN(blockSize, getKernelMaxThreads(cudaMaxFilter<PixelType>));
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,kernelDims,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
- 		cudaThreshold<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),thresh,minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		cudaMinFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),kernelDims,
-			minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		cudaMaxFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),kernelDims,
-			minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaStdFilter.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaStdFilter.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 58e8cc5933629cc480030a403726550841789aac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaStdFilter.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "KernelIterator.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaStdFilter(CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn,CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut,Vec<size_t> hostKernelDims)
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if(coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		double val = 0;
-		double kernelVolume = 0;
-		Vec<size_t> kernelDims = hostKernelDims;
-		KernelIterator kIt(coordinate, imageIn.getDims(), kernelDims);
-		for(; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			val += imageIn(kIt.getImageCoordinate());
-			++kernelVolume;
-		}
-		double mu = val/kernelVolume;
-		kIt.reset();
-		for(; !kIt.end(); ++kIt)
-		{
-			val += SQR(imageIn(kIt.getImageCoordinate())-mu);
-		}
-		imageOut(coordinate) = sqrt(val/(kernelVolume-1));
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cStdFilter(const PixelType* imageIn,Vec<size_t> dims,Vec<size_t> neighborhood,PixelType** imageOut=NULL,int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims,imageOut);
-	neighborhood = neighborhood.clamp(Vec<size_t>(1,1,1),dims);
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t memAvail,total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&memAvail,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaStdFilter<PixelType>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(memAvail*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,neighborhood,blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks,maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for(std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaStdFilter<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),neighborhood);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaSum.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaSum.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c15fb21ec5fbeedce3486e14ae047465fe350af..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaSum.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
-#include "cuda_runtime.h"
-template <class PixelTypeIn, class OutType>
-__global__ void cudaSum(const PixelTypeIn* arrayIn, OutType* arrayOut, size_t n)
-	extern __shared__ unsigned char sharedMem[];
-	OutType* sums = (OutType*)sharedMem;
-	size_t i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-	size_t imStride = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
-	if (i<n)
-	{
-		sums[threadIdx.x] = (OutType)(arrayIn[i]);
-		while (i+imStride<n)
-		{
-			sums[threadIdx.x] += (OutType)(arrayIn[i+imStride]);
-			i += imStride;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		sums[threadIdx.x] = 0;
-	}
-	__syncthreads();
-	for (int localStride=blockDim.x/2; localStride>0; localStride=localStride/2)
-	{
-		if (threadIdx.x<localStride)
-			sums[threadIdx.x] += sums[threadIdx.x+localStride];
-		__syncthreads();
-	}
-	if (threadIdx.x==0)
-	{
-		arrayOut[blockIdx.x] = sums[0];
-	}
-	__syncthreads();
-template < class OutType, class PixelTypeIn>
-OutType cSumArray(const PixelTypeIn* imageIn, size_t n, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	OutType sum = 0;
-	OutType* deviceSum;
-	OutType* hostSum;
-	PixelTypeIn* deviceBuffer;
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props, device);
-	if (n <= props.maxThreadsPerBlock)
-	{
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-		{
-			sum += imageIn[i];
-		}
-		return sum;
-	}
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-	size_t numValsPerChunk = MIN(n,(size_t)((availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL)/sizeof(PixelTypeIn)));
-    int threads = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaSum<PixelTypeIn,OutType>);
-	int maxBlocks = (int)ceil((double)numValsPerChunk/(threads*2)); 
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceBuffer,sizeof(PixelTypeIn)*numValsPerChunk));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceSum,sizeof(OutType)*maxBlocks));
-	hostSum = new OutType[maxBlocks];
-	for (size_t startIdx=0; startIdx<n; startIdx += numValsPerChunk)
-	{
-		size_t curNumVals = MIN(numValsPerChunk,n-startIdx);
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(deviceBuffer,imageIn+startIdx,sizeof(PixelTypeIn)*curNumVals,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
-		int blocks = (int)ceil((double)curNumVals/(threads*2));
-		size_t sharedMemSize = sizeof(OutType)*threads;
-		cudaSum<<<blocks,threads,sharedMemSize>>>(deviceBuffer,deviceSum,curNumVals);
-		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(hostSum,deviceSum,sizeof(OutType)*blocks,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-		for (int i=0; i<blocks; ++i)
-		{
-			sum += hostSum[i];
-		}
-		memset(hostSum,0,sizeof(OutType)*maxBlocks);
-	}
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceSum));
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(deviceBuffer));
-	delete[] hostSum;
-	return sum;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaThreshold.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaThreshold.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index b50b45a9371a36c06ffb78fedeb360c2cf06f67d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaThreshold.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "CudaImageContainer.cuh"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "ImageChunk.h"
-#include "CudaDeviceImages.cuh"
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "CudaHistogram.cuh"
-template <class PixelType>
-__global__ void cudaThreshold( CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageIn, CudaImageContainer<PixelType> imageOut, PixelType threshold,
-							  PixelType minValue, PixelType maxValue )
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	if (coordinate<imageIn.getDims())
-	{
-		imageOut(coordinate) = (imageIn(coordinate)>=threshold) ? (maxValue) : (minValue);
-	}
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cThresholdFilter(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, PixelType thresh, PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType* imOut = setUpOutIm(dims, imageOut);
-	PixelType minVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::min();
-	PixelType maxVal = std::numeric_limits<PixelType>::max();
-	cudaDeviceProp props;
-	cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props,device);
-	size_t availMem, total;
-	cudaMemGetInfo(&availMem,&total);
-    int blockSize = getKernelMaxThreads(cudaThreshold<PixelType>);
-	std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks = calculateBuffers<PixelType>(dims,2,(size_t)(availMem*MAX_MEM_AVAIL),props,Vec<size_t>(0,0,0),blockSize);
-	Vec<size_t> maxDeviceDims;
-	setMaxDeviceDims(chunks, maxDeviceDims);
-	CudaDeviceImages<PixelType> deviceImages(2,maxDeviceDims,device);
-	for (std::vector<ImageChunk>::iterator curChunk=chunks.begin(); curChunk!=chunks.end(); ++curChunk)
-	{
-		curChunk->sendROI(imageIn,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-		deviceImages.setNextDims(curChunk->getFullChunkSize());
-		cudaThreshold<<<curChunk->blocks,curChunk->threads>>>(*(deviceImages.getCurBuffer()),*(deviceImages.getNextBuffer()),
-			thresh,minVal,maxVal);
-		deviceImages.incrementBuffer();
-		curChunk->retriveROI(imOut,dims,deviceImages.getCurBuffer());
-	}
-	return imOut;
-template <class PixelType>
-PixelType* cOtsuThresholdFilter(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, double alpha=1.0, PixelType** imageOut=NULL, int device=0)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	PixelType thresh = cOtsuThresholdValue(imageIn,dims,device);
-	thresh = (PixelType)(thresh*alpha);
-	return cThresholdFilter(imageIn,dims,thresh,imageOut,device);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.cpp b/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.cpp
index fa3eb4e9db61ddc9420a60368329971e4956e046..3d9eea42af3c295a911ad61e251bdef18fc2ff32 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.cpp
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.cpp
@@ -63,32 +63,3 @@ void calcBlockThread(const Vec<size_t>& dims, size_t maxThreads, dim3 &blocks, d
 	blocks.y = (unsigned int)ceil((float)dims.y/threads.y);
 	blocks.z = (unsigned int)ceil((float)dims.z/threads.z);
-size_t memoryAvailable(int device, size_t* totalOut/*=NULL*/)
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaSetDevice(device));
-	size_t free, total;
-	HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemGetInfo(&free,&total));
-	if (totalOut!=NULL)
-		*totalOut = total;
-	return free;
-bool checkFreeMemory(size_t needed, int device, bool throws/*=false*/)
-	size_t free = memoryAvailable(device);
-	if (needed>free)
-	{
-		if (throws)
-		{
-			char buff[255];
-			sprintf_s(buff,"Out of CUDA Memory!\nNeed: %zu\nHave: %zu\n",needed,free);
-			throw std::runtime_error(buff);
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	return true;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index 69a1c9ae9f1783d8c9977f95e398080929b123ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "Defines.h"
-#include "ImageDimensions.cuh"
-#include "ImageContainer.h"
-#include <cuda_runtime.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cuda_occupancy.h>
-#include <functional>
-template <typename T, typename U>
-int getKernelMaxThreadsSharedMem(T func, U f, int threadLimit = 0)
-	int blockSizeMax = 0;
-	int minGridSize = 0;
-	cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSMem(&minGridSize, &blockSizeMax, func, f, threadLimit);
-	return blockSizeMax;
-template <typename T>
-int getKernelMaxThreads(T func, int threadLimit=0)
-    int blockSizeMax = 0;
-    int minGridSize = 0; 
-    cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(&minGridSize, &blockSizeMax, func, 0, threadLimit);
-    return blockSizeMax;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#define DEBUG_KERNEL_CHECK() { cudaThreadSynchronize(); gpuErrchk( cudaPeekAtLastError() ); }
-#define DEBUG_KERNEL_CHECK() {}
-#endif // _DEBUG
-static void HandleError( cudaError_t err, const char *file, int line ) 
-	if (err != cudaSuccess) 
-	{
-		char* errorMessage = new char[255];
-		sprintf_s(errorMessage, 255, "%s in %s at line %d\n", cudaGetErrorString( err ),	file, line );
-		throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage);
-	}
-#define HANDLE_ERROR( err ) (HandleError( err, __FILE__, __LINE__ ))
-inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, char *file, int line, bool abort=true)
-	if (code != cudaSuccess) 
-	{
-		char buff[255];
-		sprintf_s(buff, "GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);
-		throw std::runtime_error(buff);
-	}
-#define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
-template <class PixelType>
-void setUpOutIm(ImageDimensions dims, ImageContainer<PixelType>& imageOut)
-	if(imageOut.getPtr()==NULL)
-	{
-		imageOut.getPtr() = new PixelType[dims.getNumElements()];
-		imageOut.dimensions = dims;
-	}
-	else if(imageOut.dimensions!=dims)
-	{
-		throw std::runtime_error("Image out buffer malformed!");
-	}
-Vec<size_t> GetThreadBlockCoordinate()
-	Vec<size_t> coordinate;
-	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y+blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z+blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-	return coordinate;
-size_t memoryAvailable(int device, size_t* totalOut=NULL);
-bool checkFreeMemory(size_t needed, int device, bool throws=false);
-void calcBlockThread(const Vec<size_t>& dims, const cudaDeviceProp &prop, dim3 &blocks, dim3 &threads, size_t maxThreads=std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
-Vec<size_t> createGaussianKernel(Vec<float> sigma, float** kernel, Vec<int>& iterations);
-Vec<size_t> createLoGKernel(Vec<float> sigma, float** kernelOut, size_t& kernSize);
-Vec<size_t> createGaussianKernelFull(Vec<float> sigma, float** kernelOut, Vec<size_t> maxKernelSize = Vec<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()));
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.h b/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.h
index 37fa1271d63af5080a74a06d8c9016bf2524a1b8..02c0874673a6804ea2d2df3d35ddf5bad28d109e 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.h
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/CudaUtilities.h
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "cuda_runtime.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <vector>
 #include "Vec.h"
 #include "Defines.h"
 #include "ImageContainer.h"
+#include <cuda_runtime.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <vector>
 #include <cuda_occupancy.h>
 template <typename T, typename U>
@@ -61,19 +61,5 @@ inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, char *file, int line, bool abort=true)
 #define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
-template <class PixelType>
-ImageContainer<PixelType> setUpOutIm(Vec<size_t> dims, PixelType** imageOut)
-	PixelType* imOut;
-	if (imageOut==NULL)
-		imOut = new PixelType[dims.product()];
-	else
-		imOut = *imageOut;
-	return imOut;
-size_t memoryAvailable(int device, size_t* totalOut=NULL);
-bool checkFreeMemory(size_t needed, int device, bool throws=false);
 void calcBlockThread(const Vec<size_t>& dims, size_t maxThreads, dim3 &blocks, dim3 &threads);
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/CudaVariance.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/CudaVariance.cuh
deleted file mode 100644
index d5832b603c2c4c1716e65ce6a1fb1b717478b945..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Cuda/CudaVariance.cuh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CudaSum.cuh"
-#include "CudaAdd.cuh"
-#include "CudaPow.cuh"
-#include "CudaConvertType.cuh"
-template <class PixelType, class PixelTypeOut>
-double cVariance(const PixelType* imageIn, Vec<size_t> dims, int device=0, PixelTypeOut* imageOut=NULL)
-    cudaSetDevice(device);
-	double variance = 0.0;
-	double imMean = cSumArray<double>(imageIn, dims.product(), device) / (double)dims.product();
-	PixelTypeOut* imSub = cAddConstant<PixelType, PixelTypeOut>(imageIn, dims, -imMean, NULL, device);
-	PixelTypeOut* imP = cImagePow<PixelTypeOut>(imSub, dims, 2.0, NULL, device);
-	variance = cSumArray<double>(imP, dims.product(), device) / (double)dims.product();
-	if (imageOut != NULL)
-	{
-		memcpy(imageOut, imSub, sizeof(PixelTypeOut)*dims.product());
-	}
-	delete[] imSub;
-	delete[] imP;
-	return variance;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/ImageChunk.cpp b/src/c/Cuda/ImageChunk.cpp
index 7aa72f8b7c4dc43cd5f6ce12efd6058b10a9241c..84f56c357f87834a5d67297ad32bed26cbc71fea 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/ImageChunk.cpp
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/ImageChunk.cpp
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ std::vector<ImageChunk> calculateChunking(ImageDimensions imageDims, ImageDimens
 	Vec<size_t> devSpatialDims = deviceDims.dims;
-		numChunks.dims.x = (size_t)ceil((double)imageDims.dims.x/chunkDelta.x);
+		numChunks.dims.x = (size_t)ceil((double)imageDims.dims.x/chunkDelta.dims.x);
 		chunkDelta.dims.x = imageDims.dims.x;
-		numChunks.dims.y = (size_t)ceil((double)imageDims.dims.y/chunkDelta.y);
+		numChunks.dims.y = (size_t)ceil((double)imageDims.dims.y/chunkDelta.dims.y);
 		chunkDelta.dims.y = imageDims.dims.y;
-		numChunks.dims.z = (size_t)ceil((double)imageDims.dims.z/chunkDelta.z);
+		numChunks.dims.z = (size_t)ceil((double)imageDims.dims.z/chunkDelta.dims.z);
 		chunkDelta.dims.z = imageDims.dims.z;
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/Kernel.cu b/src/c/Cuda/Kernel.cu
index eaa0e1d96b7000b9f6adcc913ed65e3842ed0337..d2b55c73a667305c185e7e4c4180c5d559e24ee9 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/Kernel.cu
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/Kernel.cu
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #include "Kernel.cuh"
-#include "CudaUtilities.cuh"
+#include "CudaUtilities.h"
 Kernel::Kernel(Vec<size_t> dimensions)
diff --git a/src/c/Cuda/KernelIterator.cuh b/src/c/Cuda/KernelIterator.cuh
index 2f97a5cc6dffc5aa5a800077ab630ed626c49e33..91c48deb69121a50b80301d71a9e9f99e765f8e1 100644
--- a/src/c/Cuda/KernelIterator.cuh
+++ b/src/c/Cuda/KernelIterator.cuh
@@ -3,6 +3,15 @@
 #include "Vec.h"
 #include "ImageDimensions.cuh"
+#include <cuda_runtime.h>
+__global__ void GetThreadBlockCoordinate(Vec<size_t>& coordinate)
+	coordinate.x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
+	coordinate.y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
+	coordinate.z = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
 class KernelIterator
diff --git a/src/c/CudaImageProcessor_dll.vcxproj b/src/c/CudaImageProcessor_dll.vcxproj
index b4d4dd7f2b89a57d748fd3ffff96f33518aa259b..001da6333c8605c8b4b77f66b1564ccc96e3a6ab 100644
--- a/src/c/CudaImageProcessor_dll.vcxproj
+++ b/src/c/CudaImageProcessor_dll.vcxproj
@@ -23,58 +23,26 @@
       <ExcludedFromBuild Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaAdd.cuh">
-      <ExcludedFromBuild Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
-      </ExcludedFromBuild>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaClamp.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaContrastEnhancement.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaConvertType.cuh" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaDeviceCount.cuh" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaDeviceImages.cuh" />
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaDeviceInfo.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaDeviceStats.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaEntropyFilter.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaGaussianFilter.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaGetMinMax.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaGetROI.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaHistogram.cuh" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaImageContainer.cuh" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaImageContainerClean.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaImageCopy.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaIntensityProjection.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaLinearUnmixing.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaLoG.cuh">
-      <ExcludedFromBuild Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
-      </ExcludedFromBuild>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMask.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMaxFilter.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMeanFilter.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMedianFilter.cuh" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMemoryStats.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMinFilter.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMorphologicalOperations.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMultAddFilter.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMultiplyImage.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaNeighborhoodSum.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaNormalizedCovariance.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaPolyTransferFunc.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaPow.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaRegionGrowing.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaResize.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaRidgidRegistaration.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaSegment.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaStdFilter.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaSum.cuh" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaThreshold.cuh" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaUtilities.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaVariance.cuh" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CWrappers.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\Defines.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\FooKernel.cuh">
+      <ExcludedFromBuild Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">true</ExcludedFromBuild>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\FooValueManipulation.cuh">
+      <ExcludedFromBuild Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">true</ExcludedFromBuild>
+    </ClInclude>
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\ImageChunk.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\ImageContainer.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\ImageDimensions.cuh" />
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\Kernel.cuh" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\KernelGenerators.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\KernelIterator.cuh" />
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\Vec.h" />
@@ -82,6 +50,9 @@
     <ClCompile Include="Cuda\CHelpers.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="Cuda\ImageChunk.cpp" />
+    <CudaCompile Include="Cuda\Kernel.cu">
+      <FileType>CppCode</FileType>
+    </CudaCompile>
     <ClCompile Include="Cuda\LoGKernel.cpp" />
diff --git a/src/c/CudaImageProcessor_dll.vcxproj.filters b/src/c/CudaImageProcessor_dll.vcxproj.filters
index 6fa5ef8b38424faea13002275cf6130c9f2c2cd1..d236fd716909331517a9401f7a894dd031703075 100644
--- a/src/c/CudaImageProcessor_dll.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/src/c/CudaImageProcessor_dll.vcxproj.filters
@@ -20,145 +20,55 @@
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\Vec.h">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaAdd.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaContrastEnhancement.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaDeviceImages.cuh">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaGaussianFilter.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaGetMinMax.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaGetROI.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaHistogram.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaImageContainer.cuh">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaImageContainerClean.cuh">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaIntensityProjection.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMask.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMaxFilter.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMeanFilter.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMedianFilter.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMinFilter.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMorphologicalOperations.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMultAddFilter.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMultiplyImage.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaNormalizedCovariance.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaPolyTransferFunc.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaPow.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaSum.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaThreshold.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaSegment.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaVariance.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaConvertType.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaDeviceCount.cuh">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaImageCopy.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaLinearUnmixing.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMemoryStats.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaRidgidRegistaration.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaStdFilter.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
     <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CWrappers.h">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaRegionGrowing.cuh">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaClamp.cuh">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaDeviceStats.h">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaDeviceStats.h">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\KernelIterator.cuh">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaResize.cuh">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\ImageContainer.h">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaEntropyFilter.cuh">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\ImageChunk.h">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaLoG.cuh">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaUtilities.h">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\KernelIterator.cuh">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\KernelGenerators.h">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaNeighborhoodSum.cuh">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\ImageDimensions.cuh">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\ImageContainer.h">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaDeviceInfo.h">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\ImageChunk.h">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\FooValueManipulation.cuh">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaUtilities.h">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\FooKernel.cuh">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\KernelGenerators.h">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\Kernel.cuh">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\ImageDimensions.cuh">
+    <ClInclude Include="Cuda\CudaMemoryStats.cuh">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
@@ -192,5 +102,8 @@
     <CudaCompile Include="Cuda\KernelIterator.cu">
       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
+    <CudaCompile Include="Cuda\Kernel.cu">
+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
+    </CudaCompile>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/CommandList.h b/src/c/Mex/CommandList.h
index bd4cdc3975b1aca8430b54fd2c9162982d04f2a6..c6bda29f6faab1d1320200bdf8ed0324a1571f6a 100644
--- a/src/c/Mex/CommandList.h
+++ b/src/c/Mex/CommandList.h
@@ -38,43 +38,7 @@ BEGIN_MEX_COMMANDS
 // Additional specific mex commands should be added here.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexAddConstant.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexAddConstant.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e3ae3d5a0c878081b7db89a157788e0ed3096b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexAddConstant.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-void MexAddConstant::execute(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double additive = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		addConstant(imageIn,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		addConstant(imageIn,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		addConstant(imageIn,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		addConstant(imageIn,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		addConstant(imageIn,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		addConstant(imageIn,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		addConstant(imageIn,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexAddConstant::check(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Additive needs to be a single double!";
-	return "";
-void MexAddConstant::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("additive");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexAddConstant::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-	helpLines.push_back("This will add a constant value at every voxel location.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tAdditive -- must be a double and will be floored if input is an integer type.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tDevice -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexAddImageWith.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexAddImageWith.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c1ccf1b5a294dedb26c22e80a47980ecf9fea4c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexAddImageWith.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
- void MexAddImageWith::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	 int device = 0;
-	 if (nrhs>3)
-		 device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-	 double additive = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
-	 Vec<size_t> imageDims, imageDims2;
-	 if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 unsigned char* imageIn2;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		 if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			 mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		 addImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 unsigned short* imageIn2;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		 if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			 mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		 addImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 short* imageIn2;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		 if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			 mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		 addImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 unsigned int* imageIn2;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		 if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			 mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		 addImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 int* imageIn2;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		 if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			 mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		 addImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 float* imageIn2;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		 if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			 mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		 addImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 double* imageIn2;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		 if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			 mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		 addImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,additive,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else
-	 {
-		 mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	 }
- }
- std::string MexAddImageWith::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
- 	if (nrhs<3 || nrhs>4)
- 		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
- 	if (nlhs!=1)
- 		return "Requires one output!";
- 	size_t numDims1 = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims1>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
- 	size_t numDims2 = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	if (numDims2>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	if (numDims1!=numDims2)
-		return "Image dimensions must agree!";
- 	if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[2]))
- 		return "Factor needs to be a double!";
- 	return "";
- }
- void MexAddImageWith::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
- {
-	 inArgs.push_back("imageIn1");
-	 inArgs.push_back("imageIn2");
-	 inArgs.push_back("factor");
-	 inArgs.push_back("device");
-	 outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
- }
- void MexAddImageWith::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
- {
-	 helpLines.push_back("This takes two images and adds them together.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn1 -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn2 -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of the same type as imageIn1.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tFactor -- this is a multiplier to the second image in the form imageOut = imageIn1 + factor*imageIn2.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tDevice -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\timageOut -- this is the result of imageIn1 + factor*imageIn2 and will be of the same type as imageIn1.");
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexApplyPolyTransformation.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexApplyPolyTransformation.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 575399b3504c9f96bac4bdd36061e34866dce220..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexApplyPolyTransformation.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexApplyPolyTransformation::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>6)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[6]));
-	double a, b, c;
-	a = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-	b = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
-	c = mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned char mn = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::lowest();
-		unsigned char mx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max();
-		if (nrhs>5)
-			mx = MIN((unsigned char)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]),mx);
-		if (nrhs>4)
-			mn = MAX((unsigned char)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]),mn);
-		applyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,imageDims,a,b,c,mn,mx,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned short mn = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::lowest();
-		unsigned short mx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max();
-		if (nrhs>5)
-			mx = MIN((unsigned short)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]),mx);
-		if (nrhs>4)
-			mn = MAX((unsigned short)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]),mn);
-		applyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,imageDims,a,b,c,mn,mx,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		short mn = std::numeric_limits<short>::lowest();
-		short mx = std::numeric_limits<short>::max();
-		if (nrhs>5)
-			mx = MIN((short)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]),mx);
-		if (nrhs>4)
-			mn = MAX((short)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]),mn);
-		applyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,imageDims,a,b,c,mn,mx,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned int mn = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::lowest();
-		unsigned int mx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
-		if (nrhs>5)
-			mx = MIN((unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]),mx);
-		if (nrhs>4)
-			mn = MAX((unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]),mn);
-		applyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,imageDims,a,b,c,mn,mx,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		int mn = std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest();
-		int mx = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
-		if (nrhs>5)
-			mx = MIN((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]),mx);
-		if (nrhs>4)
-			mn = MAX((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]),mn);
-		applyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,imageDims,a,b,c,mn,mx,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		float mn = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
-		float mx = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
-		if (nrhs>5)
-			mx = MIN((float)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]),mx);
-		if (nrhs>4)
-			mn = MAX((float)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]),mn);
-		applyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,imageDims,a,b,c,mn,mx,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		double mn = (double)std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
-		double mx = (double)std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
-		if (nrhs>5)
-			mx = MIN(mxGetScalar(prhs[5]),mx);
-		if (nrhs>4)
-			mn = MAX(mxGetScalar(prhs[4]),mn);
-		applyPolyTransferFunction(imageIn,imageDims,a,b,c,mn,mx,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexApplyPolyTransformation::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<4 || nrhs>7)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[2]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[3]))
-		return "a,b,c all have to be doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexApplyPolyTransformation::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("a");
-	inArgs.push_back("b");
-	inArgs.push_back("c");
-	inArgs.push_back("min");
-	inArgs.push_back("max");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexApplyPolyTransformation::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-	helpLines.push_back("This returns an image with the quadradic function applied. ImageOut = a*ImageIn^2 + b*ImageIn + c");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tA -- this multiplier is applied to the square of the image.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tB -- this multiplier is applied to the image.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tC -- is the constant additive.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tMin -- this is an optional parameter to clamp the output to and is useful for signed or floating point to remove negative values.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tMax -- this is an optional parameter to clamp the output to.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tDevice -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tImageOut -- this is the result of ImageOut = a*ImageIn^2 + b*ImageIn + c and is the same dimension and type as imageIn.");
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexContrastEnhancement.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexContrastEnhancement.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e1ba5c7c10339a1f053f54e8f3f6619e08f49d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexContrastEnhancement.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexContrastEnhancement::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>3)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-	double* sigmasD = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	double* neighborhoodD = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[2]);
-	Vec<float> sigmas((float)sigmasD[0],(float)sigmasD[1],(float)sigmasD[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> neighborhood((size_t)neighborhoodD[0],(size_t)neighborhoodD[1],(size_t)neighborhoodD[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		contrastEnhancement(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		contrastEnhancement(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		contrastEnhancement(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		contrastEnhancement(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		contrastEnhancement(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		contrastEnhancement(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		contrastEnhancement(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexContrastEnhancement::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<3 || nrhs>4)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numEl= mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-	if (numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Sigmas has to be an array of three doubles!";
-	numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]);
-	if (numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[2]))
-		return "Median neighborhood has to be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexContrastEnhancement::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("sigma");
-	inArgs.push_back("MedianNeighborhood");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexContrastEnhancement::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-	helpLines.push_back("This attempts to increase contrast by removing noise as proposed by Michel et al. This starts with subtracting off a highly smoothed version of imageIn followed by median filter.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tSigma -- these values will create a n-dimensional Gaussian kernel to get a smoothed image that will be subtracted of the original.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\t\tN is the number of dimensions of imageIn");
-	helpLines.push_back("\t\tThe larger the sigma the more object preserving the high pass filter will be (e.g. sigma > 35)");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tMedianNeighborhood -- this is the neighborhood size in each dimension that will be evaluated for the median neighborhood filter.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tDevice -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn.");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexEntropyFilter.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexEntropyFilter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index daabab2081f3238085b07c008f6faf78daa18f81..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexEntropyFilter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexEntropyFilter::execute(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if(nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	const mwSize* DIMS = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> kernDims;
-	if(numDims>2)
-		kernDims.z = (size_t)DIMS[2];
-	else
-		kernDims.z = 1;
-	if(numDims>1)
-		kernDims.y = (size_t)DIMS[1];
-	else
-		kernDims.y = 1;
-	if(numDims>0)
-		kernDims.x = (size_t)DIMS[0];
-	else
-		return;
-	double* matKernel;
-	matKernel = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	float* kernel = new float[kernDims.product()];
-	for(int i = 0; i<kernDims.product(); ++i)
-		kernel[i] = (float)matKernel[i];
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims(0, 0, 0);
-	setupDims(prhs[0], &imageDims);
-	double* imageOut;
-	setupOutputPointers(&(plhs[0]), imageDims, &imageOut);
-	if(mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		entropyFilter(imageIn, imageDims, kernDims, kernel, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		entropyFilter(imageIn, imageDims, kernDims, kernel, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		entropyFilter(imageIn, imageDims, kernDims, kernel, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		entropyFilter(imageIn, imageDims, kernDims, kernel, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		entropyFilter(imageIn, imageDims, kernDims, kernel, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		entropyFilter(imageIn, imageDims, kernDims, kernel, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		entropyFilter(imageIn, imageDims, kernDims, kernel, &imageOut, device);
-	} else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	delete[] kernel;
-std::string MexEntropyFilter::check(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	if(nrhs<2||nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if(nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if(imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t kernDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	if(kernDims<1||kernDims>3)
-		return "Kernel can only be either 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D!";
-	return "";
-void MexEntropyFilter::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs, std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("kernel");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexEntropyFilter::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-	//\	std::string msg = "\tThis will set each pixel/voxel to the max value of the neighborhood defined by the given kernel.\n";
-	//\	msg += "\n";
-	//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexGaussianFilter.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexGaussianFilter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c9a53ae8cff6ced4c9e5a353edebf909cc0eb878..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexGaussianFilter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
- void MexGaussianFilter::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	 int device = 0;
-	 if (nrhs>2)
-		 device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	 double* sigmasMat = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	 Vec<float> sigmas((float)(sigmasMat[0]),(float)(sigmasMat[1]),(float)(sigmasMat[2]));
-	 Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	 if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 gaussianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 gaussianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 gaussianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 gaussianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 gaussianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 gaussianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 gaussianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,sigmas,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else
-	 {
-		 mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	 }
- }
- std::string MexGaussianFilter::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
- 	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
- 		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
- 	if (nlhs!=1)
- 		return "Requires one output!";
- 	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
- 	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
- 	if (numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
- 		return "Sigmas must be an array of three doubles!";
- 	return "";
- }
- void MexGaussianFilter::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
- {
-	 inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	 inArgs.push_back("sigma");
-	 inArgs.push_back("device");
-	 outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
- }
- void MexGaussianFilter::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
- {
-	 helpLines.push_back("Smooths image using a Gaussian kernel.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tSigma -- these values will create a n-dimensional Gaussian kernel to get a smoothed image that will be subtracted of the original.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tDevice -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.");
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexHistogram.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexHistogram.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b81c9da5219723d7477fb78055d78fe04d7d4acf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexHistogram.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
- void MexHistogram::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	 int device = 0;
-	 if (nrhs>4)
-		 device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]));
- 	unsigned int arraySize = (unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-	size_t* hist;
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned char mn = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::lowest();
-		unsigned char mx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(unsigned char)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(unsigned char)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = histogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned short mn = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::lowest();
-		unsigned short mx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(unsigned short)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(unsigned short)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = histogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		short mn = std::numeric_limits<short>::lowest();
-		short mx = std::numeric_limits<short>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(short)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(short)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = histogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned int mn = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::lowest();
-		unsigned int mx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = histogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		int mn = std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest();
-		int mx = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = histogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		float mn = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
-		float mx = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(float)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(float)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = histogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		double mn = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
-		double mx = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = histogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-		return;
-	}
- 	const mwSize DIM = arraySize;
- 	plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(1,&DIM,mxUINT64_CLASS,mxREAL);
- 	size_t* histPr = (size_t*)mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
- 	for (unsigned int i=0; i<arraySize; ++i)
- 		histPr[i] = hist[i];
- 	delete[] hist;
- }
- std::string MexHistogram::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
- 	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>5)
- 		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
- 	if (nlhs!=1)
- 		return "Requires one outputs!";
- 	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
- 	if (numDims>3)
- 		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
- 	return "";
- }
- void MexHistogram::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
- {
-	 inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	 inArgs.push_back("numBins");
-	 inArgs.push_back("min");
-	 inArgs.push_back("max");
-	 inArgs.push_back("device");
-	 outArgs.push_back("histogram");
- }
- void MexHistogram::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
- {
-	 helpLines.push_back("Creates a histogram array with numBins bins between min/max values.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tNumBins -- number of bins that the histogram should partition the signal into.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tMin -- this is the minimum value for the histogram.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\t\tIf min is not provided, the min of the image type is used.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tMax -- this is the maximum value for the histogram.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\t\tIf min is not provided, the min of the image type is used.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tDevice -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.");
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexImagePow.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexImagePow.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d4f7ad902c0e724ef7f785050bbe6bb33ee1217..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexImagePow.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
- void MexImagePow::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	 int device = 0;
-	 if (nrhs>2)
-		 device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	 double power = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-	 Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	 if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 imagePow(imageIn,imageDims,power,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 imagePow(imageIn,imageDims,power,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 imagePow(imageIn,imageDims,power,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 imagePow(imageIn,imageDims,power,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 imagePow(imageIn,imageDims,power,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 imagePow(imageIn,imageDims,power,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	 {
-		 double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		 setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		 imagePow(imageIn,imageDims,power,&imageOut,device);
-	 }
-	 else
-	 {
-		 mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	 }
- }
- std::string MexImagePow::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	 if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		 return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
- 	if (nlhs!=1)
- 		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
- 	if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
- 		return "Power has to be a single double!";
- 	return "";
- }
- void MexImagePow::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
- {
-	 inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	 inArgs.push_back("power");
-	 inArgs.push_back("device");
-	 outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
- }
- void MexImagePow::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
- {
-	 helpLines.push_back("This will raise each voxel value to the power provided.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tPower -- must be a double.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tDevice -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.");
-	 helpLines.push_back("\tImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.");
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexLinearUnmixing.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexLinearUnmixing.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c6d9454f930e4a7aca182c75a4d443d9680dadab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexLinearUnmixing.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-void MexLinearUnmixing::execute(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs > 3)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-	size_t numImDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	const mwSize* IM_DIMS = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	size_t numMatrixDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	const mwSize* MATRIX_DIMS = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	size_t numImages = IM_DIMS[numImDims - 1];
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims, umixingDims;
-	double* unmixing;
-	setupImagePointers(prhs[1], &unmixing, &umixingDims);
-	float* unmix = new float[umixingDims.product()];
-	for (int i = 0; i < umixingDims.product(); ++i)
-		unmix[i] = (float)unmixing[i];
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn, *imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0], &imageIn, &imageDims);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(numImDims, IM_DIMS, mxUINT8_CLASS, mxREAL);
-		imageOut = (unsigned char*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
-		linearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmix, umixingDims, &imageOut, device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn, *imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0], &imageIn, &imageDims);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(numImDims, IM_DIMS, mxUINT16_CLASS, mxREAL);
-		imageOut = (unsigned short*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
-		linearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmix, umixingDims, &imageOut, device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn, *imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0], &imageIn, &imageDims);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(numImDims, IM_DIMS, mxINT16_CLASS, mxREAL);
-		imageOut = (short*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
-		linearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmix, umixingDims, &imageOut, device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn, *imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0], &imageIn, &imageDims);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(numImDims, IM_DIMS, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
-		imageOut = (unsigned int*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
-		linearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmix, umixingDims, &imageOut, device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn, *imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0], &imageIn, &imageDims);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(numImDims, IM_DIMS, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
-		imageOut = (int*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
-		linearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmix, umixingDims, &imageOut, device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn, *imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0], &imageIn, &imageDims);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(numImDims, IM_DIMS, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
-		imageOut = (float*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
-		linearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmix, umixingDims, &imageOut, device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn, *imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0], &imageIn, &imageDims);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(numImDims, IM_DIMS, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
-		imageOut = (double*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
-		linearUnmixing(imageIn, imageDims, numImages, unmix, umixingDims, &imageOut, device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		delete[] unmix;
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	delete[] unmix;
-std::string MexLinearUnmixing::check(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	if (nrhs < 2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs != 1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims1 = int(mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]));
-	const mwSize* DIMS1 = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	size_t numDims2 = int(mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]));
-	const mwSize* DIMS2 = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	size_t numImages = DIMS1[numDims1 - 1];
-	if (numDims1 > 4)
-		return "Input images can be at most 3-D!";
-	if (numDims2 != 2)
-		return "Unmixing matrix should be 2-D!";
-	if (DIMS2[0] != DIMS2[1] || numImages != DIMS2[0])
-		return "Unmixing matrix needs to be NxN, where N is the number of images to unmix!";
-	if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Unmixing matrix needs to be a doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexLinearUnmixing::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("mixedImages");
-	inArgs.push_back("unmixMatrix");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexLinearUnmixing::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tLinear Unmixing takes an image that is one dimension larger than the\n";
-//\	msg += "\tinput images. This can be done with the cat function: cat(ndims(im)+1,im,im2,..).\n";
-//\	msg += "\tThe output image will have the same dimension as this input image and contains the\n";
-//\	msg += "\tunmixed images as single precision floating point values.";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexLoG.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexLoG.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3da9ece382a505ea153ddd04779358a6a2f60577..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexLoG.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexLoG::execute(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if(nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double* sigmasMat = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<float> sigmas((float)(sigmasMat[0]), (float)(sigmasMat[1]), (float)(sigmasMat[2]));	
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	setupDims(prhs[0], &imageDims);
-	float* imageOut = NULL;
-	setupOutputPointers(&plhs[0], imageDims, &imageOut);
-	if(mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		loG(imageIn, imageDims, sigmas, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		loG(imageIn, imageDims, sigmas, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		loG(imageIn, imageDims, sigmas, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		loG(imageIn, imageDims, sigmas, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		loG(imageIn, imageDims, sigmas, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		loG(imageIn, imageDims, sigmas, &imageOut, device);
-	} else if(mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		loG(imageIn, imageDims, sigmas, &imageOut, device);
-	} else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexLoG::check(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	if(nrhs<2||nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if(nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if(numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-	if(numEl!=3||!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Sigmas must be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexLoG::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs, std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("sigma");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexLoG::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-	helpLines.push_back("Smooths image using a Gaussian kernel.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tSigma -- these values will create a n-dimensional Gaussian kernel to get a smoothed image that will be subtracted of the original.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tDevice -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tImageOut -- will have the same dimensions and type as imageIn. Values are clamped to the range of the image space.");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a4b49c6d097d51137163ff52ef5d4c667c7934f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-void MexMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser::execute(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double maxIterations = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-// 	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-// 	{
-// 		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-// 		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-// 		markovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,imageDims,maxIterations,&imageOut,device);
-// 	}
-// 	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-// 	{
-// 		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-// 		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-// 		markovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,imageDims,maxIterations,&imageOut,device);
-// 	}
-// 	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-// 	{
-// 		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-// 		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-// 		markovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,imageDims,maxIterations,&imageOut,device);
-// 	}
-// 	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-// 	{
-// 		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-// 		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-// 		markovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,imageDims,maxIterations,&imageOut,device);
-// 	}
-// 	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-// 	{
-// 		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-// 		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-// 		markovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,imageDims,maxIterations,&imageOut,device);
-// 	}
-//	else
-	if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		markovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,imageDims,int(maxIterations),&imageOut,device);
-	}
-// 	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-// 	{
-// 		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-// 		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-// 		markovRandomFieldDenoiser(imageIn,imageDims,maxIterations,&imageOut,device);
-// 	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser::check(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	return "";
-void MexMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("maxIterations");
-void MexMarkovRandomFieldDenoiser::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tMarkov Random Field Denoiser will denoise the image using a noise estimation iteratively until the image\n";
-//\	msg += "\tmatches the noise model or the max iterations is reached.\n";
-//\	msg += "\tSee Ceccarelli, M. (2007). \"A Finite Markov Random Field approach to fast edge-preserving image recovery.\"\n";
-//\	msg += "Image and Vision Computing 25(6): 792-804.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMaxFilterEllipsoid.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMaxFilterEllipsoid.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5298821fb462984a350bdd563fd3feeff402776a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMaxFilterEllipsoid.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexMaxFilterEllipsoid::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double* radiiD = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> radii((size_t)radiiD[0],(size_t)radiiD[1],(size_t)radiiD[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> kernDims;
-	float* circleKernel = createEllipsoidKernel(radii,kernDims);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	delete[] circleKernel;
-std::string MexMaxFilterEllipsoid::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-	if (numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Radii must be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexMaxFilterEllipsoid::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("radius");
-void MexMaxFilterEllipsoid::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tThis will set each pixel/voxel to the max value of an ellipsoidal neighborhood with the radii given.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMaxFilterKernel.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMaxFilterKernel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f49c0597bc68fcc1ad799be7015c17c6400ae4db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMaxFilterKernel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexMaxFilterKernel::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	const mwSize* DIMS = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> kernDims;
-	if (numDims>2)
-		kernDims.z = (size_t)DIMS[2];
-	else
-		kernDims.z = 1;
-	if (numDims>1)
-		kernDims.y = (size_t)DIMS[1];
-	else
-		kernDims.y = 1;
-	if (numDims>0)
-		kernDims.x = (size_t)DIMS[0];
-	else
-		return;
-	double* matKernel;
-	matKernel = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	float* kernel = new float[kernDims.product()];
-	for (int i=0; i<kernDims.product(); ++i)
-		kernel[i] = (float)matKernel[i];
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	delete[] kernel;
-std::string MexMaxFilterKernel::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t kernDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	if (kernDims<1 || kernDims>3)
-		return "Kernel can only be either 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D!";
-	return "";
-void MexMaxFilterKernel::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("kernel");
-void MexMaxFilterKernel::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tThis will set each pixel/voxel to the max value of the neighborhood defined by the given kernel.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMaxFilterNeighborhood.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMaxFilterNeighborhood.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a1bc8fbe8a7e682d61e322a7ab145e6c9562c8b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMaxFilterNeighborhood.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
- void MexMaxFilterNeighborhood::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	 int device = 0;
-	 if (nrhs>2)
-		 device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double* nbh = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> neighborhood((size_t)nbh[0],(size_t)nbh[1],(size_t)nbh[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		maxFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
- }
- std::string MexMaxFilterNeighborhood::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-	if (numEl!=3)
-		return "Neighborhood needs to be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
- }
- void MexMaxFilterNeighborhood::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
- {
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("Neighborhood");
- }
- void MexMaxFilterNeighborhood::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
- {
-//\	 std::string msg = "\tThis will set each pixel/voxel to the max value within the neighborhood given.\n";
-//\	 msg += "\n";
-//\	 return msg;
- }
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMeanFilter.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMeanFilter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dcc89624d5f67a053356fae2efa4f34716445608..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMeanFilter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
- void MexMeanFilter::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	 int device = 0;
-	 if (nrhs>2)
-		 device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
- 	double* neighborhoodD = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
- 	Vec<size_t> neighborhood((size_t)neighborhoodD[1],(size_t)neighborhoodD[0],(size_t)neighborhoodD[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		meanFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		meanFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		meanFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		meanFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		meanFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		meanFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		meanFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
- }
- std::string MexMeanFilter::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
- 	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
- 		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
- 	if (nlhs!=1)
- 		return "Requires one output!";
- 	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
- 	size_t numEl= mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
- 	if (numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
- 		return "Neighborhood has to be an array of three doubles!";
- 	return "";
- }
- void MexMeanFilter::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
- {
- 	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("Neighborhood");
- }
- void MexMeanFilter::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
- {
-//\	 std::string msg = "\tNeighborhoodX, NeighborhoodY, and NeighborhoodZ are the directions and area to look for a given pixel.";
-//\	 msg += "\n";
-//\	 return msg;
- }
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMedianFilter.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMedianFilter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 73a34e07430ee2c63509925512a752d51b0dc1d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMedianFilter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexMedianFilter::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double* neighborhoodD = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> neighborhood((size_t)neighborhoodD[1],(size_t)neighborhoodD[0],(size_t)neighborhoodD[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		medianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		medianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		medianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		medianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		medianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		medianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		medianFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexMedianFilter::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-	if (numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Neighborhood has to be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexMedianFilter::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("Neighborhood");
-void MexMedianFilter::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tNeighborhoodX, NeighborhoodY, and NeighborhoodZ are the directions and area to look for a given pixel.";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMinFilterEllipsoid.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMinFilterEllipsoid.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d231e0c8d0354c767ad69d5ef8cf40378b55ddaa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMinFilterEllipsoid.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexMinFilterEllipsoid::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double* radiiD = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> radii((size_t)radiiD[0],(size_t)radiiD[1],(size_t)radiiD[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> kernDims;
-	float* circleKernel = createEllipsoidKernel(radii,kernDims);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,circleKernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	delete[] circleKernel;
-std::string MexMinFilterEllipsoid::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-	if (numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Radii must be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexMinFilterEllipsoid::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("radius");
-void MexMinFilterEllipsoid::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tThis will set each pixel/voxel to the min value of an ellipsoidal neighborhood with the radii given.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMinFilterKernal.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMinFilterKernal.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ad7221acb5982b766bd9d83b76d98654efae1d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMinFilterKernal.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexMinFilterKernel::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	const mwSize* DIMS = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> kernDims;
-	if (numDims>2)
-		kernDims.z = (size_t)DIMS[2];
-	else
-		kernDims.z = 1;
-	if (numDims>1)
-		kernDims.y = (size_t)DIMS[1];
-	else
-		kernDims.y = 1;
-	if (numDims>0)
-		kernDims.x = (size_t)DIMS[0];
-	else
-		return;
-	double* matKernel;
-	matKernel = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	float* kernel = new float[kernDims.product()];
-	for (int i=0; i<kernDims.product(); ++i)
-		kernel[i] = (float)matKernel[i];
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	delete[] kernel;
-std::string MexMinFilterKernel::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t kernDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (kernDims<1 || kernDims>3)
-		return "Kernel can only be either 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D!";
-	return "";
-void MexMinFilterKernel::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("kernel");
-void MexMinFilterKernel::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tThis will set each pixel/voxel to the min value of the neighborhood defined by the given kernel.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMinFilterNeighborhood.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMinFilterNeighborhood.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 63197327c06e474392050d459af6a81b36b34752..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMinFilterNeighborhood.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexMinFilterNeighborhood::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double* nbh = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> neighborhood((size_t)nbh[0],(size_t)nbh[1],(size_t)nbh[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		minFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexMinFilterNeighborhood::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-	if (numEl!=3)
-		return "Neighborhood needs to be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexMinFilterNeighborhood::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("Neighborhood");
-void MexMinFilterNeighborhood::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tThis will set each pixel/voxel to the min value within the neighborhood given.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMinMax.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMinMax.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b9bd018f2f7eab26459baae3bd8825f6aac0e62e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMinMax.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexMinMax::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>1)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]));
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned char minVal, maxVal;
-		getMinMax(imageIn,imageDims,minVal,maxVal,device);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(minVal);
-		plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(maxVal);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned short minVal, maxVal;
-		getMinMax(imageIn,imageDims,minVal,maxVal,device);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(minVal);
-		plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(maxVal);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		short minVal, maxVal;
-		getMinMax(imageIn,imageDims,minVal,maxVal,device);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(minVal);
-		plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(maxVal);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned int minVal, maxVal;
-		getMinMax(imageIn,imageDims,minVal,maxVal,device);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(minVal);
-		plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(maxVal);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		int minVal, maxVal;
-		getMinMax(imageIn,imageDims,minVal,maxVal,device);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(minVal);
-		plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(maxVal);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		float minVal, maxVal;
-		getMinMax(imageIn,imageDims,minVal,maxVal,device);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(minVal);
-		plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(maxVal);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		double minVal, maxVal;
-		getMinMax(imageIn,imageDims,minVal,maxVal,device);
-		plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(minVal);
-		plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(maxVal);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexMinMax::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<1 || nrhs>2)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=2)
-		return "Requires two outputs!";
-	 	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	 	if (numDims>3)
-	 		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	return "";
-void MexMinMax::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-void MexMinMax::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tReturns the minimum and maximum values.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMorphologicalClosure.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMorphologicalClosure.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fe646df8ee2a8b4e1302520096b38f418fa5880..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMorphologicalClosure.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexMorphologicalClosure::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-    float* kernel = NULL;
-    Vec<size_t> kernDims = FillKernel(prhs[1], &kernel);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-    if(mxIsLogical(prhs[0]))
-    {
-        bool* imageIn, *imageOut;
-        setupImagePointers(prhs[0], &imageIn, &imageDims, &plhs[0], &imageOut);
-        morphologicalClosure(imageIn, imageDims, kernDims, kernel, &imageOut, device);
-    } else if(mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalClosure(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalClosure(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalClosure(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalClosure(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalClosure(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalClosure(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalClosure(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	delete[] kernel;
-std::string MexMorphologicalClosure::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t kernDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (kernDims<1 || kernDims>3)
-		return "Kernel can only be either 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D!";
-	return "";
-void MexMorphologicalClosure::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("kernel");
-    inArgs.push_back("device");
-    outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexMorphologicalClosure::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tThis will set each pixel/voxel to the max value of the neighborhood defined by the given kernel,\n";
-//\	msg += "\tfollowed by a min value of the neighborhood defined by the given kernel.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMorphologicalOpening.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMorphologicalOpening.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dced0b02320a5744cb8b03115349c0208b4eefd6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMorphologicalOpening.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexMorphologicalOpening::execute(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-    float* kernel = NULL;
-    Vec<size_t> kernDims = FillKernel(prhs[1],&kernel);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-    if(mxIsLogical(prhs[0]))
-    {
-        bool* imageIn, *imageOut;
-        setupImagePointers(prhs[0], &imageIn, &imageDims, &plhs[0], &imageOut);
-        morphologicalOpening(imageIn, imageDims, kernDims, kernel, &imageOut, device);
-    }
-	else if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalOpening(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalOpening(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalOpening(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalOpening(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalOpening(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalOpening(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		morphologicalOpening(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	delete[] kernel;
-std::string MexMorphologicalOpening::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t kernDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (kernDims<1 || kernDims>3)
-		return "Kernel can only be either 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D!";
-	return "";
-void MexMorphologicalOpening::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("kernel");
-void MexMorphologicalOpening::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tThis will set each pixel/voxel to the in value of the neighborhood defined by the given kernel,\n";
-//\	msg += "\tfollowed by a max value of the neighborhood defined by the given kernel.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMultiplyImage.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMultiplyImage.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b3d491f44741a79f1586e48139418fa44a3bdd2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMultiplyImage.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
- void MexMultiplyImage::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	 int device = 0;
-	 if (nrhs>2)
-		 device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
- 	double multiplier = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		multiplyImage(imageIn,imageDims,multiplier,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		multiplyImage(imageIn,imageDims,multiplier,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		multiplyImage(imageIn,imageDims,multiplier,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		multiplyImage(imageIn,imageDims,multiplier,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		multiplyImage(imageIn,imageDims,multiplier,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		multiplyImage(imageIn,imageDims,multiplier,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		multiplyImage(imageIn,imageDims,multiplier,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
- }
- std::string MexMultiplyImage::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
- 	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
- 		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
- 	if (nlhs!=1)
- 		return "Requires one output!";
- 	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
- 	if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
- 		return "Multiplier needs to be a single double!";
- 	return "";
- }
- void MexMultiplyImage::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
- {
- 	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("multiplier");
- }
- void MexMultiplyImage::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
- {
-//\	 std::string msg = "\tMultiplier must be a double.\n";
-//\	 msg += "\tImageOut will not roll over.  Values are clamped to the range of the image space.\n";
-//\	 msg += "\tImageOut will have the same dimensions as imageIn.\n";
-//\	 msg += "\n";
-//\	 return msg;
- }
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexMultiplyImageWith.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexMultiplyImageWith.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 279f236ac4ecf0c8646cfdbce1cc018f02a80f1c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexMultiplyImageWith.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexMultiplyTwoImages::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>3)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-	double factor = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims, imageDims2;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		unsigned char* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		multiplyImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,factor,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		unsigned short* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		multiplyImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,factor,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		short* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		multiplyImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,factor,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		unsigned int* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		multiplyImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,factor,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		int* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		multiplyImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,factor,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		float* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		multiplyImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,factor,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		double* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image dimensions must agree!");
-		multiplyImageWith(imageIn,imageIn2,imageDims,factor,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexMultiplyTwoImages::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<3 || nrhs>4)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims1 = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims1>3)
-		return "Image can only be either 2D or 3D!";
-	size_t numDims2 = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	if (numDims2>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	if (numDims1!=numDims2)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[2]))
-		return "Factor needs to be a double!";
-	return "";
-void MexMultiplyTwoImages::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn1");
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn2");
-	inArgs.push_back("factor");
-void MexMultiplyTwoImages::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tWhere factor is a multiplier.  Pixel = factor * imageIn1 * imageIn2.";
-//\	msg += "\tPixel value is floored at assignment only when integer.\n";
-//\	msg += "\tImageIn1 and ImageIn2 must have the same dimensions.\n";
-//\	msg += "\tImageOut will have the same dimensions as the input images.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexNeighborhoodSum.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexNeighborhoodSum.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a7deab8b3eacca121e6bc28dda6567a788cb896..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexNeighborhoodSum.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
- void MexNeighborhoodSum::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	 int device = 0;
-	 if (nrhs>2)
-		 device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double* nbh = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> neighborhood((size_t)nbh[0],(size_t)nbh[1],(size_t)nbh[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsLogical(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		bool* imageIn;
-		unsigned char* imageOut;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		setupOutputPointers(&plhs[0], imageDims, &imageOut);
-		imageOut = neighborhoodSum(imageIn, imageDims, neighborhood, NULL,&imageOut, device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn;
-		unsigned short* imageOut;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		setupOutputPointers(&plhs[0], imageDims, &imageOut);
-		imageOut = neighborhoodSum(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn;
-		unsigned int*   imageOut;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		//setupOutputPointers(&plhs[0], imageDims, &imageOut);
-		imageOut = neighborhoodSum(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn;
-		int*   imageOut;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		setupOutputPointers(&plhs[0], imageDims, &imageOut);
-		imageOut = neighborhoodSum(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn;
-		double* imageOut;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		setupOutputPointers(&plhs[0], imageDims, &imageOut);
-		imageOut = neighborhoodSum(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn;
-		double* imageOut;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		setupOutputPointers(&plhs[0], imageDims, &imageOut);
-		imageOut = neighborhoodSum(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn;
-		double* imageOut;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		setupOutputPointers(&plhs[0], imageDims, &imageOut);
-		imageOut = neighborhoodSum(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn;
-		double* imageOut;
-		setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageDims, &imageIn);
-		setupOutputPointers(&plhs[0], imageDims, &imageOut);
-		imageOut = neighborhoodSum(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,NULL,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
- }
- std::string MexNeighborhoodSum::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-	if (numEl!=3)
-		return "Neighborhood needs to be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
- }
- void MexNeighborhoodSum::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
- {
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("Neighborhood");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
- }
- void MexNeighborhoodSum::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
- {
-//\	 std::string msg = "\tThis will set each pixel/voxel to the max value within the neighborhood given.\n";
-//\	 msg += "\n";
-//\	 return msg;
- }
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexNormalizedCovariance.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexNormalizedCovariance.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ac24efa322d86a9e76299d8e5796c24c65a81419..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexNormalizedCovariance.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexNormalizedCovariance::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double normCoVar;
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims1, imageDims2;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn1,* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn1,&imageDims1);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims1!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image Dimensions Must Match!\n");
-		normCoVar = normalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,imageDims1,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn1,* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn1,&imageDims1);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims1!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image Dimensions Must Match!\n");
-		normCoVar = normalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,imageDims1,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn1,* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn1,&imageDims1);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims1!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image Dimensions Must Match!\n");
-		normCoVar = normalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,imageDims1,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn1,* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn1,&imageDims1);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims1!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image Dimensions Must Match!\n");
-		normCoVar = normalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,imageDims1,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn1,* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn1,&imageDims1);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims1!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image Dimensions Must Match!\n");
-		normCoVar = normalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,imageDims1,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn1,* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn1,&imageDims1);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims1!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image Dimensions Must Match!\n");
-		normCoVar = normalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,imageDims1,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn1,* imageIn2;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn1,&imageDims1);
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[1],&imageIn2,&imageDims2);
-		if (imageDims1!=imageDims2)
-			mexErrMsgTxt("Image Dimensions Must Match!\n");
-		normCoVar = normalizedCovariance(imageIn1,imageIn2,imageDims1,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(normCoVar);
-std::string MexNormalizedCovariance::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims1 = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims1>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numDims2= mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	if (numDims2>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	if (numDims1!=numDims2)
-		return "Images must have the same dimensions!";
-	return "";
-void MexNormalizedCovariance::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn1");
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn2");
-void MexNormalizedCovariance::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tThis will calculate how similar the images are to one another.\n";
-//\	msg += "\tThe return value will be between [-1,1].  Where 1 is exactly the same and -1 is exactly the opposite.\n";
-//\	msg += "\tImages must match in dimension.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexNormalizedHistogram.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexNormalizedHistogram.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ff06ddd84872382ab4cd37af82cbe2b82c5c0c37..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexNormalizedHistogram.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexNormalizedHistogram::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>4)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]));
-	unsigned int arraySize = (unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-	double* hist;
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned char mn = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::lowest();
-		unsigned char mx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(unsigned char)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(unsigned char)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = normalizeHistogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned short mn = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::lowest();
-		unsigned short mx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(unsigned short)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(unsigned short)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = normalizeHistogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		short mn = std::numeric_limits<short>::lowest();
-		short mx = std::numeric_limits<short>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(short)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(short)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = normalizeHistogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		unsigned int mn = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::lowest();
-		unsigned int mx = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(unsigned int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = normalizeHistogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		int mn = std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest();
-		int mx = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = normalizeHistogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		float mn = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
-		float mx = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,(float)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,(float)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = normalizeHistogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		double mn = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
-		double mx = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
-		if (nrhs>2)
-			mn = MAX(mn,mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-		if (nrhs>3)
-			mx = MIN(mx,mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-		hist = normalizeHistogram(imageIn,imageDims,arraySize,mn,mx,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-		return;
-	}
-	const mwSize DIM = arraySize;
-	plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(1,&DIM,mxDOUBLE_CLASS,mxREAL);
-	double* histPr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
-	for (unsigned int i=0; i<arraySize; ++i)
-		histPr[i] = hist[i];
-	delete[] hist;
-std::string MexNormalizedHistogram::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>5)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one outputs!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	return "";
-void MexNormalizedHistogram::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("numBins");
-	inArgs.push_back("min");
-	inArgs.push_back("max");
-void MexNormalizedHistogram::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tCreates a histogram array with numBins bins\n";
-//\	msg += "\tIf min/max is not provided, the min/max of the type is used.";
-//\	msg += "\tEach bin is normalized over the total number of pixel/voxels.\n";
-//\	msg = "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexOtsuThresholdFilter.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexOtsuThresholdFilter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cafea9debe6f59be772442134dcf101b6a203b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexOtsuThresholdFilter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexOtsuThresholdFilter::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double alpha = 1.0;
-	if (nrhs==2)
-		alpha = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		otsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		otsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		otsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		otsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		otsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		otsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		otsuThresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexOtsuThresholdFilter::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<1 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	if (nrhs==2)
-		if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-			return "Alpha needs to be a single double!";
-	return "";
-void MexOtsuThresholdFilter::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("alpha");
-void MexOtsuThresholdFilter::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tCalculates a two class threshold using Otsu's method.\n";
-//\	msg += "\tEach pixel/voxel >= the threshold is set to the max value of the image space.";
-//\	msg += "\tAll other values will be set at the minimum of the image space.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexOtsuThresholdValue.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexOtsuThresholdValue.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dafa2aeea36fd996822f6f47026b611b49f7c368..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexOtsuThresholdValue.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
- void MexOtsuThresholdValue::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
-	 int device = 0;
-	 if (nrhs>1)
-		 device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]));
- 	double thresh = 0.0;
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		thresh = otsuThresholdValue(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		thresh = otsuThresholdValue(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		thresh = otsuThresholdValue(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		thresh = otsuThresholdValue(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		thresh = otsuThresholdValue(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		thresh = otsuThresholdValue(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		thresh = otsuThresholdValue(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
- 	plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(thresh);
- }
- std::string MexOtsuThresholdValue::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
- {
- 	if (nrhs<1 || nrhs>2)
- 		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
- 	if (nlhs!=1)
- 		return "Requires one output!";
- 	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
- 	if (numDims>3)
- 		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
- 	return "";
- }
- void MexOtsuThresholdValue::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
- {
- 	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
- }
- void MexOtsuThresholdValue::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
- {
-//\	 std::string msg = "\tCalculates the optimal two class threshold using Otsu's method.\n";
-//\	 msg += "\n";
-//\	 return msg;
- }
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexRegionGrowing.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexRegionGrowing.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1398de27a15eaec35999b5debc03f83aaf97593b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexRegionGrowing.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexRegionGrowing::execute(int nlhs,mxArray* plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	int device = 0;
-	bool allowConnection = true;
-	if(nrhs>5)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]));
-	if(nrhs>4)
-		allowConnection = mxGetScalar(prhs[4])>0;
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	const mwSize* DIMS = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> kernDims;
-	if(numDims>2)
-		kernDims.z = (size_t)DIMS[2];
-	else
-		kernDims.z = 1;
-	if(numDims>1)
-		kernDims.y = (size_t)DIMS[1];
-	else
-		kernDims.y = 1;
-	if(numDims>0)
-		kernDims.x = (size_t)DIMS[0];
-	else
-		return;
-	double* matKernel;
-	matKernel = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	float* kernel = new float[kernDims.product()];
-	for(int i=0; i<kernDims.product(); ++i)
-		kernel[i] = (float)matKernel[i];
-	const mwSize* MASK_DIMS = mxGetDimensions(prhs[2]);
-	bool* maskIn = (bool*)mxGetData(prhs[2]);
-	plhs[0] = mxCreateLogicalArray(numDims,MASK_DIMS);
-	bool* maskOut = (bool*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
-	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]);
-	double threshold = mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
-	memcpy(maskOut,maskIn,sizeof(bool)*numEl);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if(mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		regionGrowing(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,maskOut,threshold,allowConnection,device);
-	} else if(mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		regionGrowing(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,maskOut,threshold,allowConnection,device);
-	} else if(mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		regionGrowing(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,maskOut,threshold,allowConnection,device);
-	} else if(mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		regionGrowing(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,maskOut,threshold,allowConnection,device);
-	} else if(mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		regionGrowing(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,maskOut,threshold,allowConnection,device);
-	} else if(mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		regionGrowing(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,maskOut,threshold,allowConnection,device);
-	} else if(mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		regionGrowing(imageIn,imageDims,kernDims,kernel,maskOut,threshold,allowConnection,device);
-	} else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	delete[] kernel;
-std::string MexRegionGrowing::check(int nlhs,mxArray* plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	if(nrhs<4 || nrhs>6)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if(nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t imgNumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if(imgNumDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t kernDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]);
-	if(kernDims<1 || kernDims>3)
-		return "Kernel can only be either 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D!";
-	size_t maskDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[2]);
-	if(maskDims!=imgNumDims)
-		return "Mask must be the same dimension as the image!";
-	if(!mxIsLogical(prhs[2]))
-		return "Mask must be of logical type!";
-	return "";
-void MexRegionGrowing::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("kernel");
-	inArgs.push_back("mask");
-	inArgs.push_back("threshold");
-	inArgs.push_back("allowConnections");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("maskOut");
-void MexRegionGrowing::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-	helpLines.push_back("This will create a mask that grows by a delta value.  If a neighboring voxel is masked and the current voxel intensity is +/- delta from the masked intensity, then the current voxel is added to the mask.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tKernel -- this ");
-	helpLines.push_back("");
-//\	std::string msg = "\tThis will return a mask that has grown by the kernal shape for any pixels that are within a threshold of the current mask.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexResize.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexResize.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b57b9819d7fb730d5161b341fd5f9fc816eb89b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexResize.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "Defines.h"
-void MexResize::execute(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-    Vec<size_t> imageInDims(0, 0, 0);
-    setupDims(prhs[0], &imageInDims);
-    Vec<double> reductionFactors(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-    if(!mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]))
-    {
-        double* reductionD = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-        reductionFactors = Vec<double>(reductionD[0], reductionD[1], reductionD[2]);
-    }
-    Vec<size_t> imageOutDims(0, 0, 0);
-    if(!mxIsEmpty(prhs[2]))
-    {
-        double* outDim = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[2]);
-        imageOutDims = Vec<size_t>(outDim[0], outDim[1], outDim[2]);
-        reductionFactors = Vec<double>(imageOutDims)/Vec<double>(imageInDims);
-    }
-    char method[36];
-    ReductionMethods mthd = REDUC_MEAN;
-    mxGetString(prhs[3], method, 255);
-    if(_strcmpi(method, "mean")==0)
-        mthd = REDUC_MEAN;
-    else if(_strcmpi(method, "median")==0)
-        mthd = REDUC_MEDIAN;
-    else if(_strcmpi(method, "min")==0)
-        mthd = REDUC_MIN;
-    else if(_strcmpi(method, "max")==0)
-        mthd = REDUC_MAX;
-    else if(_strcmpi(method, "gaussian")==0)
-        mthd = REDUC_GAUS;
-    else
-        mexErrMsgTxt("Method of resize not supported!");
-    int device = 0;
-    if(nrhs>4)
-        device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]));
-    imageOutDims = Vec<size_t>((Vec<double>(imageInDims)*reductionFactors).floor());
-    if(mxIsLogical(prhs[0]))
-    {
-        bool* imageIn, *imageOut;
-        setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageInDims, &imageIn);
-        setupOutputPointers(&(plhs[0]), imageOutDims, &imageOut);
-        resize(imageIn, imageInDims, reductionFactors, imageOutDims, mthd, &imageOut, device);
-    } else if(mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-    {
-        unsigned char* imageIn, *imageOut;
-        setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageInDims, &imageIn);
-        setupOutputPointers(&(plhs[0]), imageOutDims, &imageOut);
-        resize(imageIn, imageInDims, reductionFactors, imageOutDims, mthd, &imageOut, device);
-    } else if(mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-    {
-        unsigned short* imageIn, *imageOut;
-        setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageInDims, &imageIn);
-        setupOutputPointers(&(plhs[0]), imageOutDims, &imageOut);
-        resize(imageIn, imageInDims, reductionFactors, imageOutDims, mthd, &imageOut, device);
-    } else if(mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-    {
-        short* imageIn, *imageOut;
-        setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageInDims, &imageIn);
-        setupOutputPointers(&(plhs[0]), imageOutDims, &imageOut);
-        resize(imageIn, imageInDims, reductionFactors, imageOutDims, mthd, &imageOut, device);
-    } else if(mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-    {
-        unsigned int* imageIn, *imageOut;
-        setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageInDims, &imageIn);
-        setupOutputPointers(&(plhs[0]), imageOutDims, &imageOut);
-        resize(imageIn, imageInDims, reductionFactors, imageOutDims, mthd, &imageOut, device);
-    } else if(mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-    {
-        int* imageIn, *imageOut;
-        setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageInDims, &imageIn);
-        setupOutputPointers(&(plhs[0]), imageOutDims, &imageOut);
-        resize(imageIn, imageInDims, reductionFactors, imageOutDims, mthd, &imageOut, device);
-    } else if(mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-    {
-        float* imageIn, *imageOut;
-        setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageInDims, &imageIn);
-        setupOutputPointers(&(plhs[0]), imageOutDims, &imageOut);
-        resize(imageIn, imageInDims, reductionFactors, imageOutDims, mthd, &imageOut, device);
-    } else if(mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-    {
-        double* imageIn, *imageOut;
-        setupInputPointers(prhs[0], &imageInDims, &imageIn);
-        setupOutputPointers(&(plhs[0]), imageOutDims, &imageOut);
-        resize(imageIn, imageInDims, reductionFactors, imageOutDims, mthd, &imageOut, device);
-    } else
-    {
-        mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-    }
-std::string MexResize::check(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-    if (nrhs<3 || nrhs>5)
-        return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-    size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-    if(numDims>3||numDims<2)
-        return "Image can only be either 2D or 3D!";
-    size_t numElFac = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-    size_t numElSize = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]);
-    if(numElFac==0&&numElSize==0)
-        return "Either ResizeFactor of ExplicitSize must be set.";
-    if(!mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]) && (numElFac!=3||!mxIsDouble(prhs[1])))
-        return "Resize amounts have to be an array of three doubles!";
-    if(!mxIsEmpty(prhs[2]) &&(numElSize!=3||!mxIsDouble(prhs[2])))
-        return "ExplicitSize amounts have to be an array of three doubles!";
-    Vec<double> reductionFactors(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-    if(!mxIsEmpty(prhs[1]))
-    {
-        double* reductionD = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-        reductionFactors = Vec<double>(reductionD[0], reductionD[1], reductionD[2]);
-        if(reductionFactors.maxValue()>1)
-            return "Enlarging any dimension is currently not implemented!";
-    }
-    if(!mxIsEmpty(prhs[2]))
-    {
-        Vec<size_t> imageOutDims(0, 0, 0);
-        double* outDim = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[2]);
-        imageOutDims = Vec<size_t>(outDim[0], outDim[1], outDim[2]);
-        Vec<size_t> imageInDims(0, 0, 0);
-        double* inDim = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[0]);
-        imageInDims = Vec<size_t>(inDim[0], inDim[1], inDim[2]);
-        if (imageInDims>imageOutDims)
-            return "Enlarging any dimension is currently not implemented!";
-    }
-    return "";
-void MexResize::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs, std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-    inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-    inArgs.push_back("resizeFactor");
-    inArgs.push_back("explicitSize");
-    inArgs.push_back("method");
-    inArgs.push_back("device");
-    outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexResize::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-    helpLines.push_back("Resizes image using various methods.");
-    helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (logical,uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).");
-    helpLines.push_back("\tResizeFactor_rcz -- This represents the output size relative to input (r,c,z). Values less than one but greater than zero will reduce the image.");
-    helpLines.push_back("\t\tValues greater than one will enlarge the image. If this is an empty array, it will be calculated from the explicit resize.");
-    helpLines.push_back("\t\t\tIf both resizeFactor and explicitSize are both set, the explicitSize will be used.");
-    helpLines.push_back("\tExplicitSize_rcz -- This is the size that the output should be (r,c,z). If this is an empty array, then the resize factor is used.");
-    helpLines.push_back("\t\t\tIf both resizeFactor and explicitSize are both set, the explicitSize will be used.");
-    helpLines.push_back("\tMethod -- This is the neighborhood operation to apply when resizing (mean, median, min, max, gaussian).");
-    helpLines.push_back("\tDevice -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.");
-    helpLines.push_back("\tImageOut -- This will be a resize image the same type as the input image.");
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexSegment.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexSegment.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bf48399cb4fca2acb382de7c9abd273b0c456be9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexSegment.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "CHelpers.h"
-void MexSegment::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>3)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-	double alpha = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-	double* radiusMex = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> radius((size_t)radiusMex[0],(size_t)radiusMex[1],(size_t)radiusMex[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> kernDims;
-	float* kern = createEllipsoidKernel(radius,kernDims);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		segment(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,kernDims,kern,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		segment(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,kernDims,kern,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		segment(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,kernDims,kern,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		segment(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,kernDims,kern,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		segment(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,kernDims,kern,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		segment(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,kernDims,kern,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		segment(imageIn,imageDims,alpha,kernDims,kern,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexSegment::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<3 || nrhs>4)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Alpha has to be a single double!";
-	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]);
-	if (numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[2]))
-		return "Median neighborhood has to be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexSegment::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("alpha");
-	inArgs.push_back("MorphClosure");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexSegment::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tSegmentaion is done by applying an Otsu adaptive threshold (which can be modified by the alpha multiplier).\n";
-//\	msg += "\tA morphological closing is then applied using a ellipsoid neighborhood with the MorphClosure dimensions.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexStdFilter.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexStdFilter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c3a056f5b9b8be068885b3b7879e2449c60d09..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexStdFilter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexStdFilter::execute(int nlhs,mxArray* plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if(nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double* neighborhoodD = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> neighborhood((size_t)neighborhoodD[1],(size_t)neighborhoodD[0],(size_t)neighborhoodD[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if(mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		stdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		stdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		stdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		stdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		stdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		stdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		stdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,neighborhood,&imageOut,device);
-	} else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexStdFilter::check(int nlhs,mxArray* plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	if(nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if(nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if(numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numEl= mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-	if(numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Neighborhood has to be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexStdFilter::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("Neighborhood");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexStdFilter::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tNeighborhoodX, NeighborhoodY, and NeighborhoodZ are the directions and area to look for a given pixel.";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexSumArray.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexSumArray.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0789d31c807a0080eeb6ca0756dfc5544bf6b2a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexSumArray.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-void MexSumArray::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>1)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]));
-	double sm;
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		sm = (double)sumArray(imageIn,imageDims.product(),device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		sm = (double)sumArray(imageIn,imageDims.product(),device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		sm = (double)sumArray(imageIn,imageDims.product(),device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		sm = (double)sumArray(imageIn,imageDims.product(),device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		sm = (double)sumArray(imageIn,imageDims.product(),device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		sm = sumArray(imageIn,imageDims.product(),device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		sm = sumArray(imageIn,imageDims.product(),device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(sm);
-std::string MexSumArray::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<1 || nrhs>2)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one outputs!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	return "";
-void MexSumArray::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-void MexSumArray::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//\	std::string msg = "\tSums up all the values in the given image.\n";
-//\	msg += "\n";
-//\	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexThresholdFilter.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexThresholdFilter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a7288fa7aa6087ef2b2e3455b4e4a4e5d121ddb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexThresholdFilter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-void MexThresholdFilter::execute( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>2)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
-	double thresh = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		thresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,(unsigned char)thresh,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		thresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,(unsigned short)thresh,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		thresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,(short)thresh,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		thresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,(unsigned int)thresh,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		thresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,(int)thresh,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		thresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,(float)thresh,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,* imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		thresholdFilter(imageIn,imageDims,thresh,&imageOut,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexThresholdFilter::check( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) const
-	if (nrhs<2 || nrhs>3)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Threshold needs to be a single double!";
-	return "";
-void MexThresholdFilter::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("threshold");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-void MexThresholdFilter::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-//	std::string msg = "\tMaps any value >= thresh to the max value of the image space.";
-//	msg += "\tAll other values will be set at the minimum of the image space.\n";
-//	msg += "\n";
-//	return msg;
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexTileImage.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexTileImage.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eb18c14b51dae5994ae46a34e552f448bc50175..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexTileImage.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-void MexTileImage::execute(int nlhs,mxArray* plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if(nrhs>3)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]));
-	double* startsMat = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
-	Vec<size_t> starts(size_t(mat_to_c(startsMat[1])),size_t(mat_to_c(startsMat[0])),size_t(mat_to_c(startsMat[2])));
-	double* sizesMat = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> sizes((size_t)sizesMat[1],(size_t)sizesMat[0],(size_t)sizesMat[2]);
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if(mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		tileImage(imageIn,imageDims,starts,sizes,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		tileImage(imageIn,imageDims,starts,sizes,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		tileImage(imageIn,imageDims,starts,sizes,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		tileImage(imageIn,imageDims,starts,sizes,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		tileImage(imageIn,imageDims,starts,sizes,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		tileImage(imageIn,imageDims,starts,sizes,&imageOut,device);
-	} else if(mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn,*imageOut;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims,&plhs[0],&imageOut);
-		tileImage(imageIn,imageDims,starts,sizes,&imageOut,device);
-	} else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-std::string MexTileImage::check(int nlhs,mxArray* plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	if(nrhs<3 || nrhs>4)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if(nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one output!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if(numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	size_t numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
-	if(numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
-		return "Starts must be an array of three doubles!";
-	numEl = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]);
-	if(numEl!=3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[2]))
-		return "Sizes must be an array of three doubles!";
-	return "";
-void MexTileImage::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("roiStart");
-	inArgs.push_back("roiSize");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("imageOut");
-void MexTileImage::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-	helpLines.push_back("This will output an image that only consists of the region of interest indicated.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tImageIn -- can be an image up to three dimensions and of type (uint8,int8,uint16,int16,uint32,int32,single,double).");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tRoiStart -- this is the location of the first voxel in the region of interest (starting from the origin).  Must be the same dimension as imageIn.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tRoiSize -- this is how many voxels to include starting from roiStart. Must be the same dimension as imageIn.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tDevice -- this is an optional parameter that indicates which Cuda capable device to use.");
-	helpLines.push_back("\tImageOut -- this will be an image that only contains the region of interest indicated.");
diff --git a/src/c/Mex/MexVariance.cpp b/src/c/Mex/MexVariance.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e6e117c883e0038bbf8e3a25111ac62247dd554..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/c/Mex/MexVariance.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#include "MexCommand.h"
-#include "CWrappers.h"
-#include "Vec.h"
-void MexVariance::execute(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	int device = 0;
-	if (nrhs>1)
-		device = mat_to_c((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]));
-	double var;
-	Vec<size_t> imageDims;
-	if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned char* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		var = variance(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned short* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		var = variance(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		short* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		var = variance(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		unsigned int* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		var = variance(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		int* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		var = variance(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		float* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		var = variance(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0]))
-	{
-		double* imageIn;
-		setupImagePointers(prhs[0],&imageIn,&imageDims);
-		var = variance(imageIn,imageDims,device);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		mexErrMsgTxt("Image type not supported!");
-	}
-	plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(var);
-std::string MexVariance::check(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) const
-	if (nrhs<1 || nrhs>2)
-		return "Incorrect number of inputs!";
-	if (nlhs!=1)
-		return "Requires one outputs!";
-	size_t numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
-	if (numDims>3)
-		return "Image can have a maximum of three dimensions!";
-	return "";
-void MexVariance::usage(std::vector<std::string>& outArgs,std::vector<std::string>& inArgs) const
-	inArgs.push_back("imageIn");
-	inArgs.push_back("device");
-	outArgs.push_back("variance");
-void MexVariance::help(std::vector<std::string>& helpLines) const
-	helpLines.push_back("This will return the variance of an image.");
\ No newline at end of file